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  Desktop Organizer (PTBSync)
Organizer, Trayclock, Atomic Clock Synchronisation, Desktop Calendar
  HUD ECU Hacker
OBD Scanner for ECU's which are not OBD2 compliant
MPEG 2 video cutting software
Subtitle Editing and Sync Tool
  ElmüSoft Download page
High quality Software and online books


Interview with indian Guru
  Elmü's Internet Adressen Sammlung
Kommentierte Links zu allen Themen
Knallharte Fakten über Atomenergie
Infos über saubere Stromanbieter
Etliche Tipps zum Energiesparen
Geheimdienst hört weltweit Emails ab (schon 2000)
  Unsterbliche Indianer Häuptlinge
Eine seltene Krankheit der Handwurzel

If you move the mouse over a link on the left side
you will see further details here.
Atomic Clock Synchronization
-- Adjusts the PC clock with an accuracy of 1/50 second!
-- Fetching date and time from Atomic clock via internet.
-- Runs as service unter Win NT / 2000 / XP.
-- Drift compensation of Windows clock.

-- Scheduler / Alarm Clock.
-- Calculation of all Holidays (also islamic, jewish)

-- Replacement for the Windows Taskbar clock

Desktop calendar
-- Very nice calendar on the desktop.
-- can be moved with the mouse, 100% user-configurable

Print / Web calendar
-- Creation of a HTML Calendar for printing or webpage.

Suchmaschinen, Suche nach Büchern, CDs,
Telefonnummern, Zugverbindungen, Kino, Jobs,
Zeitungsartikeln, Telefon- und Internet Tarifen...

Kostenloses, Sicherheit und Anonymität im Internet,
Viren, Eltern und Kinder...

Soft & Hardware:
Software Suche, Cracks, Windows Tricks,
Treiber Suche, DVD, Stecker Belegungen...

Links für Programmierer, Medizin-Links, Bilder

Die Adressensammlung kann auch heruntergeladen
und auf der Festplatte installiert werden.

Ökostrom Anbieter im Vergleich
Kriterien, Umweltnutzen, Bau von Neuanlagen, Strommix, Transparenz, Preise
Desinformation durch die Medien, Arbeitsplätze, Kraft-Wärme-gekoppelte Anlagen
Gebäudesanierung, Plusenergiehaus, das Haus der Zukunft,
Sunmachine, Lion,
Sparen beim Heizen, Kochen, Warmwasser,
Vergleich diverser Elektrogeräte,
und unzählige Links...
Tschernobyl, Strahlenfolgen, Atomkraft - weltweit und in Europa, Rückstellungen, Wiederaufarbeitung, Zwischenlager, Plutonium, Castortransporte.
Liste unzähliger AKW Störfälle bis hin zu beihnahe-GAUs.
ist ein Spionagenetz, das weltweit Internet, Fax
und Telefon abhört.

Big Brother is watching you.
Ein erschreckender Artikel, ebenso Infos über PGP,
womit man seine Mails sicher verschlüsseln kann.

ElmüSoft Download page
-- Lots of interesting programs like:
    PTBSync, Proxomitron,
    Windows Cracks
-- Universal Startdisk,
-- 70 JavaScript Samples,
-- Online books for programmers,
-- documentationa and FAQs about SQL,
    Win32API and Winsock, C++
-- lots and lots of links
Buchtipp: Unsterbliche Indianer Häuptlinge.
Über die Indianer Nordamerikas
Die Lunatummalazie ist eine seltene Krankheit des Handgelenks, die oft von Ärzten nicht erkannt wird.
Ein Knochen der Handwurzel (das Mondbein) stirbt ab und löst sich im Verlauf von Monaten auf.
In der Handwurzel treten Schmerzen auf und die Beweglichkeit ist eingeschränkt.
Diese Seite erklärt für Laien und Mediziner die Krankheit, die Stadien und Operationsmethoden.
Interview with Papaji
Who Am I ?
Satsang with Sri H.W.L. Poonjaji, indian Guru.

Windows MultiEnhancer
This Patcher by ElmüSoft removes
annoying messageboxes in Outlook Express
and Internet Explorer, which ask you,
if you want to go Offline,

and enlarges the "File Open" window.

see this page below !

Book recommendation  The Continuum Concept
  In Search of Happiness Lost.   Classics in Human Development.

"If the world could be saved by a book, this just might be the book."

- John Holt -

In the jungle of Venezuela Jean Liedloff meets the Yequana-Indians.
Fascinated of "the happiest people I have ever seen" she lives with them for two and a half years and she finds the cause of their harmonic living together in the treatment of their children.
She discovers, that these indians still have a knowledge about the primal necessities of an infant, which is completely lost in our society.  She shows, how we treet babys wrong from their birth on. The consequences - like lack of trust, self-worth, spontaneity and dignity - are the normality in the western world.
She describes the life of the indians, whose babies don't cry, where siblings don't quarrel, where happiness is the normal feeling of life.  

The book is a "Must-have" for everyone who becomes parents, for every therapist and the ones who are interested psychology.

Parents, who utilize the knowledge of this book report that their children are much more social and cooperative than other children and that they don't need their parents attention all the time.
This book gives a deep insight into human nature and sanity.

Perseus Books Group,   220 pages,   16.00 $

Book recommendation  Life after life
  The Investigation of a Phenomenon - Survival of Bodily Death

The american physician Raymond Moody has spoken with people, who have been bodily dead for some minutes and who have been reanimated afterwards. In this book he describes the incredible experiences during "beeing dead": About people who left their physical body and who could exactly describe what has happened around them while they were dead, who moved through a "tunnel", have seen a bright light and a "flashback of their life" and much more.
Moody collected 150 cases and he found surprisingly similar elements in these stories. All these people were so deeply impressed by their near death experience that it changed their subsequent life.
In the same period other physicians from other countries (like for example Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, Swiss) discovered the same phenomenon independently from each other and published books about that.

Harpercollins,   175 pages,    14.00 $