;USA-Georgia GA ;State of Georgia ;capital: Atlanta ;Time zone: Eastern: UTC-5/-4 ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! ;If you find an error please contact: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com LANGUAGE=UTF8 IMAGE=Holiday_US-Georgia.gif COMMENT=Updated August 27, 2017 TYP=Holy 26.4. =Confederate Memorial Day ;Note=last Monday April ;30.4.-1Mo =Confederate Memorial Day ;Note=last Monday April TYP=Local 19.1. =Robert E. Lee's Birthday ;Note=may be celebrated other days (Friday after Thanksgiving, for example) 01.11.+4Th-1Dy =Robert E. Lee's Birthday ;Note=possible observance, day after Thanksgiving (if not on Jan. 19) TYP=Normal ;yearly days - observances 02.1. =Georgia Ratification Day, proclaimed Flag Flying Day ;Note=1788 {d} 01.2.+1Tu =Firefighter Appreciation Day* ;Note=1st Tuesday February 01.2.+1Th =Girls & Women in Sports Day* ;Note=1st Thursday February 01.2.+2Mo =Law Enforcement Officer Appreciation Day* ;Note=2nd Monday February 01.2.+3Fr =Georgia Arbor Day* ;Note=3th Friday February {m} 12.2. =Georgia Day (James Edward Oglethorpe Day) ;Note=1733 landing James Edward Oglethorpe & coloninsts at Savannah {d} 09.4. =Former Prisoners of War Recognition Day* 26.4. =Confederate Memorial Day* 15.5. =Peace Officer Memorial Day* 01.10.+1Su =Children's Day* ;Note=1st Sunday October 01.10.+2Th =Bird Day* ;Note=2nd Thursday October 15.12. =Bill of Rights Day* ;(remembrance) dates by year 08.10. =San Miguel de Gualdape, 1st temporary European settlement #1526 years ago* ;Note=1526, Lucas Vázquez de Ayllón, Sapelo Sound, landed first Winyah Bay (29.9.1526), lasted till the end of the year 1526 {d} ;British Thirteen North American colonies, Southern Colonies, Province of Georgia, later Georgia 09.6. =Royal charter granted for the colony of Georgia #1732 years ago* ;Note=1732, to James Oglethorpe, arrival Feb. 12, 1733 {d} 12.2. =113 settlers landed in the HMS Anne at what was to become the city of Savannah #1733 years ago ;Note=1733 {d} 26.2. =Georgia's General Assembly ratifies Articles of Confederation #1778 years ago* ;Note=1778, off. signature July 24, 1778 {d} 24.7. =Philadelphia PA, delegates Georgia signed Articles of Confederation #1778 years ago* ;Note=1778, ratification Feb. 26, 1778 {d} 02.1. =Georgia off. ratifies US Constitution #1788 years ago (4th state) ;Note=1788, Unanimous vote - 26-0 {d} ;19.12.1823, the first birth registratin law (state) was passed by the State of Georgia. It required the "clerks of the court of ordinary, in each county respectively to enter and register in a book" the dates of births of all persons upon due proof made by affidavit or oath. The clerk was entitled to charge twenty-five cents for each registration. (Georgia Law, Extract General Appropriation Bill, Page 192, Approved December 19, 1823) 21.2. =New Echota, 1st US newspaper by Native Americans in a Native American language #1828 years ago* ;Note=1828, The Cherokee Phoenix (Tsalagi Tsulehisanvhi) {d} 19.1. =Georgia Secession ordinance #1861 years ago* ;Note=1861 {d} 08.2. =Georgia co-founded Confederate States of America (CSA) #1861 years ago* ;Note=1861 {d} 06.12. =Georgia ratifies 13th Amendment #1865 years ago (abolishing slavery)* ;Note=1865, 27th state {d} 02.3. =Third Military District formed #1867 years ago (Reconstruction Act)* ;Note=1867, Georgia, Alabama & Florida {d} 15.7. =Georgia readmitted to the Union #1870 years ago* ;Note=1870 {d} 08.5. =current Flag of Georgia adopted #2003 years ago* ;Note=2003 {d} ;The entries for Georgia were added by: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com - http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ ;The abbreviations {d} {m} {e} {y} ... are explained on http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisEN.htm ;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_of_the_United_States ;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_%28U.S._state%29 ;http://www2.georgia.gov/00/channel_modifieddate/0,2096,4802_64437763,00.html ;http://www2.georgia.gov/00/article/0,2086,4802_64437763_67467812,00.html ;State Names, Seals, Flags, and Symbols - ISBN 0-313-31534-5, page 161