;USA-Alabama AL ;State of Alabama ;capital: Montgomery ;Time zone: Central: UTC-6/DST-5 ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! ;If you find an error please contact: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com LANGUAGE=UTF8 IMAGE=Holiday_US-Alabama.gif COMMENT=Updated October 18, 2015 TYP=Holy 01.1.+3Mo =Robert E. Lee's Birthday* ;Note=3th Monday January, along with Martin Luther King Day, Alabama State Code Section 1-3-8 01.2.+3Mo =Thomas Jefferson's Birthday* ;Note=3th Monday February, along with Washington's Birthday (Presidents' Day), Alabama State Code Section 1-3-8 01.4.+4Mo =Confederate Memorial Day ;Note=4th Monday April, Alabama State Code Section 1-3-8 {m} 01.6.+1Mo =Jefferson Davis' Birthday ;Note=June 3, 1808, observed 1st Monday June, Alabama State Code Section 1-3-8 {d-06-03} 01.10.+2Mo>1914 =#1914th Fraternal Day* ;Note=2nd Monday October, 1st 2nd Thursday oct. 1915, since 1930s along with Columbus Day, Alabama State Code Section 1-3-8 {m} TYP=Local Es-7Tu =Baldwin & Mobile Counties, Mardi Gras ;Note=legal holiday only in Baldwin & Mobile Counties, Alabama State Code Section 1-3-8 01.11.+2Mo>2008 =Perry County, #2008th Barack Obama Day* ;Note=1st 2009, County offices close {m} TYP=Normal ;yearly days 14.12.>1922 =#1922th Alabama Day, proclaimed Flag Flying Day ;Note=1st 1923, Admission to the Union (1819) {d} ;(remembrance) dates by year ;(French 1682–1762/63, British 1763-) Louisiana territory contained western part of present-day Alabama 03.3. =Mobile, 1st recorded Mardi Gras celebration in US #1699 years ago* ;Note=1699 {d} 07.4. =Mississippi Territory off. formed #1798 years ago ;Note=1798, previously land ceded to the United States by the State of Georgia, included Alabama {d} 14.5. =Mobile District of West Florida off. annexed to the US #1812 years ago* ;Note=1812, act of Congress, incorporated into Mississippi Territory, modern state of Alabama {d} 13.4. =Mobile District of West Florida occupied by the US #1813 years ago* ;Note=1813, off. annexed May 14, 1812, incorporated into Mississippi Territory, modern state of Alabama {d} 03.3. =Alabama Territory off. formed #1817 years ago* ;Note=1817, previously part of Mississippi Territory {d} 02.3. =Alabama Enabling Act #1819 years ago* ;Note=1819, authorizing formation of a State government & Admission thereafter {d} 14.12. =Alabama admitted to the Union #1819 years ago (22th state) ;Note=1819, Joint Resolution of Congress {d} 11.1. =1st Flag of Alabama flown #1861 years ago* ;Note=1861, >Feb. 10, 1861 {d} 11.1. =Alabama Secession ordinance #1861 years ago* ;Note=1861 {d} 08.2. =Alabama co-founded Confederate States of America (CSA) #1861 years ago* ;Note=1861 {d} 02.12. =Alabama ratifies 13th Amendment #1865 years ago (abolishing slavery)* ;Note=1865, 25th state {d} 02.3. =Third Military District formed #1867 years ago (Reconstruction Act)* ;Note=1867, Georgia, Alabama & Florida {d} 13.7. =Alabama readmitted to the Union #1868 years ago* ;Note=1868 {d} 15.4. =Montgomery, 1st US electric streetcar system #1886 years ago* ;Note=1886, Lightning Route {d} 16.2. =current Flag of Alabama adopted #1895 years ago* ;Note=1895 {d} 16.2. =Haleyville, 1st US emergency telephone number in use #1968 years ago (911)* ;Note=1968, 1st June 30, 1937 London {d} ;The entries for Alabama were added by: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com - http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ ;The abbreviations {d} {m} {e} {y} ... are explained on http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisEN.htm ;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_of_the_United_States ;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alabama ;http://www.legislature.state.al.us/codeofalabama/1975/1-3-8.htm ;State Names, Seals, Flags, and Symbols - ISBN 0-313-31534-5, page 155