;USA-Minnesota MN ;State of Minnesota ;capital: Saint Paul ;Time zone: Central: UTC-6/-5 ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! ;If you find an error please contact: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com LANGUAGE=UTF8 IMAGE=Holiday_US-Minnesota.gif COMMENT=Updated October 14, 2014 TYP=Local 01.10.+2Mo =Minneapolis, Indigenous Peoples Day ;Note=1st 2014, celebrated in lieu of Columbus Day (2nd Monday October) {m} ;yearly days 30.4.-1Fr =Minnesota Arbor Day* ;Note=last Friday April {m} 11.5. =Minnesota Admission Day, proclaimed Flag Flying Day ;Note=1858 {d} 01.6.+3Tu =#1912th Minnesota Good Roads Day* ;Note=3rd Tuesday June, 1st 1913 {m} 04.7.>2001 =#2001th Indivisible Day* ;Note=1st 2002, importance of separation of church and state {d} 01.8.+1Su =American Family Day* ;Note=1st Sunday August ;(remembrance) dates by year ;(French 1682–1762/63, British 1763-) Louisiana territory contained parts of present-day Minnesota (east & north of the Mississippi River) ;(French 1682–1762 & 1802–1804, Spanish 1762-1802) Louisiana territory contained parts of present-day Minnesota (west of the Mississippi River) 09.4. =La Louisiane claimed for France #1682 years ago* ;Note=1682, René-Robert Cavelier Sieur de la Salle, administrative district of New France {d} 13.7. =Northwest Territory formed #1787 years ago (Northwest Ordinance)* ;Note=1787, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, northeastern part of Minnesota {d} 13.7. =slavery banned in Northwest Territory #1787 years ago (Northwest Ordinance)* ;Note=1787, modern states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin & northeastern part of Minnesota {d} 20.4. =Wisconsin Territory organized #1836 years ago* ;Note=1836, eff. July 3, 1836, previously part of Michigan Territory, present states of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa & the eastern portion of the Dakotas {d} 03.7. =Wisconsin Territory off. formed #1836 years ago ;Note=1836, Act Apr. 20, 1836, previously part of Michigan Territory, present states of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa & the eastern portion of the Dakotas {d} 03.3. =Minnesota Territory off. formed #1849 years ago ;Note=1849, carved from part of Wisconsin Territory & a portion of the unorganized so-called 'Indian country' of old Missouri Territory {d} 26.2. =Minnesota Enabling Act #1857 years ago* ;Note=1857, authorizing formation of a State government alone {d} 11.5. =Minnesota off. admitted to the Union #1858 years ago (32nd state) ;Note=1858, Act of Congress {d} 23.2. =Minnesota ratifies 13th Amendment #1865 years ago (abolishing slavery)* ;Note=1865, 17th state {d} 14.5. =Hibbing, start Hibbing Transportation Co. #1914 years ago (>Greyhound Lines)* ;Note=1914 {d} ;The entries for Minnesota were added by: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com - http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ ;The abbreviations {d} {m} {e} {y} ... are explained on http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisEN.htm ;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_of_the_United_States ;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minnesota ;State Names, Seals, Flags, and Symbols - ISBN 0-313-31534-5, page 170