;NL Pedro Álvares Cabral ;volgens jaartal ;Cabral is regarded as the first captain who ever touched four continents, leading the first expedition that united Europe, Africa, America, and Asia. ;For a syntax description see PTBSync Help! LANGUAGE=UTF8 IMAGE=Holiday_Zeilschip.gif COMMENT=Bijgewerkt 15 januari 2017 \nAlle datums volgens de Juliaanse kalender (OS) ;..1467, Belmonte, Portugal, Pedro Álvares Cabral is born ;..1479, Torres Vedras(?), Pedro is sent to the Court of Afonso V ;30.6.1484, Santarém(?), Cabral is named “Moço Fidalgo”, roughly “young gentleman”, a noble. ;12.4.1497, Lisbon(?), Cabral receives an annual subsidy from King Manuel I ;15.2.1500, Lisbon(?), Cabral is appointed High-Captain (Capitão-Mor) of an expedition to India =(START) 09.3. =(OS) Cabral, vertrek Portugal #1500 jaar geleden ;Note=1500, 13 schepen, Lisabon, >Indië {d} ;09.3.1500, Lisbon, Pedro Álvares Cabral departs to India, with a fleet of 13 ships ;09.3.1500, Cabral's expedition, the 2nd India Armada of 13 ships, sets out from the Tagus. ;14.3.1500, Off Great Canaria, Canary Islands, The fleet passes through Great Canaria ;22.3.1500, São Nicolau Island, Cape Verde, Arrival to Cape Verde ;22.3.1500, Cabral's armada reaches Cape Verde island of São Nicolau in the middle of a storm. ;09.4.1500, Line of the Equator, The fleet crosses the line of the Equator and changes course to the “Turn of the Sea”, a sailing technique discovered in successfully returning from the Atlantic islands, where the pilot first had to sail far to the west — counter-intuitively, in the wrong direction, that is, farther from Portugal — in order to catch usable following winds, and return to Europe ;21.4.1500, After nearly 30 days of sailing (44 since departure), on April 21 (a Tuesday in the octave of Easter), Cabral's fleet finds the first indications of nearby land 22.4. =(OS) Cabral, Brazilië in zicht #1500 jaar geleden ;Note=1500, Monte Pascoal {d} ;22.4.1500, Santa Cruz Cabrália, Bahia, Brazil, Pedro Álvares Cabral’s fleet arrives in Brazil. It was the official discovery of South America, although it is believed that the Portuguese knew about the existence of Brazil since the 1480’s. Duarte Pacheco Pereira also cruised the coast of Maranhão (north Brazil) in 1498, having described it on his ship log ;22.4.1500, Cabral's armada sights the Brazilian coast, seeing the outlines of a hill they name Monte Pascoal (some 60 km south of modern Porto Seguro, Bahia). 23.4. =(OS) Cabral, voor anker voor Brazilië #1500 jaar geleden ;Note=1500 {d} ;23.4.1500, The armada anchors at the mouth of the Frade river and a group of local Tupiniquim Indians assembles on the beach. ;23-24.4.1500, Strong overnight winds on prompt the armada to lift anchor and sail some 10 leagues (45 km) north, finding harbor behind the reef at Cabrália Bay, just north of Porto Seguro. ;24.4.1500, Porto Seguro, The fleet sails another 35 nautical miles south until a “secure port” is found. 25.4. =(OS) Cabral, aank. Porto Seguro #1500 jaar geleden ;Note=1500 {d} ;25.4.1500, a party led by Nicolau Coelho and Bartolomeu Dias goes ashore ;26.4.1500, Porto Seguro, As more and more natives appear, an altar is built and a Mass is celebrated ;26.4.1500, (Octave of Easter Sunday) Franciscan friar Henrique Soares of Coimbra goes ashore to celebrate mass, curiously watched by some 200 Tupiniquim Indians. It is the first known Christian mass on the American mainland. ;01.5.1500, Porto Seguro, A second Mass is celebrated, the new land is baptized as “Vera Cruz”. Cabral lifts anchor. ;01.5.1500, Pedro Álvares Cabral makes preparations to resume the journey to India. The Portuguese pilots, assisted by the physician-astronomer Master João Faras and his astronomical instruments, determine that the land lies east of the Tordesillas line, prompting Pedro Álvares Cabral to formally claim Brazil for the Portuguese crown, bestowing upon it the name of Ilha de Vera Cruz ("Island of the True Cross"—later renamed Terra de Santa Cruz, "Land of the Holy Cross", upon the realization that it is not an island). ;02.5.1500, Cabral dispatches the supply ship (captained either by André Gonçalves or Gaspar de Lemos—chronicles conflict on this[17]) back to Lisbon, with the Brazilian items and a letter to King Manuel I of Portugal composed by the secretary Pêro Vaz de Caminha to announce the discovery. 