;USA-dates ;(remembrance) dates by year ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! ;If you find an error please contact: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com ;Only interested in one or a few of the mentioned days? ;You can import one or a few days to your 'organiser', without making the whole chapter active, by pointing with your cursor on that day in the 'special days' window of the PTBSync-program. LANGUAGE=UTF8 IMAGE=Holiday_USA.gif COMMENT=Updated November 1, 2018 15.10. =(NS) Spanish North America, adoption Gregorian calendar #1582 years ago** ;Note=Oct. 4, 1582 Jul. (OS) followed by Oct. 15, 1582 Greg. (NS), same date as Spain {d} 25.6. =Massachusetts Bay Colony, fork introduced in America #1630 years ago* ;Note=1630, Governor John Winthrop {d} 13.12. =Massachusetts Bay Colony, order est. English Colonial government militias #1636 years ago* ;Note=1636, order General Court Massachusetts Bay Colony, reorganizing local militias in 3 Regiments, >National Guard (1824 New York, 1903/1916 nationwide) {d} 17.2. =Royal patent granted to establ. 1st postal service American colonies #1691 years ago* ;Note=1691, Their Majesties William & Mary to Thomas Neale {d} 24.4. =British North America, 1st continuously-published weekly newspaper #1704 years ago* ;Note=1704, Boston News-Letter {d} 31.3. =New York City, 1st public hospital British American colonies founded #1736 years ago* ;Note=1736, Bellevue Hospital Center {d} 01.1. =(OS) British North America, Januari 1 >Newyear #1752 years ago (begin civil year)* ;Note=1752, Jan. 12 Greg. (NS), Act of Parliament Mar. 18, 1751 (OS), Sep. 3, 1752 (OS) >Greg. calendar {d} 12.1. =(NS) British North America, Januari 1 >Newyear #1752 years ago (begin civil year)* ;Note=1752, Jan. 1 Jul. (OS), Act of Parliament Mar. 18, 1751 (OS), Sep. 14, 1752 (NS) >Greg. calendar {d} 14.9. =(NS) British North America, adoption Gregorian calendar #1752 years ago ;Note=Sep. 2, 1752 Jul. (OS) followed by Sep. 14, 1752 Greg. (NS), Act of Parliament Mar. 18, 1751 (OS) {d} 03.11. =Fontainebleau, secret treaty French Louisiana >Spain #1762 years ago* ;Note=1762, Treaty of Fontainebleau, ratified by Spain Nov. 13.1762, >Oct. 1, 1800 {d} 10.2. =Paris, treaty Canada & eastern half French Louisiana >Britain #1763 years ago* ;Note=1763, area from the Mississippi River to the Appalachian Mountains, Treaty of Paris {d} 10.2. =Paris, treaty Florida Spain >Britain #1763 years ago* ;Note=1763, Treaty of Paris (1763), >British East & West Florida, >Sept. 3, 1783 {d} 22.3. =Act 1st British tax on the colonies of British America #1765 years ago** ;Note=1765, Stamp Act, eff. Nov. 1, 1765, repealed March 18, 1766 {d} 18.3. =Act British American colonies subordinated to Great Britain #1766 years ago** ;Note=1766, Declaratory Act {d} ;1st Continental Congress, Carpenters' Hall, Philadelphia PA, Pennsylvania: September 5, 1774 >October 24, 1774 05.9. =Philadelphia PA, 1st meeting 1st Continental Congress #1774 years ago (>Oct. 26, 1774)* ;Note=1774, Carpenter's Hall {d} 20.10. =Philadelphia PA, 1st Continental Congress drafted Articles of Association #1774 years ago* ;Note=1774 {d} ;2nd Continental Congress, May 10, 1775 >March 1, 1781 ;2nd Continental Congress, Independence Hall, Philadelphia PA, Pennsylvania: May 10, 1775 >December 12, 1776 10.5. =Philadelphia PA, 1st meeting 2nd Continental Congress #1775 years ago* ;Note=1775 {d} 10.5. =1st issue of paper money #1775 years ago (Continental currency)* ;Note=1775, 2nd Continental Congress {d} ;United Colonies, June 7, 1775 >Sept. 9, 1776 (>United States) 07.6. ='United Colonies' proclaimed #1775 years ago ;Note=1775, 2nd Continental Congress, Sept. 9, 1776 >United States {d} 14.6. =American Continental Army establ. #1775 years ago ;Note=1775, resolution of the 2nd Continental Congress, absorbed New England Colonial Militia, off. disbanded June 2, 1784 {d} 22.6. =United Colonies, 1st Continental currency issued #1775 years ago* ;Note=1775, 2nd Continental Congress {d} 26.7. =United Colonies, Post Office created #1775 years ago* ;Note=1775, decree 2nd Continental Congress, Benjamin Franklin >1st Postmaster General, >Post Office Department (Feb. 20, 1792) {d} 27.7. =Medical Service of the Continental Army established #1775 years ago* ;Note=1775, 2nd Continental Congress, >May 28, 1789 {d} 23.8. =Great Britain, Proclamation of Rebellion #1775 years ago* ;Note=1775, King George III, declared elements of the American colonies in a state of "open and avowed rebellion" {d} 02.9. =United Colonies, 1st armed American naval vessel commissioned #1775 years ago* ;Note=1775, schooner Hannah, commissioned by General George Washington, active 5 September 1775 >10 October 1775, claimed to be the founding vessel of the United States Navy {d} 13.10. =2nd Continental Congress authorized 2 armed vessels & est. Naval Committee #1775 years ago* ;Note=1775, off. disbanded June 2, 1784 {d} 10.11. =2nd Continental Congress creates 2 battalions of Continental Marines #1775 years ago* ;Note=1775, resolution, off. disbanded June 2, 1784 {d} 15.5. =Resolution Virginia Convention proposes independence United Colonies #1776 years ago* ;Note=1776, >June 7, 1776 Resolution of Independence {d} 07.6. =Resolution of Independence United Colonies proposed #1776 years ago (Lee Resolution) ;Note=1776, Richard Henry Lee, approved July 2, 1776 {d} 28.6. =final draft Declaration of Independence submitted #1776 years ago* ;Note=1776, 2nd Continental Congress, drafted by Thomas Jefferson, began June 11 {d} ;Independence, July 4, 1776 >March 1, 1781 02.7. =Resolution of Independence approved #1776 years ago** ;Note=1776, 2nd Continental Congress, Declaration on July 4, 1776 {d} 04.7. =Declaration of