;USA-months ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! ;If you find an error please contact: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com ;Only interested in one or a few of the mentioned days? ;You can import one or a few days to your 'organiser', without making the whole chapter active, by pointing with your cursor on that day in the 'special days' window of the PTBSync-program. LANGUAGE=UTF8 IMAGE=Holiday_USA2.gif COMMENT=Updated September 17, 2013 \nSept. 29, 2012, USA-Bizarre-Holidays renamed to USA-days unofficial & months transfered to new USA-months ;January 01.1. =Adopt-a-Rescued-Bird Month >January 31 01.1. =Cervical Health Awareness Month >January 31 ;Note=National Cervical Cancer Coalition 31.1. =National Birth Defects Prevention Month >January 31 ;Note=National Birth Defects Prevention Network 01.1. =National Blood Donor Month >January 31 01.1. =National Braille Literacy Month >January 31 01.1. =National Glaucoma Awareness Month >January 31 ;Note=American Academy of Ophthalmology, Prevent Blindness America 01.1. =National Hobby Month >January 31 01.1. =National Hot Tea Month >January 31 01.1. =National Mailorder Gardening Month >January 31 01.1. =National Mentoring Month >January 31 01.1. =National Oatmeal Month >January 31 01.1. =National Poverty in America Awareness Month >January 31 01.1. =National Radon Action Month >January 31 ;Note=US Environmental Protection Agency 01.1. =National Soup Month >January 31 01.1. =National Stalking Awareness Month >January 31 ;Note=National Center for Victims of Crime 01.1. =National Thyroid Awareness Month >January 31 ;Note=American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists 01.1. =Walk Your Pet Month >January 31 ;February 01.2. =Adopt-a-Rescued Rabbit Month >February 28/29 01.2. =AMD/Low Vision Awareness Month >February 28/29 ;Note=Prevent Blindness America 01.2. =American Heart Month >February 28/29 ;Note=36 U.S.C. § 101, American Heart Association {d} 01.2. =An Affair to Remember Month >February 28/29 01.2. =Biorhythm Health Month >February 28/29 01.2. =Black History Month >February 28/29 01.2. =Boost Your Self-Esteem Month >February 28/29 01.2. =Canned Food Month >February 28/29 01.2. =Celebration of Chocolate Month >February 28/29 01.2. =Conserve the Bald Eagle Month >February 28/29 01.2. =Creative Romance Month >February 28/29 01.2. =Financial Aid Awareness Month >February 28/29 01.2. =Great American Pie Month >February 28/29 01.2. =Give Your Heart Away Month >February 28/29 01.2. =Heart Month >February 28/29 ;Note=American Heart Association 01.2. =Human Relations Month >February 28/29 01.2. =Humpback Whale Awareness Month >February 28/29 01.2. =International Embroidery Month >February 28/29 01.2. =International Expect Success Month >February 28/29 01.2. =Library Lovers Month >February 28/29 01.2. =Liferhythms and Health Month >February 28/29 01.2. =Marfan Syndrome Awareness Month >February 28/29 01.2.>1975 =#1975th National African American History Month >February 28/29 ;Note=1st 1976 01.2. =National Bird-Feeding Month >February 28/29 01.2. =National Blah Buster Month >February 28/29 ;Note=For busting the winter blahs 01.2. =National Cat Health Month >February 28/29 01.2. =National Cherry Month >February 28/29 01.2. =National Child Passenger Safety Month >February 28/29 01.2. =National Children’s Dental Health Month >February 28/29 ;Note=American Dental Association 01.2. =National Condom Month >February 28/29 01.2. =National Grapefruit Month >February 28/29 01.2. =National Sign Up for Summer Camp Month >February 28/29 01.2. =National Weddings Month >February 28/29 01.2. =National Wild Bird Feeding Month >February 28/29 01.2. =Responsible Pet Owners Month >February 28/29 01.2. =Pet Dental Health Month >February 28/29 01.2. =Podcast Month >February 28/29 01.2. =Prevent-a-Litter Month >February 28/29 01.2. =Return Shopping Carts to the Supermarket Month >February 28/29 01.2. =Self-Help and Advice Books Mo >February 28/29nth 01.2. =Spiritual Teachers Month >February 28/29 01.2. =Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month >February 28/29 ;Note=Break the Cycle ;March 01.3.