; ######################################################### ; ; Template Version 4.7 ; ; For a syntax description see PTBSync help !!!!! ; ; This file is overwritten with the next PTBSync update. ; If you modify it, save it under a different filename !! ; ; ######################################################### ; ===================== ; User settings ; ===================== {FixSettings} WidthOfValueFields = 100 InitialDeskPosX = center InitialDeskPosY = middle {/FixSettings} {UserSettings} Val_Transparency = 0% Swi_ShowBkgnd = On Col_Text = #000000 Col_Spec = #0000C0 Col_Holy = #FF0000 Col_Locl = #AA00E0 Swi_TxtBold = Off Sym#Symbols = All Swi_1Week1Sheet = Off Val#FirstMonth = 0 Val#MonthCount = [Desktop]1[/Desktop][Print]12[/Print] Swi#ShowHolidays = On Swi#ShowComments = Off Swi_CommentBreak = Off Swi#ShowMoon = On Swi#ShowEvents = On Swi_ShowTime = On Swi_ShowLinks = [Desktop]Off[/Desktop][Print]On[/Print] Swi_TodayRect = [Desktop]On[/Desktop][Print]Off[/Print] Col_TodayRect = #309030 Swi_Images = On Val_CellHeightW = 100 Val_CellHeightM = 10 Val_CellWidth = 630 Val_CalSize = 8 Val_CalFont = Arial Val_WeekSize = 7 Val_WeekFont = Verdana Val_LinkSize = 10 Val_LinkFont = Arial Col_Month = #900000 Val_MonthSize = 18 Val_MonthFont = Arial {/UserSettings} {Description} [Deutsch] Val#FirstMonth = Erster Monat, der angezeigt werden soll, relativ
(0= momentaner Monat, -1= letzter Monat, +1= nächster Monat, usw.) Val#MonthCount = Anzahl Monate, die ausgegeben werden sollen (max 12) Swi#ShowHolidays = Anzeige der Feiertage und der besonderen Tage Swi#ShowComments = Anzeige der Feiertags Kommentare (nur wenn Feiertags Anzeige eingeschaltet) Swi_CommentBreak = Feiertags Kommentare in neuer Zeile Swi#ShowMoon = Anzeige von Voll / Neumond (nur wenn Feiertags Anzeige eingeschaltet) Swi#ShowEvents = Anzeige der Termine Sym#Symbols = Anzeige nur von Terminen mit einem der links aufgelisteten Symbole. Swi_ShowTime = Anzeige der Uhrzeit der Termine (nur wenn Terminausgabe eingeschaltet) Swi_ShowLinks = Generierung von Links für jeden Monat am Anfang der Seite.
Nicht für den Desktop Kalender ! Swi_TodayRect = Rechteck um Heute Col_TodayRect = Farbe für Rechteck um Heute Swi_Images = Symbole anzeigen Swi_ShowBkgnd = Hintergrund anzeigen Val_Transparency = Transparenz (0% - 90%) $MSIE55_Required_Warning$ Col_Text = Text Farbe Col_Spec = Farbe der besonderen Tage Col_Holy = Farbe der Feiertage Col_Locl = Farbe der lokalen Feiertage Swi_TxtBold = Text fett Swi_1Week1Sheet = Beim Drucken: Eine Woche auf ein Blatt (sonst ein Monat / Blatt) Val_CellHeightW = Mindest Zeilenhöhe wenn 1 Woche pro Blatt (in Pixel) Val_CellHeightM = Mindest Zeilenhöhe wenn 1 Monat pro Blatt (in Pixel) Val_CellWidth = Breite der Zeilen (Pixel) Längere Texte werden gekürzt. Val_CalSize = Schriftgröße im Kalender (Termine und Feiertage) (pt) Val_CalFont = Schriftart im Kalender Val_LinkSize = Schriftgröße der Links (pt) Val_LinkFont = Schriftart der Links Val_WeekSize = Schriftgröße der Wochen Anzeige (pt) Val_WeekFont = Schriftart der Wochen Col_Month = Farbe der Monats Anzeige (nur wenn Hintergrund angezeigt wird) Val_MonthSize = Schriftgröße des Monats Namens (pt) Val_MonthFont = Schriftart des Monats Namens [/Deutsch] [English] Val#FirstMonth = First month to be displayed, relative
(0= current month, -1= last month, +1= next month, etc.) Val#MonthCount = Month count to be displayed (max 12) Swi#ShowHolidays = Display of holidays and special days Swi#ShowComments = Display of holiday comments (only if display of holidays enabled) Swi_CommentBreak = Holiday comments in new line Swi#ShowMoon = Display of Full / New moon (only if display of holidays enabled) Swi#ShowEvents = Display of events Sym#Symbols = Display only events which have one of the symbols on the left. Swi_ShowTime = Display of time for events (only if display of events enabled) Swi_ShowLinks = Generation of links for every month at the top of the page.
