Desktop Organizer (PTBSync)
Atomic clock synchronization, Organizer, Desktop calendar and Trayclock


Some of the chapters begin with a category-prefix: rel., cal. NL, België, ...
This is only done to bring the same type of chapters together.
You can always change the name of each file.

cal. = Calendars (very wide)
rel. = religions (very wide)

NL = file in Dutch (NOT the Netherlands) - only in the Dutch (Nederlands) part.
België = files with Belgian data (very wide) - only in the Dutch (Nederlands) part.
Nederland = files with data for the Netherlands (very wide) - only in the Dutch (Nederlands) part.
Kon. Fam. = Royal Family - only in the Dutch (Nederlands) part.

How correct are the mentioned data?

Nobody is perfect.
The data is checked very strictly.

Only data from reliable sources is added;
When data is added, it receives one star (*);
At the second reliable check it receives two stars (**);
At the third reliable check the stars are removed;
But, even then, some (mostly minor) errors are possible.

If you think a date is not correct, please check first the 'Basic information', there is mentioned where that date was found.
Don't forget: there is a lot of incorrect information on the internet!

If you have extra information: send me an email (please join proof files or links): dewaelheyns(a)

To permit you to find the information about the mentioned data there are indications added in the note's.
You can find that information in the here mentioned directory; the information is in it's original language.
The indication to the information begins with the sign ‘{‘ and ends with the sign ‘}’.
More than one indication is possible (ex. {xnd}):

Indications mentioned in the chapters of 'Holiday.txt'
{d} indicates: information in a daynote (ex. Januari 8 =d-01-08.doc)
{m} indicates: information in a monthnote (ex. 2nd Tuesday of February, >February =m-02.doc)
{y} indicates: information in the yearnote (ex. 12th Sunday of the year, =year.doc)
{e} indicates: information in the Easter-note (linked to Easter, ex. Ash Wednesday, =Easter.doc)
{j} indicates: information in the note on the Jewish dates (Jewish.doc)
{i} indicates: information in the note on the Islam dates (Islam.doc)
{c} indicates: information in the note on the Coptic dates (Coptic.doc)
{r} indicates: information in the note on the Iran dates (Iran.doc)
{h} indicates: information in the note on the Chinese calendar (Chinese.doc)
{u} indicates: information in the note on the Hindu dates (Hindu.doc)
{cy} indicates: information in the note with the Cyrillic language (Cyrillic.txt)
{gr} indicates: information in the note with the Greek language (Greek.txt)
{w} indicates: information in Wikipedia

You can (not) find this information (anymore) in: Holiday INFO

Due to a lack of available space, the proof-files are removed online.
You can obtain the files you want by email on a simple request at: dewaelheyns(a)

Indications mentioned in the chapters of 'Holiday.txt'
{x} indicates: there is a Excell-file (*.xls)
{n} indicates: there is a information-note about this subject (*.doc, *.txt, *.pdf)

You can ask me to send you these files by sending me a request by email: dewaelheyns(a)
The Excel application permits to discover the principles out of dates of different years.

'Moving Operations' or how exceptions are made


Tips & Tricks



Usually once a month files are added, modified, ...
You can see in the Directory date and hour of the last version of each file.

Why this data and not another?

Choices have to be made, and everyone makes his/her own choices.
This is my selection, you are free to make your own selections, or add them to the files on your own PC.