>1942<1987 =#1942th Red Cross Month >March 31 ;Note=Presidential Proclamation for Red Cross Month issued each year for March since 1943, 1987 >American Red cross Month 01.3.>1986 =#1942th American Red Cross Month >March 31 ;Note=Presidential Proclamation for Red Cross Month issued each year for March since 1943, 1987 >American Red cross Month 01.3. =#1994th National Irish-American Heritage Month >March 31 ;Note=Presidential Proclamation called for by House Joint Resolution 401 (Public Law 103-379) 1995 01.3. =Adopt-a-Rescued-Guinea Pig Month >March 31 01.3. =Dolphin Awareness Month >March 31 01.3. =Gardening, Nature & Ecology Books Month >March 31 01.3. =Irish-American Heritage Month >March 31 01.3. =Mental Retardation Awareness Month >March 31 01.3. =Music in Our Schools Month >March 31 01.3. =National Caffeine Awareness Month >March 31 01.3. =National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month >March 31 ;Note=Cancer Research Foundation of America 01.3. =National Craft Month >March 31 01.3. =National Endometriosis Awareness Month >March 31 ;Note=Endometriosis Association 01.3. =National Frozen Food Month >March 31 01.3. =National Kidney Month >March 31 01.3. =National Nutrition Month >March 31 ;Note=American Dietetic Association, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 01.3. =National Peanut Month >March 31 01.3. =National Professional Social Work Month >March 31 01.3. =National Umbrella Month >March 31 01.3. =National Women's History Month >March 31 01.3. =Poetry Month >March 31 01.3. =Poison Prevention Awareness Month >March 31 01.3. =Rosacea Awareness Month >March 31 01.3. =Save Your Vision Month >March 31 ;Note=American Optometric Association 01.3. =Social Workers Month >March 31 01.3. =Trisomy Awareness Month >March 31 01.3. =Workplace Eye Health & Safety Month/Workplace EyeWellness Month >March 31 ;Note=Prevent Blindness America 01.3. =Young Art Month >March 31 ;April 01.4. =Animal Cruelty Prevention Month >April 30 ;Note={d} 01.4. =Cancer Control Month >April 30 01.4. =Dog Appreciation Month >April 30 01.4. =Intern. Amateur Radio Month >April 30 01.4. =Intern. Guitar Month >April 30 01.4. =Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Awareness Month >April 30 ;Note=Intern. Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Diseases/Disorders 01.4.>2000 =#2000th Jazz Appreciation Month >April 30 ;Note=1st 2001 01.4. =Keep America Beautiful Month >April 30 01.4.>1998 =#1998th Mathematics Awareness Month >April 30 ;Note=1st month 1999, 1986>1998 Mathematics Awareness Week 01.4. =National Alcohol Awareness Month >April 30 ;Note=National Council on Alcoholism & Drug 01.4. =National Anxiety Month >April 30 01.4. =National Autism Awareness Month >April 30 ;Note=The Autism Society 01.4.>1982 =#1982th National Child Abuse Prevention Month >April 30 ;Note=1st week June 6-12, 1982, 1st month 1983 01.4. =National Donate Life Month >April 30 ;Note=Division of Transplantation, Healthcare Systems Bureau 01.4. =National Facial Protection Month >April 30 ;Note=American Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons 01.4. =National Fresh Celery Month >April 30 01.4. =National Frog Month >April 30 01.4. =National Garden Month >April 30 01.4. =National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Month >April 30 01.4. =National Humor Month >April 30 01.4. =National Lawn & Garden Month >April 30 01.4. =National Minority Health Month >April 30 ;Note=Office of Minority Health 01.4. =National Occupational Therapy Month >April 30 01.4. =National Pecan Month >April 30 01.4. =National Pet First-Aid Awareness Month >April 30 01.4.