;USA-Texas TX ;State of Texas ;capital: Austin ;Time zones ; - most of state: Central: UTC-6/-5 ; - tip of West Texas: Mountain: UTC-7/-6 ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! ;If you find an error please contact: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com LANGUAGE=UTF8 IMAGE=Holiday_US-Texas.gif COMMENT=Updated February 20, 2015 TYP=Holy 19.1.>1931 =#1931th Confederate Veterans/Heroes Day* ;Note=1st 1932, in honor of Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee & other Confederate heroes, Government Code § 662.003 {d} 02.3. =Texas Independance Day* ;Note=March 2, 1836 adoption Texas Declaration of Independence, Government Code § 662.003 {d} 21.4. =San Jacinto Day* ;Note=1836 final battle Texas Revolution, Government Code § 662.003 {d} 19.6.>1979 =#1979th Emancipation Day in Texas/Juneteenth ;Note=1st off. 1980, announcement abolition of slavery in Texas, Government Code § 662.003 {d} 27.8.>1972 =#1972th Lyndon Baines Johnson Day** ;Note=1st 1973, birthday U.S. President Lyndon Baines Johnson (1908), Government Code § 662.003 {d} 01.11.%1980,2+1Mo+1Tu =Election Day (Federal, even years) ;Note=Tuesday after the 1st Monday November, all Representatives & 1/3 of the Senate {m} 01.11.+4Th+1Dy>1980 =#1980th Friday after Thanksgiving Day ;Note=1st 1981, Government Code § 662.003 24.12.>1980 =#1980th Christmas Eve ;Note=1st 1981, Government Code § 662.003 26.12.>1980 =#1980th Day after Christmas ;Note=1st 1981, Government Code § 662.003 TYP=Local ;optional holiday: day off with pay in lieu of any other state holiday that occurs on a weekday on which the state agency is required to be open (minimum level) Es-2Dy>1987 =#1987th Good Friday (optional holiday) ;Note=1st 1988, Government Code § 662.003 {Jewish 01.1.} =Rosh Hashanah (optional holiday) ;Note=Government Code § 662.003 {Jewish 02.1.} =Rosh Hashanah (optional holiday) ;Note=Government Code § 662.003 {Jewish 10.1.} =Yom Kippur (optional holiday) ;Note=Government Code § 662.003 31.3.>1999 =#1999th César Chávez's birthday (optional holiday) ;Note=1st 2000, Government Code § 662.013 TYP=Normal ;yearly days - observances 01.1.+2Tu =Volunteers for Democracy Day* ;Note=2nd Tuesday January, Government Code § 662.053 06.1. =Sam Rayburn Day* ;Note=Government Code § 662.041 26.1. =Mirabeau B. Lamar Day* ;Note=honours Mirabeau B. Lamar, 2nd President Texas Republic 19.2. =State of Texas Anniversary Remembrance Day (STAR Day)* ;Note=1846 Texas joining the Union, Government Code § 662.047 01.3. =1st day Texas History Month* ;Note=March, Government Code § 662.102 02.3.-1Su =1st day Texas Week* ;Note=week in which March 2 is contained 02.3. =Texas Independence Day* ;Note=1836 signing Texas Declaration of Independence 02.3. =Texas Flag Day* ;Note=Texas Independence Day, Government Code § 662.048 06.3.>1896 =#1896th Alamo (Heroes) Day* ;Note=1st 1897, end seige of the Alamo by the Mexicans on March 6, 1836 {d} 27.3. =Goliad Heroes Day* ;Note=1836 29.3. =Texas Loves The Children Day* ;Note=Precedes the start of National Child Abuse Prevention Month (April) {d} 01.4. =1st day Texas Fruit and Vegetable Month* ;Note=April, Government Code § 662.103 01.4. =1st day Child Safety Month* ;Note=April, Government Code § 662.103 09.4. =Former Prisoners of War Recognition Day* ;Note=Government Code § 662.042 ;12.4. =Texas Territory Day* (?) ;Note=1844 {d} 19.4. =1st day Texas Conservation & Beautification Week (> Apr. 26)* 21.4.