; ######################################################### ; ; Template Version 4.7 ; ; For a syntax description see PTBSync help !!!!! ; ; This file is overwritten with the next PTBSync update. ; If you modify it, save it under a different filename !! ; ; ######################################################### ; ===================== ; User Settings ; ===================== {FixSettings} WidthOfValueFields = 140 InitialDeskPosX = 10 InitialDeskPosY = middle MSIE5Check = 1 {/FixSettings} {UserSettings} Val_Transparency = 20% Swi_ShowBkgnd = On Col_BgColor = #444400 Col_NameColor = #DDDD00 Val_NameSize = 12 Col_TimeColor = #FF9F11 Val_TimeSize = 11 Val_Font = Times New Roman Swi_Shadow = On Col_Shadow = #6B5B58 Swi_TxtBold = Off Val_Event0Txt = [Deutsch]Beginn des Jahrtausends[/Deutsch][English]Start of millenium[/English] Val_Event0Date = 1 Jan 2001 00:00 Val_Event1Txt = [Deutsch]Erste Rente[/Deutsch][English]Start of pension[/English] Val_Event1Date = 1 Oct 2044 09:00 Val_Event2Txt = Val_Event2Date = Val_Event3Txt = Val_Event3Date = Val_Event4Txt = Val_Event4Date = Val_Event5Txt = Val_Event5Date = Val_Event6Txt = Val_Event6Date = Val_Event7Txt = Val_Event7Date = Val_Event8Txt = Val_Event8Date = Val_Event9Txt = Val_Event9Date = {/UserSettings} {Description} [Deutsch] Val_Transparency = Transparenz (0% - 90%) $MSIE55_Required_Warning$ Swi_ShowBkgnd = Hintergrund anzeigen Col_BgColor = Hintergrund Farbe (nur wenn Hintergrund angezeigt wird) Col_NameColor = Farbe Termine Val_NameSize = Schriftgröße Termine (pt) Col_TimeColor = Farbe Intervalle Val_TimeSize = Schriftgröße Intervalle (pt) Val_Font = Schriftart Swi_Shadow = Text Schatten (nur wenn Hintergrund angezeigt wird) Col_Shadow = Schatten Farbe Swi_TxtBold = Text fett Val_Event0Txt = Name für Termin 1 Val_Event0Date = Zeitpunkt Termin 1 Val_Event1Txt = Name für Termin 2 Val_Event1Date = Zeitpunkt Termin 2 Val_Event2Txt = Name für Termin 3 Val_Event2Date = Zeitpunkt Termin 3 Val_Event3Txt = Name für Termin 4 Val_Event3Date = Zeitpunkt Termin 4 Val_Event4Txt = Name für Termin 5 Val_Event4Date = Zeitpunkt Termin 5 Val_Event5Txt = Name für Termin 6 Val_Event5Date = Zeitpunkt Termin 6 Val_Event6Txt = Name für Termin 7 Val_Event6Date = Zeitpunkt Termin 7 Val_Event7Txt = Name für Termin 8 Val_Event7Date = Zeitpunkt Termin 8 Val_Event8Txt = Name für Termin 9 Val_Event8Date = Zeitpunkt Termin 9 Val_Event9Txt = Name für Termin 10 Val_Event9Date = Zeitpunkt Termin 10 [/Deutsch] [English] Val_Transparency = Transparency (0% - 90%) $MSIE55_Required_Warning$ Swi_ShowBkgnd = Display background Col_BgColor = Background color (only if background is displayed) Col_NameColor = Color events Val_NameSize = Font size events (pt) Col_TimeColor = Color intervals Val_TimeSize = Font size intervals (pt) Val_Font = Font Swi_Shadow = Text shadow (only if background is displayed) Col_Shadow = Shadow color Swi_TxtBold = Bold text Val_Event0Txt = Name of event 1 Val_Event0Date = Date / Time of event 1 Val_Event1Txt = Name of event 2 Val_Event1Date = Date / Time of event 2 Val_Event2Txt = Name of event 3 Val_Event2Date = Date / Time of event 3 Val_Event3Txt = Name of event 4 Val_Event3Date = Date / Time of event 4 Val_Event4Txt = Name of event 5 Val_Event4Date = Date / Time of event 5 Val_Event5Txt = Name of event 6 Val_Event5Date = Date / Time of event 6 Val_Event6Txt = Name of event 7 Val_Event6Date = Date / Time of event 7 Val_Event7Txt = Name of event 8 Val_Event7Date = Date / Time of event 8 Val_Event8Txt = Name of event 9 Val_Event8Date = Date / Time of event 9 Val_Event9Txt = Name of event 10 Val_Event9Date = Date / Time of event 10 [/English] {/Description} ; ========= ; Info ; ========= {Info} [Deutsch] Countdown
Anzeige der verbleibenden Zeit bis zu einem zukünftigen Termin oder der abgelaufenen Zeit seit einem vergangenen Termin.
Anzeige von bis zu 10 Countdowns gleichzeitig.
(Es wird gerechnet mit 1 Jahr = 365,25 Tage und 1 Monat = 30,4 Tage)
Eingabe Datum = 5/31/2004 13:44 (Monat/Tag/Jahr Uhrzeit)
oder 31 May 2004 13:44 (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec)
[/Deutsch] [English] Countdown
Displays the time remaining up to an event in the future or the time elapsed since an event in the past.
Display of 10 countdowns at once.
(The script calculates with 1 year = 365.25 days and 1 month = 30.4 days)
Date input = 5/31/2004 13:44 (month/day/year time)
or 31 May 2004 13:44 (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec)
[/English] {/Info} ; =============== ; Style Sheets ; =============== {Style} .Name { color:%Col_NameColor%; font-family:%Val_Font%; font-size:%Val_NameSize%pt; [Swi_TxtBold_On]font-weight:bold;[/Swi_TxtBold_On]; } .Time { color:%Col_TimeColor%; font-family:%Val_Font%; font-size:%Val_TimeSize%pt; [Swi_TxtBold_On]font-weight:bold;[/Swi_TxtBold_On]; text-align:right; } [Swi_ShowBkgnd_Off] .CountDownTable { border:none; [Swi_Shadow_On]filter:Shadow(color=%Col_Shadow%, direction=135);[/Swi_Shadow_On] } [/Swi_ShowBkgnd_Off] [Swi_ShowBkgnd_On] .CountDownTable { background-color:%Col_BgColor%; border:1px solid; border-color:%Col_NameColor%; } [/Swi_ShowBkgnd_On] {/Style} ; ================= ; Template Body ; ================= {Body}
Enable Java Script
{/Body} ; =========== ; Scripts ; =========== {ScriptBlock} {/ScriptBlock}