Independence adopted #1776 years ago** ;Note=1776, Resolution on July 2, 1776 {d} 19.7. =Declaration of Independence declared adopted unanimous #1776 years ago* ;Note=1776, New York Convention approved on July 9, 1776 {d} 02.8. =Philadelphia PA, Declaration of Independence off. signed #1776 years ago** ;Note=1776, 2nd Continental Congress, adopted July 4, 1776 {d} 09.9. ='United Colonies' renamed 'United States' #1776 years ago ;Note=1776, 2nd Continental Congress, United Colonies since June 7, 1775 {d} ;2nd Continental Congress, Henry Fite House, Baltimore MD, Maryland: December 20, 1776 >February 27, 1777 ;2nd Continental Congress, Independence Hall, Philadelphia PA, Pennsylvania: March 4, 1777 >September 18, 1777 14.6. =2nd Continental Congres passed the Flag Resolution #1777 years ago ;Note=1777, 1st off. Flag of the USA, 13 stripes/stars, Jan. 13, 1794 >15 stripes/stars, Apr. 4, 1818 >fix 13 stripes/1 star for each state {d} ;2nd Continental Congress, Court House, Lancaster PA, Pennsylvania: September 27, 1777 (one day) ;2nd Continental Congress, Court House, York PA, Pennsylvania: September 30, 1777 >June 27, 1778 15.11. =Articles of Confederation & Perpetual Union adopted #1777 years ago* ;Note=1777, 2nd Continental Congres, ratified March 1, 1781 {d} 04.6. =Headquarters Secret Service est. #1778 years ago (1st)* ;Note=1778, >Secret Service {d} ;2nd Continental Congress, Independence Hall, Philadelphia PA, Pennsylvania: July 2, 1778 >March 1, 1781 23.3. =France, 1st US ambassador #1779 years ago* ;Note=1779, Benjamin Franklin presented his credentials to King Louis XVI {d} 10.1. =1st Dept. of Foreign Affairs #1781 years ago* ;Note=1781, Confederation, July 27, 1789 >Federal agency {d} ;Confederation, March 1, 1781 >March 4, 1789 ;Articles of Confederation, Independence Hall, Philadelphia PA, Pennsylvania: March 1, 1781 >June 21, 1783 01.3. =Articles of Confederation & Perpetual Union ratified #1781 years ago* ;Note=1781, adopt. Nov. 15, 1777 {d} 01.3. =1st meeting Confederation Congress #1781 years ago (>March 4, 1789)* ;Note=1781 {d} 10.5. =formal surrender British West Florida >Spain #1781 years ago* ;Note=1781, Siege of Pensacola {d} 19.10. =Yorktown, last military activity American Revolutionary War on land #1781 years ago* ;Note=1781, Lord Cornwallis's army surrenders to George Washington {d} 04.1. =open. 1st de facto central bank #1782 year ago (Bank of North America)* ;Note=1782, chartered May 26, 1781 {d} 20.6. =Confederation Congress approved design Great Seal of the United States #1782 years ago* ;Note=1782, Charles Thomson {d} 20.6. =Confederation Congress adopts Bald Eagle as national bird/symbol of the United States #1782 years ago* ;Note=1782 {d} 16.9. =1st use of the Great Seal of the United States #1782 years ago ;Note=1782, Charles Thomson {d} 18.10. =Confederation Congress Ordinance, Federal monopoly on mail #1782 years ago* ;Note=1782 {d} 04.2. =Great Britain declared formal cessation of hostilities Great Britain/US #1783 years ago* ;Note=1783, Cornwall’s Proclamation of Cessation of Hostilities, King George III, US 11/19.4.1783 {d} 11.4. =United States, cessation of hostilities US/Great Britain voted by Confederation Congress #1783 years ago* ;Note=1783, off. proclaimed 19.4.1783 (12:00), Great Britain 04.2.1783 {d} 19.4. =Confederation Congress ratifies preliminary peace treaty with Great Britain #1783 years ago* ;Note=1783, Treaty of Paris signed Nov. 30, 1782 {d} 19.4. =United States, cessation of hostilities US/Great Britain off. proclaimed #1783 years ago (12:00)* ;Note=1783, voted in Congress Apr. 11, 1783, Great Britain 04.2.1783 {d} 30.5. =Philadelphia PA, 1st continuously published newspaper #1783 years ago* ;Note=1783, Pennsylvania Evening Post, Benjamin Town {d} ;Articles of Confederation, Nassau Hall, Princeton NJ, New Jersey: June 30, 1783 >November 4, 1783 03.9. =Paris, peace treaty US/Great Britain signed #1783 years ago ;Note=1783, off. operative May 12, 1784, preliminary peace Nov. 30, 1782 {d} 03.9. =Paris, treaty British East & West Florida >Spain #1783 years ago* ;Note=1783, Treaty of Paris (1783), without any clearly defined northern boundary, >Feb. 22, 1821 {d} ;Articles of Confederation, Maryland State House, Annapolis MD, Maryland: November 26, 1783 to August 19, 1784 14.1. =Annapolis MD, Congress ratifies Peace Treaty with Great Britain #1784 years ago* ;Note=1784, sign. Sept. 3, 1783 {d} 12.5. =Paris, peace treaty US/Great Britain off. operative #1784 years ago ;Note=1784, exch. ratifications, signed Sept. 3, 1783, preliminary peace Nov. 30, 1782 {d} 02.6. =Confederation Congress eliminated last regiment of infantry Continental Army #1784 years ago ;Note=1784, leaving only 80 artillerymen {d} 03.6. =Confederation Congress created United States Army #1784 years ago ;Note=1784, resolution {d} 03.6. =oldest Regular Army infantry regiment constituted #1784 years ago (1st American Regiment)** ;Note=1784, >3rd US Infantry {d} ;14.6. =Confederation Congress creates United States Army #1784 years ago* ;Note=1784, replaced disbanded Continental Army (June 14, 1775>1783) {d} 23.6. =Baltimore MD, 1st US (tethered) manned balloon flight #1784 years ago* ;Note=1784, 13-year-old Edward Warren {d} ;Articles of Confederation, French Arms Tavern, Trenton NJ, New Jersey: November 1, 1784 >December 24, 1784 ;Articles of Confederation, City Hall (Federal Hall), New York City NY, New York: January 11, 1785 >Autumn 1788 06.7. =Confederation Congress, money unit >Dollar with decimal coins #1785 years ago* ;Note=1785 {d} 08.8. =Confederation Congress adopts US monetary system #1786 years ago* ;Note=1786, adopts silver-containing standard for the decimal Dollar (decided July 6, 1785) {d} 