>1995 =#1995th National Poetry Month >April 30 ;Note=1st 1996, Academy of American Poets {d} 01.4. =National Sarcoidosis Awareness Month >April 30 ;Note=National Sarcoidosis Society, National Sarcoidosis Foundation 01.4. =National Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Awareness Month >April 30 ;Note=American Social Health Association & The National Coalition of STD Directors 01.4. =National Welding Month >April 30 01.4. =National Woodworking Month >April 30 01.4. =National Youth Sports Safety Month >April 30 01.4. =Occupational Therapy Month >April 30 ;Note=American Occupational Therapy Association 01.4. =Prevent Lyme Disease in Dogs Month >April 30 01.4. =Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month >April 30 01.4. =Records & Information Management Month >April 30 01.4. =Sexual Assault Awareness & Prevention Month >April 30 ;Note=Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) 01.4. =Sports Eye Safety Awareness Month >April 30 ;Note=American Academy of Ophthalmology 01.4. =STI Awareness Month >April 30 ;Note=American Social Health 01.4.>1981 =#1981th Stress Awareness Month >April 30 ;Note=1st 1982 01.4. =Women's Eye Health & Safety Month >April 30 ;note=Prevent Blindness America 01.4. =Zoo & Aquarium Month >April 30 ;May 01.5. =American Wetlands Month >May 31 01.5. =Arthritis Awareness Month >May 31 ;Note=Arthritis Foundation 01.5.>1991 =#1991th Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month >May 31 ;Note=1st 1992 {d} 01.5. =Be Kind to Animals Month >May 31 01.5. =Better Hearing & Speech Month >May 31 ;Note=American Speech-Language-Hearing Association 01.5. =Better Sleep Month >May 31 01.5. =Breathe Easy Month >May 31 01.5. =Chip Your Pet Month >May 31 01.5. =Clean Air Month >May 31 01.5. =Date Your Mate Month >May 31 01.5. =Fungal Infection Awareness Month >May 31 01.5. =Get Caught Reading Month >May 31 01.5. =Global Employee Health & Fitness Month >May 31 ;Note=National Association for Health & Fitness 01.5. =Go Fetch! Food Drive for Homeless >May 31 01.5. =Healthy Baby Month >May 31 01.5. =Healthy Vision Month >May 31 ;Note=National Eye Institute 01.5. =Hepatitis Awareness Month >May 31 ;Note=Division of Viral Hepatitis, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention 01.5. =Huntington's Disease Awareness Month >May 31 01.5. =Internet & E-Commerce Services Month >May 31 01.5.>2005 =#2005th Jewish American Heritage Month >May 31 ;Note=1st 2006 01.5. =Labor History Month >May 31 01.5. =Latino Books Month >May 31 01.5. =Lupus Awareness Month >May 31 ;Note=Lupus Foundation of America, Inc. 01.5. =Melanoma/Skin cancer Detection & Prevention Month >May 31 ;Note=American Academy of Dermatology 01.5. =Mental Health Month >May 31 ;Note=Mental Health America 01.5. =Modern Dance Month >May 31 01.5. =Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Awareness Month >May 31 01.5. =Museum Goers Month >May 31 01.5. =National Asthma & Allergy Awareness Month >May 31 ;Note=Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America 01.5. =National Barbecue Month >May 31 01.5. =National Bike Month >May 31 01.5. =National Blood Pressure Month >May 31 01.5. =National Book Month >May 31 01.5. =National Celiac Disease Awareness Month >May 31 ;Note=American Celiac Disease Alliance 01.5. =National Correct Posture Month >May 31 01.5. =National Duckling Month >May 31 01.5. =National Egg Month >May 31 01.5. =National Foster Care Month >May 31 01.5. =National Guy Pride Month >May 31 01.5. =National Hamburger Month >May 31 01.5. =National High Blood Pressure Education Month >May 31 ;Note=National Heart, Lung, & Blood Institute Health Information Center 01.5. =National Mediterranean Diet Month >May 31 ;Note=Oldways & the Mediterranean Foods Alliance 01.5. =National Military Appreciation Month >May 31 01.5. =National Moving Month >May 31 01.5. =National Osteoporosis Awareness & Prevention Month >May 31 ;Note=National Osteoporosis Foundation 01.5. =National Photograph Month >May 31 01.5. =National Physical Fitness & Sports Month >May 31 ;Note=President’s