>1921 =#1921th Aggie Muster Day* ;Note=1st off. 1922 {d} 26.4. =Confederate Memorial Day* ;Note=local communities & Southern historical organizations 30.4.-1Fr =Texas Arbor Day* ;Note=last Friday April {m} 01.5.+2We =Public School Paraprofessional Day* ;Note=2nd Wednesday May, Government Code § 662.049 01.5.+3Fr-1Su =1st day Transportation Week (7d)* ;Note=week including 3th Friday May, Government Code § 662.151 01.5.+3Fr+1Sa =7th & last day Transportation Week* ;Note=week including 3th Friday May, Government Code § 662.151 22.5. =1st day Intern. Trade Awareness Week (5d) ;Note=Government Code § 662.043 22.5. =5th & last day Intern. Trade Awareness Week ;Note=Government Code § 662.043 20.6.>1995 =#1995th Audie Murphy Day* ;Note=1st 1996 {d} 01.7. =1st day Buffalo Soldiers Heritage Month* ;Note=July, Government Code § 662.101 01.8.+2Su =Texas Parents Day* ;Note=2nd Sunday August, Government Code § 662.046 12.8. =Texas Pioneers' Day* 26.8. =Women's Independence Day* ;Note=1920 ratification 19th Amendment, Government Code § 662.051 27.8. =Petroleum Day* ;Note={d} 01.9.+2Su =1st day Obesity Awareness Week (7d) ;Note=2nd full week September, Government Code § 662.152 01.9.+2Su+1Sa =7th & last day Obesity Awareness Week ;Note=2nd full week September, Government Code § 662.152 01.9.+3Sa =Texian Navy Day* ;Note=Government Code § 662.052 11.9. =Texas First Responders Day* ;Note=Government Code § 662.050 29.9. =French Legation Day* ;Note=signing treaty France-Republic of Texas 01.10.+1Tu>1983 =Texas, #1983th National Night Out* ;Note=1st 1984, all other states: 1st Tuesday August {m} 02.10. =Gonzales Day* ;Note=1835 1st skirmish fought in the Texas War for Independence 01.11.+4Th-1Sa =Texas Adoption Day* ;Note=Saturday before Thanksgiving Day, Government Code § 662.053 01.11. =1st day Lung Cancer Awareness Month* ;Note=November, Government Code § 662.104 03.11. =Father of Texas Day/Stephen F. Austin's Day* ;Note=1793 birth Stephen F. Austin, Government Code § 662.045 06.11. =DRT Founder's Day* ;Note=1891 07.11. =Stephen F. Austin Day* ;Note=pays honour to the "Father of Texas," Stephen F. Austin 10.12. =Siege and Battle of Bexar Day* ;Note=Texas army successfully defeated Mexican army at San Antonio 20.12. =First Flag of Texas Independence Day* ;Note=Goliad 'Bloody-Arm' flag raised following signing Goliad Declaration of Independence {d} 29.12. =Texas Admission Day, proclaimed Flag Flying Day ;Note=1845 {d} ;local 26.12.>2008 =Houston, #2008th Mauro Hamza Day* ;Note=1st 2009 {d} ;(remembrance) dates by year ;Texas: New Spain ( -1821), Mexico (1821-1836), independent Republic of Texas (1836-1845), 1845 United States annexed the Republic of Texas ;New Spain (1519–1821) territory contained part of present-day Texas (Nueva Extremadura & Santa Fe de Nuevo México) 06.11. =1st known European set foot on Texas #1528 years ago* ;Note=1528, Shipwrecked Spanish conquistador Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca {d} 20.2. =French colonists landed at Matagorda Bay #1685 years ago* ;Note=1685, René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle {d} 07.11. =San Felipe de Austin, 1st Texas provisional government formed #1835 jaar geleden* ;Note=1835 {d} 20.12. =Goliad Declaration of Independence signed #1835 years ago* ;Note=1835 {d} 02.3. =Texas declared independent republic #1836 years ago (from Mexico)* ;Note=1836, Declaration of Independence, >29.12.1845 {d} 21.4. =Battle of San Jacinto #1836 years ago (final battle Revolution)* ;Note=1836, General Sam Houston {d} 30.8. =Houston founded #1836 years ago* ;Note=1836, brothers Augustus Chapman Allen & John Kirby Allen, incorp. June 5, 1837 {d} 10.12. =1st Flag of Texas (Burnet Flag) adopted #1836 years ago* ;Note=1836, >Jan. 24, 1839 {d} 05.6. =Houston incorporated #1837 years ago* ;Note=1837, founded Aug. 30, 1836 {d} 24.1. =current Flag of Texas (Lone Star Flag) adopted #1839 years ago* ;Note=1839 {d} 12.4. =US President sings annexation of Texas #1844 years ago (June 8, 1844 rejected by Senate)* ;Note=1844 {d} 01.3. =Republic of Texas off. annexed to the United States #1845 years ago* ;Note=1845, bill signed by President John Tyler, form. accepted by Texas July 4, 1845 {d} 23.6. =consent Congress of Texas with US annexation #1845 years ago* ;Note=1845, eff Dec. 29, 1845 {d} 04.7. =Republic of Texas formaly accepted annexation to the United States #1845 years ago* ;Note=1845, Act of Congress March 1, 1845 {d} 29.12. =Texas off. admitted to the Union #1845 years ago (28th state) ;Note=1845, Joint Resolution of Congress {d} 19.2. =off. transfer of power Republic of Texas> State of Union #1846 years ago ;Note=1846, government formally installed in Austin {d} 02.2. =Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, Mexico gave up any claim to Texas #1848 years ago* ;Note=1848 {d} 01.2. =Texas Secession ordinance #1861 years ago* ;Note=1861 {d} 02.3. =Texas admitted to Confederate States of America (CSA) #1861 years ago* ;Note=1861 {d} 02.3. =Fifth Military District formed #1867 years ago (Reconstruction Act)* ;Note=1867, Texas & Louisiana {d} 18.2. =Texas ratifies 13th Amendment #1870 years ago (abolishing slavery)* ;Note=1870, 33th state {d} 30.3. =Texas readmitted to the Union #1870 years ago* ;Note=1870 {d} 04.10. =Agricultural & Mechanical College of Texas opened #1876 years ago (1963 >Texas A & M University)* ;Note=1876 {d} 10.1. =Beaumond-Spindletop, 1st major oil well drilled #1901 years ago* ;Note=1901 {d} 10.2. =Texas Technological College chartered #1923 years ago (1969 >Texas Tech University)* ;Note=1923, opened fall 1925 {d} 02.8. =Dallas, 1st Hilton-hotel #1925 years ago** ;Note=1925, Conrad Hilton {d} 18.4. =Fort Worth, open. 1st self-service laundry (worldwide) #1934 years ago* ;Note=1934, J. F. Cantrell, Washateria {d} 26.3. =Crystal City, statue of Popeye erected #1937 years ago* ;Note=1937 {d} ;The entries for Texas were added by: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com - http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ ;The abbreviations {d} {m} {e} {y} ... are explained on http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisEN.htm ;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_of_the_United_States ;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas ;http://tlo2.tlc.state.tx.us/cgi-bin/cqcgi?CQ_SESSION_KEY=ARZNCBCQQLGX&CQ_QUERY_HANDLE=127843&CQ_CUR_DOCUMENT=6&CQ_TLO_DOC_TEXT=YES ;http://www.alamodescendants.org/Htm%20Pages/TX%20Memorial%20Days.htm ;http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~txilcdrt/Texas_Honor_Days.htm ;http://www.tsl.state.tx.us/ref/abouttx/holidays.html ;http://www.dfps.state.tx.us/ComeWorkForUs/holidays.asp ;State Names, Seals, Flags, and Symbols - ISBN 0-313-31534-5, page 182