25.5. =Philadelphia, Constitutional Convention begins #1787 years ago** ;Note=1787, George Washington presiding, state house (Independence Hall) {d} 21.6. =Constitution de facto into effect #1788 years ago* ;Note=1788, ratification by 9th state (New Hampshire), form. announcement 02.7.1788 {d} 02.7. =form. announcement Constitution into effect #1788 years ago* ;Note=1788, 21.6.1788 ratification by 9th state (New Hampshire) {d} 07.1. =1st election for electors for President #1789 years ago** ;Note=1789, vote for President Feb. 4, 1789, Confederation Congress {d} 04.2. =1st electors for President vote for President #1789 years ago* ;Note=1789, electors for President elected Jan. 7, 1789, Confederation Congress {d} ;United States, March 4, 1789 ;United States Constitution, Federal Hall, New York City NY, New York: March 4, 1789 >December 5, 1790 04.3. =Constitution became operative #1789 years ago* ;Note=1789, Confederation Congress {d} 04.3. =Constitution became off. operative #1789 years ago* ;Note=1789, Confederation Congress, 1st quorum/meeting US House of Representatives Apr. 1, 1789, 1st quorum/meeting US Senate Apr. 6, 1789 {d} 01.4. =New York City, US House of Representatives 1st full meeting #1789 years ago* ;Note=1789, off. operative March 4, 1789, 1st achieved a quorum & elected its officers {d} 06.4. =New York City, US Senate 1st full meeting #1789 years ago* ;Note=1789, off. operative March 4, 1789, 1st achieved a quorum & elected its officers {d} 06.4. =New York City, 1st votes 1st election President off. counted #1789 years ago* ;Note=1789, 1st day quorum Congress, no quorum on March 4, 1789, vote Feb. 4. 1789, inaug. Apr. 30, 1789 {d} 30.4. =New York City, inauguration 1st President of the USA #1789 years ago* ;Note=1789, George Washington {d} ;30.4.1789>04.3.1797, George Washington, 1st president 28.5. =Physician general of the US Army established #1789 years ago* ;Note=1789, >March 13, 1813 {d} 04.6. =US Senators make 1st oath to Constitution #1789 years ago* ;Note=1789, execution 1st act 'Oath Act' (signed June 1, 1789) {d} 04.7. =Act est. customs duties on imported goods #1789 years ago* ;Note=1789, Tariff Act, >est. US Customs Service (July 31, 1789) {d} 27.7. =1st US Federal agency est. #1789 years ago (Dept. of Foreign Affairs, >Department of State)* ;Note=1789, 1st Jan. 10, 1781 (Confederation) {d} 31.7. =Act est. US Customs Service #1789 years ago* ;Note=1789, 5th act of Congress, collecting customs duties (Tariff Act, July 4, 1789), >March 1, 2003 {d} 07.8. =Act est. US Department of War #1789 years ago* ;Note=1789, Sept. 18, 1947 >National Military Establishment, Aug. 10, 1949 >Department of Defense {d} 02.9. =Act est. US Treasury Department #1789 years ago* ;Note=1789 {d} 22.9. =Act est. US Postal Service #1789 years ago* ;Note=1789, under the Treasury Dept., >Post Office Department (Feb. 20, 1792) {d} 24.9. =Act est. US federal judiciary & Marshals Service (USMS) #1789 years ago* ;Note=1789, Federal Law Enforcement Agency, US Judiciary Act of 1789 (ch. 20, 1 Stat. 73) ;26.9.1789, Thomas Jefferson is appointed the first US Secretary of State, by President George Washington ;26.9.1789, John Jay is appointed the first US Chief Justice, by President George Washington ;26.9.1789, Samuel Osgood is appointed the first US Postmaster General, by President George Washington ;26.9.1789, Edmund Randolph is appointed the first US Attorney General, by President George Washington ;03.10.1789, George Washington proclaims the first Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 26, 1789) ;26.11.1789, 1st proclaimed Thanksgiving Day (George Washington, Oct. 3, 1789), proclaimed yearly Oct. 3, 1863 08.1. =New York City, 1st State of the Union Address #1790 years ago* ;Note=1790, George Washington {d} 10.4. =1st Patent Act signed #1790 years ago* ;Note=1790, President George Washington {d} 31.5. =1st US federal Copyright Act signed #1790 years ago* ;Note=1790, President George Washington {d} 09.6. =Pennsylvania, 1st book copyrighted in US #1790 years ago* ;Note=1790, Philadelphia Spelling Book, John Barry, US federal Copyright Act (May 31, 1790) {d} 31.7. =1st patent issued #1790 years ago ;Note=1790, Samuel Hopkins, US Patent X1 {d} 02.8. =1st US census #1790 years ago* ;Note=1790, mandated by Article I, Section 2 of the United States Constitution and applicable laws {d} 04.8. =Congress authorized Revenue Marine Service #1790 years ago* ;Note=1790, 1862 >Revenue Cutter Service, 1915 >Revenue Cutter Service merged with Life-Saving Service >US Coast Guard {d} ;United States Constitution, Congress Hall, Philadelphia PA, Pennsylvania: December 6, 1790 >May 14, 1800 25.2. =1st Bank of the United States chartered #1791 years ago* ;Note=1791, bank bill signed by President George Washington, 1st federally authorized central bank >March 3, 1811, open. Dec. 12, 1791, 2nd Apr. 10, 1816/Jan. 7, 1817 >March 3, 1836 {d} 12.12. =Philadelphia, open. 1st Bank of the United States #1791 years ago* ;Note=1791, federally authorized central bank (Feb. 25, 1791) >March 3, 1811, 2nd Apr. 10, 1816/Jan. 7, 1817 >March 3, 1836 {d} 15.12. =Bill of Rights into force #1791 years ago* ;Note=1791, ratified by ¾ of the States, 1st 10 amendments US Constitution {d} 20.2. =Act est. US Post Office Department #1792 years ago* ;Note=1792, President George Washington, Postal Service Act, >Postal Service (July 1, 1971) {d} 02.4. =Act est. US Mint #1792 years ago* ;Note=1792, Mint and Coinage Act {d} 05.4. =1st presidential veto #1792 years ago* ;Note=1792, President George Washington vetoed the Apportionment Bill {d} 22.3. =Slave Trade Act passed #1793 years ago* ;Note=limited American involvement in the trade of human cargo {d} ;1792, 1st keep-right law, Philadelphia & Lancaster Turnpike 09.1. =1st US balloon flight #1793 years ago* ;Note=1793, Jean-Pierre Blanchard, Philadelphia PA >Deptford NJ {d} 09.1. =de facto 1st US air mail #1793 years ago (balloon)* ;Note=1793, 1st US balloon flight carried letter from George Washington {d} 03.4. =Philadelphia PA, open. 1st (US) circus building #1793 years ago* ;Note=1793, John Bill Ricketts, 1st complete circus performance, 1st canvas tent 1825 {d} 27.3. =Act establishing United States Navy #1794 years ago* ;Note=1794, signing by President Washington {d} 08.5. =Act continued Post Office indefinitely #1794 years ago* ;Note=1794, 1 Stat. 354, till then Acts one/two years extensions since 1788 {d} ;04.3.1797>04.3.1801, John Adams, 2nd president 30.4. =Act est. US Navy Department #1798 years ago* ;Note=1798, since March 27, 1794 under jurisdiction of War Department {d} 11.7. =law organizing Navy's Marines >Corps of Marines #1798 years ago* ;Note=1798, real birth of the US Marine Corps {d} 24.4. =Act est. 1st Library of Congress #1800 years ago* ;Note=1800, Pres. John Adams, Aug. 24, 1814 Capitol incl. library burned by British troops, act 2nd Jan. 30, 1815 {d} 01.10. =secret treaty Spanish Louisiana >France #1800 years ago* ;Note=1800, Third Treaty of San Ildefonso, Louisiana remained nominally under Spanish control {d} ;United States Constitution, United States Capitol, Washington, D.C.: November 17, 1800 >present ;04.3.1801>04.3.1809, Thomas Jefferson, 3rd president 16.3. =Presidential authorization to organize & establish a Corps of Engineers #1802 years ago* ;Note=1802, President Thomas Jefferson, June 16, 1775 army with a chief engineer & two assistants {d} 16.3. =Act est. US Military Academy (USMA) #1802 years ago (West Point)* ;Note=1802, President Thomas Jefferson {d} 29.4. =US federal Copyright Act extended to prints #1802 years ago* ;Note=1802, Act May 31, 1790 {d} 04.7. =US Military Academy off. opens #1802 years ago (West Point) ;Note=1802, Act March 16, 1802 {d} 15.10. =Barcelona, Royal Bill that made effective the transfer of Spanish Louisiana >France #1802 years ago* ;Note=1802, Charles IV, treaty Oct. 1, 1800 {d} 30.4. =Paris, Louisiana Purchase treaty signed #1803 years ago* ;Note=1803, Robert Livingston & James Monroe (US), François Marquis de Barbé-Marbois & Michael Ryan Toussaint (F) {d} 04.7. =Louisiana Purchase est. #1803 years ago* ;Note=1803, announced to the American people, treaty Apr. 30, 1803 {d} 20.10. =Louisiana Purchase treaty ratified by US Senate #1803 years ago* ;Note=1803, treaty Apr. 30, 1803 {d} 30.11. =off. transfer Louisiana Spain>France #1803 years ago* ;Note=1803, treaty Oct. 1, 1800 {d} 20.12. =The Cabildo, off. transfer New Orleans France>US #1803 years ago* ;Note=1803, formal transfer Louisiana March 10, 1804 {d} 10.3. =St. Louis, formal transfer ownership Louisiana France>US #1804 years ago* ;Note=1804, treaty Apr. 30, 1803 {d} 15.6. =law separate vote election Vice President into force #1804 years ago* ;Note=1804, 12th Amendment, Electoral College, before: Vice President >2nd greatest number of votes for President, 1st separate vote Dec. 5, 1804 {d} 01.10. =Louisiana Purchase >Orleans Territory & Louisiana District #1804 years ago* ;Note=1804 {d} 10.2. =Act est. US Coast Survey #1807 years ago* ;Note=1807, President Thomas Jefferson, 1878 >US Coast & Geodetic Survey (C&GS), Oct. 3, 1970 part of National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) {d} 03.3. =Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves signed #1807 years ago* ;Note=1807, President Thomas Jefferson, no new slaves were permitted to be imported into the US {d} 01.1. =Congress off. bans the African slave trade #1808 years ago* ;Note=1808 {d} ;04.3.1809>04.3.1817, James Madison, 4th president 18.6. =declaration war with Great Britain signed into law #1812 years ago** ;Note=1812, President James Madison {d} 13.3. =Physician & surgeon general of the US Army established #1813 years ago* ;Note=1813, >Apr. 14, 1818 {d} 24.12. =Treaty of Ghent signed #1814 years ago, ended War United States<>United Kingdom** ;Note=1814, Ghent, Belgium, proclaimed Feb. 18, 1815 {d} 30.1. =Act est. 2nd Library of Congress #1815 years ago* ;Note=1815, Pres. James Madison, purchase Thomas Jefferson's personal library, 1st Act Apr. 24, 1800, burned Aug. 24, 1814 {d} 18.2. =Treaty of Ghent proclaimed #1815 years ago, ended War United States<>United Kingdom* ;Note=1815, signed Dec. 24, 1814 {d} 10.4. =2nd Bank of the United States chartered #1816 years ago* ;Note=1816, signed by President James Madison, 2nd federally authorized central bank >March 3, 1836, open. Jan. 7, 1817, 1st Feb. 25, 1791/Dec. 12, 1791 >March 3, 1811 {d} 07.1. =Philadelphia, open. 2nd Bank of the United States #1817 years ago** ;Note=1817, 2nd federally authorized central bank (April 10, 1816) >March 3, 1836, 1st Feb. 25, 1791/Dec. 12, 1791 >March 3, 1811 {d} ;04.3.1817>04.3.1825, James Monroe, 5th president 04.4. =Flag Act limits stripes to 13 #1818 years ago* ;Note=1818, stays one star for each state, subsequent changes number of stars on July 4, Independence Day {d} 14.4. =US Army Medical Department established #1818 years ago* ;Note=1818, Reorganization Act, 1st medical service July 27, 1775 {d} 20.10. =1st Treaty Great Britain (Canada)–United States border signed #1818 years ago (east of Rocky Mountains)* ;Note=1818, 2nd June 15, 1846 {d} 22.2. =Washington DC, treaty Spanish East Florida >US #1819 years ago* ;Note=1819, Adams–Onís Treaty, proclaimed Feb. 22, 1821 {d} 02.3. =1st US immigration Act #1819 years ago* ;Note=1819, Steerage Act (An act regulating passenger ships and vessels), eff. Jan. 1, 1820 {d} 06.8. =Northfield VT, Norwich University founded #1819 years ago (origin