Do not use for the desktop calendar ! Swi_TodayRect = Rectangle on today Col_TodayRect = Color of Rectangle on today Swi_Images = Display images Swi_ShowBkgnd = Display background Val_Transparency = Transparency (0% - 90%) $MSIE55_Required_Warning$ Col_Text = Text color Col_Spec = Color of special days Col_Holy = Color of holidays Col_Locl = Color of local holidays Swi_TxtBold = Bold text Swi_1Week1Sheet = When printing: One week per sheet (otherwise one month per sheet) Val_CellHeightW = Minimum height of lines when 1 week per sheet (in Pixel) Val_CellHeightM = Minimum height of lines when 1 month per sheet (in Pixel) Val_CellWidth = Width of lines (Pixel) Longer texts will be shortened. Val_CalSize = Font size in calendar (events and holidays) (pt) Val_CalFont = Font in calendar Val_WeekSize = Font size of week display (pt) Val_WeekFont = Font of week Val_LinkSize = Font size of links (pt) Val_LinkFont = Font of links Col_Month = Color of month display (only if background is displayed) Val_MonthSize = Font size of month name (pt) Val_MonthFont = Font of month name [/English] {/Description} ; ========= ; Info ; ========= {Info} [Deutsch] Detaillierter Wochen- oder Monats Kalender zum Ausdrucken oder als Webkalender
Jeder Tag in einer eigenen Zeile. Umschaltbar zwischen 1 Monat / Blatt und 1 Woche / Blatt
Papierformat: Hochformat
[/Deutsch] [English] Detailled week- or month calendar for printing or as web calendar
Every day in a single line. Can be switched to 1 month / sheet or 1 week / sheet
Print Orientation: Portrait
[/English] {/Info} ; =============== ; Style Sheets ; =============== {Style} .MainTable { font-size:%Val_CalSize%pt; font-family:%Val_CalFont%; letter-spacing:0px; word-spacing:3px; [Swi_TxtBold_On]font-weight:bold;[/Swi_TxtBold_On] color:%Col_Text%;} .Links { font-size:%Val_LinkSize%pt; font-weight:bold; color:blue; font-family:%Val_LinkFont%; } .EventLink { text-decoration:underline; color:%Col_Text%; cursor:hand; } .StyleWeek { font-size:%Val_WeekSize%pt; line-height:%Val_WeekSize%pt; font-family:%Val_WeekFont%; letter-spacing:0.2mm; word-spacing:0.8mm; } .Txt_Locl { color:%Col_Locl%; font-weight:bold; } .Txt_Holy { color:%Col_Holy%; font-weight:bold; } .Txt_Spec { color:%Col_Spec%; font-weight:bold; } .Day_NormSa, .Day_NormSu { color:%Col_Holy%; } .Day_SpecSa, .Day_SpecSu { color:%Col_Holy%; } .Day_LoclWk { color:%Col_Locl%; } .Day_LoclSa, .Day_LoclSu { color:%Col_Holy%; } .Day_HolyWk, .Day_HolySa, .Day_HolySu { color:%Col_Holy%; } [Swi_TodayRect_On] .TodayRect { border:2px solid; border-color:%Col_TodayRect%; } [/Swi_TodayRect_On] [Swi_ShowBkgnd_Off] .MonthHead { font-family:%Val_MonthFont%; font-size:%Val_MonthSize%pt; font-weight:bold; color:%Col_Text%; } [/Swi_ShowBkgnd_Off] [Swi_ShowBkgnd_On] .MonthHead { font-family:%Val_MonthFont%; font-size:%Val_MonthSize%pt; font-weight:bold; color:%Col_Month%; border-color:%Col_Month%; background-color:#F0F0F0; border:2px solid; } .Back_Wk { background-color:#F0F0F0; } .Back_Sa { background-color:#E0E0E0; } .Back_Su { background-color:#D0D0D0; } .Bkg_NormWk, .Bkg_SpecWk { background-color:#F0F0F0; } .Bkg_NormSa, .Bkg_NormSu, .Bkg_SpecSa, .Bkg_SpecSu { background-color:#FFD0D0; } .Bkg_LoclWk { background-color:#FFD0FF; } .Bkg_LoclSa, .Bkg_LoclSu { background-color:#FFD0D0; } .Bkg_HolyWk, .Bkg_HolySa, .Bkg_HolySu { background-color:#FFD0D0; } [/Swi_ShowBkgnd_On] {/Style} ; ================= ; Template Body ; ================= {Body} [Swi_ShowLinks_On]

[/Swi_ShowLinks_On] [Print]

[/Print] $Insert_Months_Here$ [Print]
[/Print] {/Body} ; ================================ ; $Insert_Months_Here$ Block ; ================================ {Month} [Swi_1Week1Sheet_Off] [/Swi_1Week1Sheet_Off] $Insert_Weeks_Here$ [Swi_1Week1Sheet_Off] [Swi_ShowLinks_On] [/Swi_ShowLinks_On] [/Swi_1Week1Sheet_Off]
 %MonthLong% %YearLong% 
{Link} %MonthShort% %YearShort%   {/Link} {Spacer} [Swi_1Week1Sheet_Off]

[/Swi_1Week1Sheet_Off] {/Spacer} {/Month} ; =============================== ; $Insert_Weeks_Here$ Block ; =============================== {Week} $Insert_Days_Here$ {Header} [Swi_1Week1Sheet_On]
 %MonthLong% %YearLong% 
[/Swi_1Week1Sheet_On] [Deutsch]Woche[/Deutsch][English]Week[/English] %Week1Digit% {/Header} {Footer} {/Footer} {First} {/First} {Last} [Swi_1Week1Sheet_On] [Swi_ShowLinks_On] Top  [/Swi_ShowLinks_On]
[/Swi_1Week1Sheet_On] {/Last} {/Week} {WeekEmpty} {/WeekEmpty} ; ============================= ; $Insert_Days_Here$ Block ; ============================= {Day} [Today]
[/Today]  %Day2Digit% %WeekDayShort%  [Today]
[/Today] $Insert_Content_Here$ {/Day} {DayEmpty} {/DayEmpty} {MultiDayEmpty} {/MultiDayEmpty} ; ================================== ; $Insert_DayNames_Here$ Block ; ================================== {DayNames} {/DayNames} ; ================================= ; $Insert_Content_Here$ Block ; ================================= {ContHoly}
$Insert_Image_Here$ %HoliDay%[HasComment] [Swi_CommentBreak_On]
{Spacer}{/Spacer} {/ContHoly} {ContLocl}
$Insert_Image_Here$ %HoliDay%[HasComment] [Swi_CommentBreak_On]
{Spacer}{/Spacer} {/ContLocl} {ContSpec}
$Insert_Image_Here$ %HoliDay%[HasComment] [Swi_CommentBreak_On]
{Spacer}{/Spacer} {/ContSpec} {ContEvent}
$Insert_Image_Here$ [Swi_ShowTime_On](%Time%) [/Swi_ShowTime_On]%Event%
{Spacer}{/Spacer} {/ContEvent} ; ================================= ; $Insert_Image_Here$ Block ; ================================= {Image}[Swi_Images_On] [/Swi_Images_On]{/Image}