;Doomsday ;All doomsdays always occur on the same day of week ;This applies to both the Gregorian calendar A.D. and the Julian calendar ;YOU NEED MovingOperation_NE1, _NE2, _NE3, _NE4, _NE5, _NE6, _NE7 ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! ;If you find an error please contact: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com LANGUAGE=UTF8 IMAGE=Holiday_days.gif COMMENT=Updated December 14, 2009 \nAll doomsdays of the same year always occur on the same day of week 01.3.-1Dy-56Dy =Doomsday January #0000 01.3.-1Dy =Doomsday February #0000 ;Note=last day February 07.3. =Doomsday March #0000 04.4. =Doomsday April #0000 ;Note=same daynumber/monthnumber 09.5. =Doomsday May #0000 ;Note=mirror of 05.9. 06.6. =Doomsday June #0000 ;Note=same daynumber/monthnumber 11.7. =Doomsday July #0000 ;Note=mirror of 07.11. 08.8. =Doomsday August #0000 ;Note=same daynumber/monthnumber 05.9. =Doomsday September #0000 ;Note=mirror of 09.5. 10.10. =Doomsday October #0000 ;Note=same daynumber/monthnumber 07.11. =Doomsday November #0000 ;Note=mirror of 11.7. 12.12. =Doomsday December #0000 ;Note=same daynumber/monthnumber MOVE=Always 01.3.-1Dy-56Dy*NE1 =>all doomsdays #0000 on a Monday 01.3.-1Dy-56Dy*NE2 =>all doomsdays #0000 on a Tuesday 01.3.-1Dy-56Dy*NE3 =>all doomsdays #0000 on a Wednesday 01.3.-1Dy-56Dy*NE4 =>all doomsdays #0000 on a Thursday 01.3.-1Dy-56Dy*NE5 =>all doomsdays #0000 on a Friday 01.3.-1Dy-56Dy*NE6 =>all doomsdays #0000 on a Saturday 01.3.-1Dy-56Dy*NE7 =>all doomsdays #0000 on a Sunday ;These entries were added by: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com - http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ ;The abbreviations {d} {m} {e} {y} ... are explained on http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisEN.htm ;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doomsday_rule ;http://rudy.ca/doomsday.html