ROTC)* ;Note=1819, concept July 2, 1862, off. est. June 3, 1916 {d} 22.2. =Treaty Spanish East Florida >US proclaimed #1821 years ago* ;Note=1821, Adams–Onís Treaty, signed Feb. 22, 1819 {d} 17.4. =(NS) St. Petersburg, Treaty Russia (Alaska)–United States border signed #1824 years ago (54°40')* ;Note=1824, Apr. 5, 1824 Jul. (OS), eff. Jan. 12, 1825 {d} ;04.3.1825>04.3.1829, John Quincy Adams, 6th president 14.4. =1st edition American Dictionary of the English Language #1828 years ago* ;Note=1828, Webster's Dictionary {d} 19.5. =act troy pound adopted as standard for US coinage #1828 years ago* ;Note=1828, exact copy of imperial troy pound of Great Britain {d} 02.3. =Boston MA, act incorporating 1st US Asylum for the Blind #1829 years ago* ;Note=1829, New England Asylum for the Blind {d} ;04.3.1829>04.3.1837, Andrew Jackson, 7th president 03.2. =US federal Copyright Act extended to musical compositions #1831 years ago* ;Note=1831, Act May 31, 1790 {d} 14.6. =resolution de facto US uniform standard weights & measures #1836 years ago* ;Note=1836, yard, avoirdupois pound, gallon, bushel {d} ;04.3.1837>04.3.1841, Martin Van Buren, 8th president 06.1. =Morristown NY, 1e publicly demonstration (morse)telegraph #1838 years ago ;Note=1838, Samuel F.B. Morse & Alfred Vail, 1st demonstration United Kingdom July 25, 1837 {d} ;04.3.1841>04.4.1841, William Henry Harrison, 9th president ;04.4.1841>04.4.1845, John Tyler, 10th president 15.2. =1st private adhesive postage stamps #1842 years ago* ;Note=1842, New York City Dispatch Post, 1st provisional July 14, 1845, 1st off. adh. postage stamps July 1, 1847 {d} 03.3. =Act of Congress, uniform postal rates #1845 years ago* ;Note=1845, 5 cent till 300 miles, eff. July 1, 1845 {d} ;04.3.1845>04.3.1849, James K. Polk, 11th president 01.7. =Uniform postal rates effective #1845 years ago* ;Note=1845, 5 cent till 300 miles, Act March 3, 1845 {d} 14.7. =New York, 1st postmasters' provisional stamps on sale #1845 years ago (5 cent)* ;Note=1845, Robert H. Morris, 1st private postage stamps Feb. 15, 1842, 1st off. stamps Jul. 1, 1847 {d} 10.10. =Annapolis MD, US Naval Academy established #1845 years ago* ;Note=1845 {d} 15.6. =2nd Treaty Great Britain (Canada)-United States border signed #1846 years ago (west of Rocky Mountains)* ;Note=1846, Oregon Treaty, 1st Oct. 20, 1818 {d} 10.8. =Washington DC, act est. The Smithsonian Institution #1846 years ago* ;Note=1846, President James K. Polk {d} 03.3. =Act of Congress, issuance of stamps #1847 years ago* ;Note=1847, 1st on sale July 1, 1847 {d} 01.7. =1st off. adhesive US postage stamp on sale #1847 years ago (5 & 10 cent)* ;Note=1847, New York City, Act March 3, 1847, 1st private adh. postage stamps Feb. 15, 1842, 1st provisional July 14, 1845 {d} 14.8. =off. start federal life-saving service #1848 years ago* ;Note=1848, coast of New Jersey, amendment to the lighthouse bill, extended 20.6.1874, 1st rescue Jan. 12, 1850 {d} ;04.3.1849>09.7.1850, Zachary Taylor, 12th president ;09.7.1850>04.3.1853, Millard Fillmore, 13th president ;04.3.1853>04.3.1857, Franklin Pierce, 14th president 01.1. =US government-issued postage stamps obligatory #1856 years ago* ;Note=1856, 1st US postage stamp Jul. 1, 1842 {d} ;04.3.1857>04.3.1861, James Buchanan, 15th president 17.8. =1st official air mail delivery (by balloon) #1859 years ago* ;Note=1859, John Wise, Lafayette IN >Crawfordsville IN, 1st (presidential) letter Jan. 9, 1793, 1st onoff. July 17, 1859 {d} 03.4. =start transcontinental Pony Express #1860 years ago* ;Note=1860, Sacramento CA<>St. Joseph MI, >Oct. 26, 1861 {d} 23.6. =Act est. Secret Service Division of the Treasury #1860 years ago* ;Note=1860, 12 Stat. 102, eff. July 7, 1865, to suppress counterfeit currency {d} ;1861, United & Confederate States ;08.2.1861>09.4.1865, Confederate States of America (CSA) 04.2. =Montgomery AL, Congress of secessionist states convenes #1861 years ago* ;Note=1861 {d} 08.2. =Montgomery AL, Confederate States of America founded #1861 years ago* ;Note=1861 {d} ;08.2.1861>18.2.1862, Provisional Confederate Congress (CSA) ;18.2.1861>10.5.1865, Jefferson Davis, 1st & only president Confederate States of America (CSA) ;04.3.1861>15.4.1865, Abraham Lincoln, 16th president United States 12.4. =American Civil War, Battle of Fort Sumter #1861 jaar geleden (start Civil War)* ;Note=1861 {d} 27.2. =US law auth. privately printed cards #1861 years ago* ;Note=1861, 1st Dec. 17, 1861, 1st off. Postal Card May 12, 1873 {d} 17.7. =US Act authorized issuance US 'Demand Notes' #1861 years ago (1st US paper money)* ;Note=1861, Feb. 25, 1862 >Legal Tender Notes {d} 05.8. =US, 1st personal income tax law approved #1861 years ago* ;Note=1861, Revenue Act of 1861 {d} 24.10. =Salt Lake City UT, 1st Transcontinental Telegraph line completed #1861 years ago* ;Note=1861 {d} 17.12. =Philadelphia PA, 1st privately printed cards #1861 years ago* ;Note=1861, John P. Charlton, law Feb. 27, 1861, 1st off. Postal Card May 12, 1873 {d} ;18.2.1862>18.3.1865, Permanent Confederate Congress (CSA) 25.2. =US Act authorizing issuance US Notes as Legal Tender #1862 years ago* ;Note=1862, 1st Legal Tender Act signed by President Lincoln, issued 1862>1971, replaced Demand Notes (July 17, 1861) {d} 10.3. =US, 1st governmental paper money #1862 years ago ($5, $10 & $20)* ;Note=1862 {d} 15.5. =US Department of Agriculture formed #1862 years ago* ;Note=1862, President Abraham Lincoln, was Agricultural Division within the Patent Office (1839), Feb. 9, 1889 >Cabinet level {d} 02.7. =US Act concept Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) #1862 years ago* ;Note=1862, Morrill Act, origin Aug. 6, 1819, off. est. June 3, 1916 {d} 04.8. =1st US federal income tax collected #1862 years ago* ;Note=1862, Revenue Act (Aug. 5, 1861) {d} 22.9. =US, preliminary Emancipation Proclamation #1862 years ago* ;Note=1862, President Abraham Lincoln, eff. Jan. 1, 1863 {d} 25.2. =US Act creation single national currency & national banks #1863 years ago* ;Note=1863, National Currency/Banking Act, >June 3, 1864 {d} 03.3. =Act of Incorporation National Academy of Sciences #1863 years ago* ;Note=1863, signed President Abraham Lincoln {d} ;03.10.1863, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday of November to be Thanksgiving Day. The decree only technically affected the District of Columbia and federal employees but governors throughout the Union followed suit with similar state proclamations (1st proclaimed Oct. 3, 1789) 03.6. =US Act est. federally issued bank charters #1864 years ago* ;Note=1864, National Banking Act {d} 31.1. =US, 13th Amendment (abolishing slavery) proposed to the states #1865 years ago* ;Note=1865, 38th US Congress {d} 03.3. =US federal Copyright Act extended to photographs #1865 years ago* ;Note=1865, Act May 31, 1790 {d} ;1865, End Confederate States 09.4. =American Civil War, actual surrender commander of the Army of Northern Virginia #1865 jaar geleden** ;Note=1865, General Robert E. Lee, McLean House, Appomattox CourtHouse {d} 12.4. =American Civil War, formal surrender commander of the Army of Northern Virginia #1865 jaar geleden** ;Note=1865, General Robert E. Lee, Court House, Appomattox CourtHouse {d} ;15.4.1865>04.3.1869, Andrew Johnson, 17th president 05.7. =Secret Service Division of the Treasury est. #1865 years ago* ;Note=1865, Act June 23, 1860, to suppress counterfeit currency, Secret Service June 4, 1778 {d} 06.12. =13th Amendment (abolishing slavery) adopted #1865 years ago* ;Note=1865, ratification by 27th of 36 states (Georgia) {d} 18.12. =13th Amendment (abolishing slavery) proclaimed #1865 years ago* ;Note=1865, Secretary of State William Henry Seward {d} 28.7. =Metric Act recognized metric system in the US #1866 years ago* ;Note=1866, Apr. 5, 1893 >fundamental standards, Dec. 23, 1975 >preferred system {d} 20.8. =American Civil War formally declared totally ended #1866 years ago* ;Note=1866, President Andrew Johnson, declared ended except Texas Apr. 2, 1866 {d} ;04.3.1869>04.3.1877, Ulysses S. Grant, 18th president 09.2. =Resolution Weather Bureau signed into law #1870 years ago (>National Weather Service, NWS)* ;Note=1870, President Ulyses S. Grant {d} 22.6. =law est. US Department of Justice #1870 years ago** ;Note=1870, eff. July 1, 1870 {d} 01.7. =US Department of Justice operational #1870 years ago* ;Note=1870, Act June 22, 1870 {d} 12.5. =Springfield MA, 1st off. Postal Card sold #1873 years ago* ;Note=1873, Penny Post Card, law June 6, 1872, 1st privately printed cards Dec. 17, 1861 {d} 20.6. =Act extending Life-Saving Stations #1874 years ago* ;Note=1874, shores of Delaware, Maryland, Washington, Oregon, California & Great Lakes, Aug. 14, 1848 New Jersey {d} ;04.3.1877>04.3.1881, Rutherford B. Hayes, 19th president 18.6. =law est. US Life-Saving Service #1878 years ago** ;Note=1878, signed by President Hayes, separate & distinct service Treasury Department, start Aug. 14, 1848, extended June 20, 1874, >28.1.1915 {d} 18.2. =US Design patent Statue of Liberty #1879 years ago* ;Note=1879, US Patent Des. 11,023, Auguste Bartholdi {d} ;04.3.1881>19.9.1881, James A. Garfield, 20th president 21.5. =Washington DC, American Association of the Red Cross est. #1881 years ago** ;Note=1881, Clara Barton {d} ;19.9.1881>04.3.1885, Chester A. Arthur, 21st president 18.11. =GMT was adopted by the US at noon #1883 years ago* ;Note=1883, telegraph lines transmitted time signals to all major cities {d} ;04.3.1885>04.3.1889, Grover Cleveland (1st time), 22nd president 08.5. =Atlanta GA, 1st 'Coca-Cola' on sale #1886 years ago ;Note=1886, Jacob's Pharmacy, made by Dr. John Stith Pemberton {d} ;04.3.1889>04.3.1893, Benjamin Harrison, 23rd president 27.7. =order 'Star-Spangled Banner' played at raising flag #1889 years ago* ;Note=1889, Secretary of the Navy Benjamin F. Tracy, General Order #374, March 3, 1931 >national anthem {d} 08.9. =1st publication 'Pledge to the Flag' #1892 years ago* ;Note=1892, children's magazine The Youth's Companion, off. recognized June 22, 1942, Dec. 28, 1945 >Pledge of Allegiance {d} 12.10. ='Pledge to the Flag' 1st used in public schools #1892 years ago* ;Note=1892, Columbus Day, off. recognized June 22, 1942, Dec. 28, 1945 >Pledge of Allegiance {d} 14.1. =Vatican, appointment 1st US Apostolic delegate #1893 years ago* ;Note=1893, Francesco di Paolo Satolli, Delegation Jan. 24, 1893 {d} 24.1. =Washington DC, 1st US Apostolic Delegation #1893 years ago* ;Note=1893, no formal diplomatic status, delegate Jan. 14, 1893, Jan. 10, 1984 >Nunciature (diplomatic mission) {d} ;04.3.1893>04.3.1897, Grover Cleveland (2nd time), 24th president 05.4. =Intern. meter & kilogram >fundamental US standards length & mass #1893 years ago* ;Note=1893, Mendenhall Order, July 28, 1866 Metric Act, Dec. 23, 1975 >preferred system {d} 10.5. =US Supreme Court declares the tomato a vegetable #1893 years ago* ;Note=1893, Tariff Act March 3, 1883 imposed tax on vegetables but not on fruits, botanically a tomato is a fruit {d} 26.5. =Dow Jones Industrial Average index 1st published #1896 years ago* ;Note=1896, in Customer's Afternoon Letter {d} ;04.3.1897>14.9.1901, William McKinley, 25th president 14.5. =Philadelphia PA, Stars and Stripes Forever 1st played publicly #1897 years ago* ;Note=1897, Academy of Music, composed Dec. 25, 1896 {d} 14.3. =US currency goes on gold standard #1900 years ago* ;Note=1900, Congress ratified Gold Standard Act {d} 11.4. =1st submarine US Navy