03.5. =(OS) Cabral, vertr. Brazilië #1500 jaar geleden ;Note=1500 {d} ;03.5.1500, Leaving behind a couple of Portuguese degredados with the Tupiniquim of Porto Seguro, Cabral orders the eleven remaining ships to set sail and continue on their route to India. ;05.5.1500, Coast of Bahia, After 4 days sailing with the coast in sight, the fleet changes course and sails towards India 29.5. =(OS) Cabral, Kaap de Goede Hoop #1500 jaar geleden ;Note=1500 {d} ;29.5.1500, Off Cape of Good Hope, Violent storm off the Cape of Good Hope. 4 ships are lost, incluiding the one commanded by Bartolomeu Dias, the first European to reach the Cape, in 1488. ;16.6.1500, Primeiras Islands, SW Angoche, Mozambique, Arrival to Primeiras Islands. A ship is captured but later is allowed to proceed its course. ;22.6.1500, Island of Mozambique, Arrival to the Island of Mozambique, where Cabral is welcomed, contrary to Vasco da Gama in 1498. 26.6. =(OS) Cabral, aank. Kilwa #1500 jaar geleden ;Note=1500 {d} ;26.6.1500, Quiloa (Kilwa Kisiwani, Tanzania), The fleet stops at Quiloa 16.7. =(OS) Cabral, Port of Sofala #1500 jaar geleden ;Note=1500 {d} 20.7. =(OS) Cabral, aank. Mozambique #1500 jaar geleden ;Note=1500 {d} 02.8. =(OS) Cabral, aank. Malindi #1500 jaar geleden ;Note=1500 {d} ;02.8.1500, Melinde (Mailindi), Kenya, Avoiding Mombasa, Cabral lands in Melinde. Friendly relations are established. 07.8. =(OS) Cabral, vertr. Malindi #1500 jaar geleden ;Note=1500 {d} ;07.8.1500, Melinde (Mailindi), Kenya, Departure to India with 2 gujarati pilots aboard 10.8. =(OS) Cabral, ontd. Madagaskar #1500 jaar geleden ;Note=1500 1 schip onder Diego Diaz, uit koers door weer {d} ;22.8.1500, Angediva Island, Cabral lands to rest and recover, aswell as to repair and repaint the ships ;22.8.1500, After an uneventful ocean crossing, Cabral's six ships land in Anjediva Island (Angediva, Anjadip), where they rest and recuperate, repair and repaint the ships. 23.8. =(OS) Cabral, eiland Angediva #1500 jaar geleden ;Note=1500 13.9. =(OS) Cabral, aank. Calcutta #1500 jaar geleden ;Note=1500 {d} ;13.9.1500, Calicut, Arrival in Calicut ;13.9.1500, Sailing down the Indian coast, Cabral's expedition finally reaches at Calicut (Calecute, Kozhikode, the capital of the Nair Hindu kingdom of same name ruled by Zamorins, or Nediyuiruppu Swarupam). ;16.9.1500, Calicut, The Portuguese factory/trading post is attacked. Pêro Vaz de Caminha, the knight who accompanied Cabral as a secretary to the royal factory (and writer of the official report of the discovery of Brazil) is killed. In reprisal, Cabral attacks 10 ships in the port ;24.12.1500, Cochin, Cabral lands in Cochin, where he celebrates an alliance ;24.12.1500, Cabral leaves smoldering Calicut, unsure of what to do next. Cabral sets sail south along the coast towards Cochin kingdom (Cochim, Kochi or Perumpadappu Swarupam), a small Hindu Nair city-state at the outlet of the brackish Vembanad lagoon in the Kerala backwaters. 24.12. =(OS) Cabral, aank. Cochin #1500 jaar geleden ;Note=1500 {d} 16.1. =(OS) Cabral, vertr. Indië #1501 jaar geleden* ;Note=1501 {d} ;16.1.1501, News arrives that the Zamorin of Calicut had assembled and dispatched a fleet of around 80 boats against the Portuguese in Cochin. Despite the Trimumpara Raja of Cochin's offer of military assistance against the Calicut fleet, Cabral decides to precipitously lift anchor and slip away rather than risk a confrontation. ;16.1.1501, Kannur (Cananor), Cabral departs from Kannur to Portugal ;30.1.1501, Between India and Africa, Cabral captures a ship with an extremely rich cargo ;?07.2.1501, Off Melinde, One of the ships runs aground and has to be burned (speculative date) ;?21.3.1501, Island of Mozambique, Arrival to the Island of Mozambique ;?01.4.1501, Island of Mozambique, Cabral departs to Portugal ;22.5.1501, Cape of Good Hope, Cabral rounds the Cape of Good Hope ;02.6.1501, Bezeguiche Bay, Dakar, Cabral reaches Bezeguiche Bay and finds the ships of Nicolau Coelho and Amerigo Vespucci ;21.7.1501, Lisbon, Pedro Álvares Cabral returns to Lisbon ;21.7.1501, One month after Coelho's arrival, Pedro Álvares Cabral and Simão de Miranda, the two larger ships, finally arrive in Lisbon. The other three ships arrive a few days later: Sancho de Tovar and Pêro de Ataíde on July 25 and the hapless Diogo Dias, with his empty caravel, on July 27. 23.6. =(OS) Cabral, terugk. Portugal #1501 jaar geleden ;Note=1501, met slechts 4 schepen {d} ;volgende expeditie wordt toevertouwd aan Vasco da Gama ;..1503, Marries D. Isabel de Castro (D. for “Dona”, a Portuguese equivalent to “Lady”) ;..1509, Santarém, Cabral withdraws to Santarém with tremors, probably Malaria ;..1518, Santarém, Cabral is promoted to Knight of the King’s Council ;..1520, Santarém, Pedro Álvares Cabral dies, aged 53 ;Deze lijst werd samengesteld door: dewaelheyns(a)gmail.com - http://users.telenet.be/wdew/ ;Info over de afkortingen {d} {m} {e} {y} ... op http://users.telenet.be/wdew/Basis%20PTB/BasisNL.htm ;http://timelinesandsoundtracks.blogspot.be/2015/12/pedro-alvares-cabral-timeline.html ;https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2nd_Portuguese_India_Armada_(Cabral,_1500)