Council on Physical Fitness & Sports 01.5. =National Prom Graduation Safety Month >May 31 01.5. =National Recommitment Month >May 31 01.5. =National Salad Month >May 31 01.5. =National Sight-Saving Month >May 31 01.5. =National Stroke Awareness Month >May 31 ;Note=American Stroke Association 01.5. =National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month >May 31 01.5. =National Toxic Encephalopathy & Chemical Injury Awareness Month >May 31 ;Note=National Toxic Encephalopathy Foundation 01.5. =National Youth Traffic Safety Month >May 31 ;Note=National Organizations for Youth Safety 01.5. =Older Americans Month >May 31 01.5. =Sight-Saving Ultraviolet Awareness Month >May 31 01.5. =Skin Cancer Awareness Month >May 31 ;Note=American Cancer Society 01.5. =Steelmark Month >May 31 ;Note={d} 01.5. =Ultraviolet Awareness Month >May 31 ;Note=Prevent Blindness America ;June 01.6. =Adopt-a-Chelter-Cat Month >June 30 01.6. =Black Music Month >June 30 01.6. =Cataract Awareness Month >June 30 ;Note=Prevent Blindness America 01.6. =Children's Awareness Month >June 30 01.6. =Dairy Month >June 30 01.6. =Disaster Preparedness Month >June 30 01.6. =Fight the Filthy Fly Month >June 30 01.6. =Fireworks Eye Safety Month >June 30 ;Note=Prevent Blindness America 01.6. =Gay & Lesbian Pride Month >June 30 01.6. =Great Outdoors Month >June 30 01.6. =Intern. Men's Month >June 30 01.6. =Myasthenia Gravis Awareness Month >June 30 ;Note=Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America, Inc. 01.6. =National Accordion Awareness Month >June 30 01.6. =National Adopt a Shelter Cat Month >June 30 01.6. =National Aphasia Awareness Month >June 30 ;Note=National Aphasia Association 01.6. =National Burglary Prevention Month >June 30 01.6. =National Candy Month >June 30 01.6. =National Congenital Cytomegalovirus Awareness Month >June 30 ;Note=Stop CMV - The CMV Action Network 01.6. =National Fresh Fruit & Vegetables Month >June 30 01.6. =National Frozen Yogurt Month >June 30 01.6. =National Iced Tea Month >June 30 01.6. =National Microchipping Month >June 30 01.6. =National Rivers month >June 30 01.6. =National Rose Month >June 30 01.6. =National Safety Month >June 30 ;Note=National Safety Council 01.6. =National Scleroderma Awareness Month >June 30 ;Note=Scleroderma Foundation 01.6. =National Zoo & Aquarium Month >June 30 01.6. =Turkey Lovers' Month >June 30 01.6. =Vision Research Month >June 30 ;July 01.7. =Adopt-a-Shelter-Rabbit Month >July 31 01.7. =Cell Phone Courtesy Month >July 31 01.7. =Cord Blood Awareness Month >July 31 ;Note=Parent's Guide to Cord Blood Foundation 01.7. =Eye Injury Prevention Month >July 31 ;Note=American Academy of Ophthalmology 01.7. =Family Reunion Month >July 31 01.7. =Fear of Computers Month >July 31 01.7. =Get Published Month >July 31 01.7. =Hitchhiking Month >July 31 01.7. =Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month >July 31 ;Note=Arthritis Foundation 01.7. =Dog House Repairs Month >July 31 01.7. =Lasagna Awareness Month >July 31 01.7. =Minority Tourism Month >July 31 01.7. =National Anti-Boredom Month >July 31 01.7. =National Baked Ban Month >July 31 01.7. =National Bison Month >July 31 01.7. =National Blueberry Month >July 31 01.7. =National Cleft & Craniofacial Awareness & Prevention Month >July 31 ;Note=AmeriFace 01.7. =National Hot Dog Month >July 31 01.7. =National Ice Cream Month >July 31 01.7. =National July Belongs to Blueberries Month >July 31 01.7. =National Peach Month >July 31 01.7. =National Pet Heroes Month >July 31 01.7. =National Recreation & Parks Month >July 31 01.7. =National Water Gardening Month >July 31 01.7. =Unlucky Month for weddings >July 31 01.7. =UV Safety Month >July 31 ;Note=Prevent Blindness America 01.7. =Wild About Wildlife Month >July 31 03.7. =1st day Air Conditioning Appreciation Days (>Aug. 15) ;Note={d} ;August 01.8. =Admit You're Happy Month >August 31 01.8. =American Artists Appreciation Month >August 31 