accepted #1900 years ago* ;Note=1900, USS Holland (SS-1), commisioned Oct. 12, 1900, 1st not commisioned June 13, 1862 {d} ;14.9.1901>04.3.1909, Theodore Roosevelt, 26th president 08.1. =Order all US Navy ships >prefix United States Ship (USS) #1907 years ago* ;Note=1907, Executive Order 549, President Theodore Roosevelt {d} 01.8. =Aeronautical Division, US Signal Corps established #1907 years ago* ;Note=1907, >July 18, 1914 {d} 29.6. =American Catholic Church, missionary >full-fledged member #1908 years ago* ;Note=1908, apostolic constitution Sapienti consilio, Pope Pius X {d} 26.7. =establ. Bureau of Investigation (BOI) #1908 years ago (1935 >FBI) ;Note=1908, Federal Bureau of Investigation {d} ;04.3.1909>04.3.1913, William Howard Taft, 27th president 08.2. =District of Columbia, founding Boy Scouts of America #1910 years ago* ;Note=1910, W. D. Boyce {d} 25.6. =Act est. Postal Savings System #1910 years ago* ;Note=1910, eff. Jan. 1, 1911, >July 1, 1967 (Act March 28, 1966) {d} 12.3. =Savannah GA, founding Girl Guides of America #1912 years ago* ;Note=1912, Juliette Gordon Low, 1913 >Girl Scouts of the United States, 1947 >Girl Scouts of the United States of America {d} 24.8. =US federal Copyright Act extended to motion picture films #1912 years ago* ;Note=1912, Act May 31, 1790 {d} ;04.3.1913>04.3.1921, Woodrow Wilson, 28th president 31.10. =Lincoln Highway formally dedicated #1913 years ago* ;Note=1913, 1st named automobile road across the US, route announced Sep. 14, 1913 {d} 14.5. =Hibbing MN, start Hibbing Transportation Co. #1914 years ago (>Greyhound Lines)* ;Note=1914 {d} 18.7. =Aviation Section, US Signal Corps established #1914 years ago* ;Note=1914, >May 20, 1918 {d} 28.1. =US Coast Guard established #1915 jaar geleden* ;Note=1915, merging Life Saving Service & Revenue Cutter Service {d} 29.5. =USA, 1st Presidential flag adopted #1916 years ago* ;Note=1916, President Wilson, prior Army & Navy had separate flag for Commander in Chief {d} 03.6. =Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) off. established #1916 years ago ;Note=1916, Act of Congress, origin Aug. 6, 1819, concept July 2, 1862 {d} 25.8. =Act creating National Park Service (NPS) #1916 years ago* ;Note=1916, National Park Service Organic Act {d} 19.3. =Act time zones & daylight saving time #1918 years ago* ;Note=1918, eff. March 31, 1918, time zones for railways US & Canada effective Nov. 18, 1883 {d} 31.3. =Time zones & 1st US daylight saving time into effect #1918 years ago (02:00)* ;Note=1918 Easter Sunday, Act March 19, 1918, time zones for railways US & Canada effective Nov. 18, 1883 {d} 20.5. =Division of Military Aeronautics established #1918 years ago* ;Note=1918, >May 24, 1918 {d} 24.5. =US Army Air Service established #1918 years ago* ;Note=1918, >July 2, 1926 {d} 16.9. =American Legion >federally chartered corporation #1919 years ago ;Note=1919, US Congress, US Code, TITLE 36, Subtitle II, Part B, CHAPTER 217 {d} 13.6. =US Post decreed children no longer accepted as parcel post #1920 years ago** ;Note=1920 {d} 18.8. =19th Amendment (woman voting rights) adopted #1920 years ago** ;Note=1920, ratification by 36th of 48 states (Tennessee) {d} 26.8. =19th Amendment (woman voting rights) proclaimed #1920 years ago* ;Note=1920, Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby {d} ;04.3.1921>02.8.1923, Warren G. Harding, 29th president 02.7. =off. ending US involvement World War I #1921 years ago* ;Note=1921, Knox-Porter Resolution signed by President Warren G. Harding {d} 11.11. =Arlington National Cemetery VA, interment unidentified American soldier World War I #1921 years ago* ;Note=1921, Tomb of the Unknowns, President Warren G. Harding {d} ;02.8.1923>04.3.1929, Calvin Coolidge, 30th president 15.6. =Indian Citizenship Act #1924 years ago (granted citizenship to all Native Americans)* ;Note=1924, bill signed by President Calvin Coolidge June 2, 1924 {d} 02.7. =US Army Air Corps established #1926 years ago* ;Note=1926, >June 20, 1941 {d} 11.1. =Los Angeles, proposition founding American Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences #1927 years ago* ;Note=1927, Ambassador Hotel, >Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences, off. est. May 11, 1927 {d} 04.5. =off. charter Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences #1927 years ago* ;Note=1927, established May 11, 1927 {d} 11.5. =Los Angeles CA, Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences off. established #1927 years ago* ;Note=1927, Biltmore Hotel, off. charter May 4, 1927 {d} 15.5. =actual 1st cartoon Mickey Mouse #1928 years ago* ;Note=1928, silent B/W cartoon Plane Crazy, off. Nov. 18, 1928 sound-cartoon 'Steamboat Willie' {d} 02.7. =Washington DC, 1st television station on air #1928 years ago* ;Note=1928, Jenkins Television Corporation of Maryland (W3XK) {d} ;04.3.1929>04.3.1933, Herbert Hoover, 31st president 16.5. =Hollywood CA, 1st Academy Awards presentation #1929 years ago ;Note=1929, Roosevelt Hotel, term ‘Oscar’ 1st used in 1931 {d} 03.3. =law 'Star-Spangled Banner' >national anthem #1931 years ago* ;Note=1931, President Herbert Hoover, 46 Stat. 1508, codified at 36 U.S.C. § 301, 27.7.1889 off. use Navy {d} ;04.3.1933>12.4.1945, Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd president 14.8. =Social Security Act signed #1935 years ago* ;Note=1935, President Roosevelt {d} 02.7. =Arlington National Cemetery VA, start continues guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns #1937 years ago* ;Note=1937 {d} 04.2. =United Service Organizations Inc. (USO) incorporated #1941 years ago** ;Note=1941 {d} 06.6. =New York City, Basketball Association of America (BAA) founded #1946 years ago* ;Note=1946, 1949 >National