01.8. =Architecture Month >August 31 01.8. =Black Business Month >August 31 01.8. =Body Appreciation Month >August 31 01.8. =Cataract Awareness Month >August 31 ;Note=American Academy of Opthalmology 01.8. =Children's Eye Health and Safety Month >August 31 ;Note=Prevent Blindness America 01.8. =Children's Vision & Learning Month >August 31 01.8. =Eat Dessert First Month >August 31 01.8. =Family Fun Month >August 31 01.8. =Fall of Empires Month >August 31 01.8. =Foot Health Month >August 31 01.8. =Home Business Month >August 31 01.8. =I Love You Month >August 31 01.8. =Immunization Awareness Month >August 31 ;Note=Centers for Disease Control & Prevention 01.8. =Learn Japanese Month >August 31 01.8. =National Breastfeeding Month >August 31 ;Note=The United States Breastfeeding Committee 01.8. =National Canning Month >August 31 01.8. =National Catfish Month >August 31 01.8. =National Eye Exam Month >August 31 01.8. =National Golf Month >August 31 01.8. =National Immunization Awareness Month >August 31 ;Note=National Center for Immunization & Respiratory Diseases 01.8. =National Inventor's Month >August 31 01.8. =National Napping Month >August 31 01.8. =National Parks Month >August 31 01.8. =National Picnic Month >August 31 01.8. =National Publish Your E-Book Month >August 31 01.8. =National Sandwich Month >August 31 01.8. =Peach Month >August 31 01.8. =Professional Speakers Month >August 31 01.8. =Psoriasis Awareness Month >August 31 ;Note=National Psoriasis Foundation 01.8. =Romance Awareness Month >August 31 01.8. =Water Quality Month >August 31 ;September 01.9. =Baby Safety Month >September 30 01.9. =Better Breakfast Month >September 30 01.9. =Cable TV Month >September 30 01.9. =Chicken Month >September 30 01.9. =Childhood Cancer Awareness Month >September 30 ;Note=CureSearch for Children’s Cancer 01.9. =Classical Music Month >September 30 01.9. =College Savings Month >September 30 01.9. =Fall Hat Month >September 30 01.9. =Fruit and Veggies-More Matters Month >September 30 ;Note=Produce for Better Health Foundation, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention 01.9. =Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month >September 30 ;Note=Gynecologic Cancer Foundation 01.9. =Healthy Aging Month >September 30 ;Note=Educational Television Network, Inc. 01.9. =Hispanic Heritage Month >September 30 01.9. =Honey Month >September 30 01.9. =Intern. Square Dancing Month >September 30 01.9. =Leukemia, Lymphoma & Myelomia Awareness Month >September 30 ;Note=Leukemia & Lymphoma Society 01.9. =Library Card Sign-Up Month >September 30 01.9. =Little League Month >September 30 01.9. =National Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Month >September 30 ;Note=US Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) & the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) 01.9. =National Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month >September 30 ;Note=American Foundation for Women's Health 01.9. =National Blueberry Popsicle Month >September 30 01.9. =National Chicken Month >September 30 01.9. =National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month >September 30 ;Note=American College of Sports Medicine 01.9. =National Cholesterol Education Month >September 30 ;Note=National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP), National Heart, Lung, & Blood Institute Health Information Center 01.9. =National Coupon Month >September 30 01.9. =National Courtesy Month >September 30 01.9. =National Honey Month >September 30 01.9. =National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month >September 30 01.9. =National Pediculosis Prevention Month/Head Lice Prevention Month >September 30 ;Note=National Pediculosis Association, Inc. 01.9. =National Piano Month >September 30 01.9. =National Preparedness Month >September 30 ;Note=Ready Campaign 01.9. =National Recovery Month >September 30 ;Note=Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration 01.9. =National Rice Month >September 30 01.9. =National Sewing Month >September 30 01.9. =National Save-The-Tiger Month >September 30 01.9. =National Sickle Cell Month >September 30 ;Note=Sickle Cell Disease Association of America, Inc. 01.9. =National Yoga Awareness Month >September 30 ;Note=Yoga Health Foundation 01.9. =Newborn Screening Awareness Month >September 30 ;Note=Save Babies Through Screening Foundation, Inc. 01.9. =Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month >September 30 ;Note=National Ovarian Cancer Coalition 01.9. =Pain Awareness Month >September 30 01.9. =Pet Smile Month >September 30 01.9. =Prostate Cancer Awareness Month >September 30 ;Note=ZERO, The Project to End Prostate Cancer 01.9. =Prostate Health Month >September 30 ;Note=American Foundation for Urologic Disease 01.9. =Self Improvement Month >September 30 01.9. =Senior Care Health Month >September 30 01.9. =Whole Grains Month >September 30 ;Note=Whole Grains Council 01.9. =National ITP Awareness Month >September 28 ;Note=Platelet Disorder Support Association 15.9.>1987 =1st day #1987th National Hispanic Heritage Month (>Oct. 15) ;Note=1st month 1988, Public Law 100-402 {d} ;October 01.10. =American Pharmacist Month >October 31 ;Note=American Pharmacists Association 01.10. =Anger Management Month >October 31 01.10. =Apple Jack Month >October 31 01.10. =Awareness Month >October 31 01.10. =Brain Injury Awareness Month >October 31 01.10. =Child Health Month >October 31 01.10. =Clergy Appreciation Month >October 31 01.10. =Co-op Month >October 31 01.10. =Computer Learning Month >October 31 01.10. =Cookie Month >October 31 01.10. =Country Music Month >October 31 01.10. =Diversity Awareness Month >October 31 01.10.>1994 =#1994th Domestic Violence Awareness Month >October 31 ;Note=1st 1995 01.10. =Eat Country Ham Month >October 31 01.10. =Energy Awareness Month >October 31 01.10. =Eye Injury Prevention Month >October 31 ;Note=American Academy of Ophthalmology 01.10. =Family History Awareness Month >October 31 01.10. =Fire Prevention Month >October 31 01.10. =Gay & Lesbian History Month >October 31 01.10. =Go Nuts over Texas Peanuts Month >October 31 01.10. =Gourmet Adventures Month >October 31 01.10. =Health Literacy Month >October 31 ;Note=Health Literacy Consulting 01.10. =Home Eye Safety Month >October 31 ;Note=Prevent Blindness America 01.10. =Intern. Drum Month >October 31 01.10. =Lupus Awareness Month >October 31 01.10. =National Animal Safety & Protection Month >October 31 01.10. =National Adopt-a(-Shelter)-Dog Month >October 31 01.10.>1984 =#1984th National Breast Cancer Awareness Month >October 31 ;Note=1st 1985, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month Board of Sponsors 01.10. =National Book Month >October 31 01.10.>2009 =#2009th National Bullying Prevention Month >October 31 ;Note=1st week 2006, 1st month 2010, PACER Center, Inc. 01.10. =National Car Care Month >October 31 01.10. =National Cyber Security Awareness Month >October 31 01.10. =National Cut-Out-Dissection Month >October 31 01.10.>2003 =#2003th National Cyber Security Awareness Month >October 31 ;Note=1st 2004 01.10. =National Crime Prevention Month >October 31 01.10. =National Dental Hygiene Month >October 31 01.10. =National Diabetes Month >October 31 01.10. =National Disability Employment Awareness Month >October 31 ;Note={d} 01.10. =National Domestic Violence Awareness Month >October 31 01.10. =National Down Syndrome Awareness Month >October 31 ;Note=National Down Syndrome Society 01.10. =National Education Month >October 31 01.10. =National Liver Awareness Month >October 31 ;Note=American Liver Foundation 01.10. =National Medical Librarians Month >October 31 ;Note=Medical Library Association 01.10. =National Orthodontic Health Month >October 31 01.10. =National Pet Wellness Month >October 31 01.10. =National Physical Therapy Month >October 31 ;Note=American Physical Therapy Association 