Basketball Association (NBA) {d} 20.6. =US Army Air Forces established #1941 years ago* ;Note=1941, >Sept. 18, 1947 {d} 22.6. ='Pledge to the Flag' off. recognized #1942 years ago* ;Note=1942, US Congress, Public Law 628, Dec. 28, 1945 >Pledge of Allegiance {d} ;12.4.1945>20.1.1953, Harry S. Truman, 33th president 25.10. =USA, 2nd Presidential flag adopted #1945 years ago* ;Note=1945, 1st May 29, 1916 {d} 25.10. =USA, 1st legal definition of the President’s Coat of Arms & his Seal #1945 years ago* ;Note=1945 {d} 28.12. ='Pledge to the Flag' >'Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag' #1945 years ago* ;Note=1945, Public Law 79–287, off. recognized June 22, 1942 {d} 23.1. =establ. Office of United States Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) #1946 years ago* ;Note=1946, President Harry Truman, Sep. 18, 1947 >CIA {d} 26.7. =National Security Act signed #1947 years ago* ;Note=1947, President Harry S. Truman, est. National Security Council & Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), eff. Sep. 18, 1947 {d} 18.9. =US Air Force >separate military organization #1947 years ago* ;Note=1947, originally part of the Army Air Corp {d} 18.9. =Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) off. established #1947 years ago* ;Note=1947, law July 26, 1947 {d} 03.8. =National Basketball Association (NBA) formed #1949 years ago* ;Note=1949, Basketball Association of America (BAA, June 6, 1946) & National Basketball League (NBL) merged {d} 10.8. =National Military Establishment (NME) >Department of Defense #1949 years ago* ;Note=1949 {d} ;20.1.1953>20.1.1961, Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th president 17.5. =decision ethnic-based segregation schools violates US Constitution #1954 years ago* ;Note=1954, United States Supreme Court {d} 01.7. =Intern. Nautical Mile off. replaced US Nautical Mile #1954 years ago* ;Note=1954 {d} 30.7. ='In God We Trust' >National Motto United States #1956 years ago* ;Note=1956, replaced (onoff.) 'E Pluribus Unum' {d} 30.5. =Arlington National Cemetery VA, interment unidentified American soldier World War II & Korean War #1958 years ago* ;Note=1958, Tomb of the Unknowns {d} 04.5. =Los Angeles & New York, 1st Gramophone Awards #1959 years ago ;Note=1959, simultaneously in both cities, >Grammy Awards (Grammy) {d} 08.6. =1st & only Post Office 'Missile Mail' #1959 years ago* ;Note=1959, submarine USS Barbero >Naval Station Mayport FL {d} ;20.1.1961>22.11.1963, John F. Kennedy, 35th president 01.3. =Peace Corps established #1961 years ago* ;Note=1961, executive order 10924 President John F. Kennedy, Sept. 22, 1961 authorized by Congress {d} 01.7. =US Postal Service introduced five-digit zip code #1963 years ago* ;Note=1963, Zone Improvement Program, non-mandatory, 1983 >ZIP+4 {d} ;22.11.1963>20.1.1969, Lyndon B. Johnson, 36th president 02.7. =Act prohibiting racial discrimination #1964 years ago** ;Note=1964, President Johnson signed Civil Rights Act {d} 30.7. =law creating Medicare & Medicaid #1965 years ago* ;Note=1965, Social Security Amendments (Public Law 89-97), President Johnson {d} 30.6. =Washington DC, National Organization For Women (NOW) founded #1966 years ago* ;Note=1966, 3rd National Conference Commission on the Status of Women {d} 15.1. =Los Angeles CA, 1st Super Bowl #1967 years ago* ;Note=1967, annual championship game of the National Football League (NFL) {d} 16.2. =Haleyville AL, 1st US emergency telephone number in use #1968 years ago (911)* ;Note=1968, 1st June 30, 1937 London {d} ;20.1.1969>09.8.1974, Richard Nixon, 37th president 12.8. =Act. US Post Office Department >US Postal Service #1970 years ago* ;Note=1970, President Richard Nixon, Postal Reorganization Act, eff. July 1, 1971 {d} ;09.8.1974>20.1.1977, Gerald Ford, 38th president 23.12. =Metric system >preferred US system of weights & measures #1975 years ago* ;Note=1975, Metric Conversion Act of 1975, July 28, 1866 Metric Act, Apr. 5, 1893 >fundamental standards {d} ;20.1.1977>20.1.1981, Jimmy Carter, 39th president ;20.1.1981>20.1.1989, Ronald Reagan, 40th president 13.5. =Make-A-Wish Foundation of America officially incorporated #1983 years ago* ;Note=1983, began 1980 as Chris Greicius Make-A-Wish Memorial {d} 11.10. =Bryant pond ME, last US hand-cranked telephone call #1983 years ago** ;Note=1983, dial exchange was placed in service {d} 10.1. =US Apostolic Delegation >Nunciature #1984 years ago (diplomatic mission)* ;Note=1984, Delegation since 24.1.1893 {d} 13.6. =off. open. National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) #1984 years ago* ;Note=1984, President Ronald Reagan {d} 07.10. =Rose >National Floral Emblem United States #1986 years ago* ;Note=1986, law signed by President Ronald Reagan, proclamation Nov. 20, 1986 {d} 20.11. =proclamation Rose >National Floral Emblem of the US #1986 years ago** ;Note=1986, President Ronald Reagan, law Oct. 7, 1986 {d} 11.12.>1986 ='The Stars and Stripes Forever' >US National March #1987 years ago** ;Note=1987, President Ronald Reagan, federal bill S. 860 {d} ;20.1.1989>20.1.1993, George H. W. Bush, 41st president 19.5. =27th Amendment (prohibits midterm pay raises Congress) in effect #1992 years ago* ;Note=1992, proposed 1789, 74,003 days ago {d} ;20.1.1993>20.1.2001, Bill Clinton, 42nd president ;20.1.2001>20.1.2009, George W. Bush, 43th president ;20.1.2009>20.1.2017, Barack Obama, 44th president ;20.1.2017>. , Donald Trump, 45th president ;The entries for USA-dates were added by: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com - http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ ;The abbreviations {d} {m} {e} {y} ... are explained on http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisEN.htm