01.10. =National Pizza Month >October 31 01.10. =National Popcorn Popping Month >October 31 01.10. =National Pork Month >October 31 01.10. =National Roller Skating Month >October 31 01.10. =National Seafood Month >October 31 01.10. =National Spina Bifida Awareness Month >October 31 01.10. =National Squirrel Awareness Month >October 31 01.10. =National Stamp Collecting Month >October 31 01.10. =National Vegetarian Month >October 31 01.10. =Sarcastic Month >October 31 01.10. =Stop America's Violence Everywhere (SAVE) Today >October 31 ;Note=American Medical Association Alliance 01.10. =Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Awareness Month >October 31 ;Note=First Candle/SIDS Alliance ;November 01.11. =Adopt-a-Senior-Pet Month >November 30 01.11. =Addictions Month >November 30 01.11. =Adopt a Turkey Month >November 30 01.11. =American Diabetes Month >November 30 ;Note=American Diabetes Association 01.11. =American Indian Heritage Month >November 30 01.11. =Author Awareness Month >November 30 01.11. =Aviation History Month >November 30 01.11. =Body Image Awareness Month >November 30 01.11. =Child Safety Protection Month >November 30 01.11. =Clean Water Month >November 30 01.11. =COPD Awareness Month >November 30 ;Note=American Lung Association 01.11. =Diabetic Eye Disease Month >November 30 ;Note=Prevent Blindness America 01.11. =Dine Across American Month >November 30 01.11. =Epilepsy Awareness Month >November 30 01.11. =Family Stories Month >November 30 01.11. =Food Bank Month >November 30 01.11. =Hip-Hop History Month >November 30 01.11. =Intern. Drum Month >November 30 01.11. =Intern. Vegetarian Month >November 30 01.11. =Lung Cancer Awareness Month >November 30 ;Note=Lung Cancer Alliance 01.11. =National Adoption Month >November 30 01.11. =National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month >November 30 ;Note=Alzheimer’s Association 01.11. =National Epilepsy Month >November 30 01.11. =National Family Caregivers Month >November 30 ;Note=National Family Caregivers Association 01.11. =National Healthy Skin Month >November 30 ;Note=American Academy of Dermatology 01.11. =National Hospice Palliative Care Month >November 30 ;Note=National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization 01.11. =National Marrow Awareness Month >November 30 01.11. =National Model Railroad Month >November 30 01.11. =National Sleep Comfort Month >November 30 01.11. =National Stomach Cancer Awareness Month >November 30 ;Note=No Stomach For Cancer, Inc. 01.11. =Native American Heritage Month >November 30 01.11. =Peanut Butter Lovers' Month >November 30 01.11. =Pet Cancer Awareness Month >November 30 01.11. =Pet Diabetes Month >November 30 01.11. =Real Jewelry Month >November 30 01.11. =Wishbones for Pets Month >November 30 ;December 01.12. =Bingo's Birthday Month >December 31 01.12. =National Drunk & Drugged Driving (3D) Prevention Month >December 31 01.12. =Safe Toys & Gifts Month >December 31 ;Note=Prevent Blindness America 01.12. =Write a Friend Month >December 31 ;The entries for USA-Bizarre-Holidays were added by: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com - http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ ;The abbreviations {d} {m} {e} {y} ... are explained on http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisEN.htm ;http://www.aikenslaughs.com/birthday.htm ;http://www.rickroot.com/blog/1/2005/02/Bizarre-American-Holidays.cfm ;http://library.thinkquest.org/2886/fun.htm ;http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/index.htm ;http://www.tfdutch.com/foodh.htm ;Book: On This Date ... - ISBN 0-07-139827-9 ;http://www.gone-ta-pott.com/index.html ;http://www.worksmartlivesmart.com/ ;http://www.petproductnews.com/images/media/2009AnimalObervances.pdf ;http://www.longleashonlife.com/calendar.html ;http://www.louderbacks.com/home/dict/days.html ;http://www.allkids.org/body.cfm?id=396 ;http://healthfinder.gov/nho/nho.asp