; ######################################################### ; ; Template Version 4.7 ; ; For a syntax description see PTBSync help !!!!! ; ; This file is overwritten with the next PTBSync update. ; If you modify it, save it under a different filename !! ; ; ######################################################### ; ===================== ; User settings ; ===================== {FixSettings} MSIE5Check = 1 WidthOfValueFields = 100 InitialDeskPosX = 10 InitialDeskPosY = -10 {/FixSettings} {UserSettings} Val_Transparency = 0% Swi_ShowBkgnd = Off Col_BgColor = #ADB36F Val#ListCount = 10 Val#MinEventRep = [Deutsch]2 Tage[/Deutsch][English]2 days[/English] Swi#ShowEvents = On Sym#Symbols = All Swi#ShowHolidays = On Swi#ShowMoon = On Swi_ShowTime = On Val_ContentWidth = 150 Swi_MarkToday = On Col_MarkToday = #309030 Swi_UsType = [English]On[/English][Deutsch]Off[/Deutsch] Swi_Images = On Swi_TxtBold = Off Col_Text = #FFFFFF Col_Spec = #4040D0 Col_Holy = #FF0000 Col_Locl = #AA00E0 Val_CalSize = 8 Val_CalFont = Arial {/UserSettings} {Description} [Deutsch] Val_Transparency = Transparenz (0% - 90%) $MSIE55_Required_Warning$ Swi_ShowBkgnd = Hintergrund anzeigen Col_BgColor = Hintergrund Farbe (nur wenn Hintergrund angezeigt wird) Val#ListCount = Max. Anzahl der anzuzeigenden Feiertage, besonderen Tage und Termine Swi#ShowEvents = Anzeige von Terminen Swi#ShowHolidays = Anzeige von Feiertagen Swi#ShowMoon = Anzeige von Voll / Neumond (nur wenn Feiertags Anzeige eingeschaltet) Val#MinEventRep = Mindest Wiederholungs Intervall für Termine (nicht relevant für einmalige Termine)
Wenn das Wdh. Intervall des Termins kleiner als das hier angegebene ist, wird der Termin auf dem Desktop nur einmal angezeigt und beim Drucken garnicht. Hat der Termin eine begrenzte ANZAHL von Wiederholungen (z.B. 4x 1Tag), wird er auch dann noch angezeigt, wenn das Wiederholungs Intervall gleich dem hier eingegebenen ist.
Mögliche Werte: Stunde(n), Tag(e), Woche(n), Monat(e), Jahr(e) Sym#Symbols = Anzeige nur von Terminen mit einem der links aufgelisteten Symbole. Swi_ShowTime = Anzeige der Uhrzeit der Termine (nur wenn Terminausgabe eingeschaltet) Val_ContentWidth = Breite der Termin Anzeige in Pixel. Längere Texte werden gekürzt. Swi_MarkToday = Markierung um Heute Col_MarkToday = Farbe für Markierung um Heute Swi_UsType = US - Datumsformat (Monat Tag.) --- (Tag. Monat) Swi_Images = Symbole anzeigen Swi_TxtBold = Text fett Col_Text = Text Farbe Col_Spec = Farbe der besonderen Tage Col_Holy = Farbe der Feiertage Col_Locl = Farbe der lokalen Feiertage Val_CalSize = Schriftgröße (pt) Val_CalFont = Schriftart [/Deutsch] [English] Val_Transparency = Transparency (0% - 90%) $MSIE55_Required_Warning$ Swi_ShowBkgnd = Display background Col_BgColor = Background color (only if background is displayed) Val#ListCount = Max. number of holidays, special days and events to be displayed Swi#ShowEvents = Display of events Swi#ShowHolidays = Display of holidays Swi#ShowMoon = Display of full / new moon (only if display of holidays enabled) Val#MinEventRep = Min repetition interval for events (has no meaning for one-time events)
If the repet. intervall of the event is shorter than the one specified here, the event will be displayed only once on the desktop and never in the print calendar. If the event has a limited COUNT of repetitions (e.g. 4x 1day), it will be even displayed, if the repetition interval is equal to the one entered here.
Possible values: hour(s), day(s), week(s), month(s), year(s) Sym#Symbols = Display only events which have one of the symbols on the left. Swi_ShowTime = Display of time for events (only if display of events enabled) Val_ContentWidth = Width of event display in pixels. Longer texts will be shortened. Swi_MarkToday = Line between days Col_MarkToday = Color of line between days Swi_UsType = US - dateformat (month day.) --- (day. month) Swi_Images = Display images Swi_TxtBold = Bold text Col_Text = Text color Col_Spec = Color of special days Col_Holy = Color of holidays Col_Locl = Color of local holidays Val_CalSize = Font size (pt) Val_CalFont = Font [/English] {/Description} ; ========= ; Info ; ========= {Info} [Deutsch] Termin Liste für den Desktop
Anzeige der nächsten Termine und Feiertage als transparenter Text auf dem Desktop.
Gefrorene Termine werden hier NICHT angezeigt.
Ein Doppelklick auf die Terminliste auf dem Desktop öffnet den Terminkalender mit dem angeklickten Tag vorselektiert.
[/Deutsch] [English] Event list for the desktop
Display of the following events and holidays as transparent text on the desktop.
Frozen events will NOT be displayed here.
A doubleclick on the event list on the desktop opens the organizer with the clicked day preselected.
[/English] {/Info} ; =============== ; Style Sheets ; =============== {Style} .MainTable { font-size:%Val_CalSize%pt; font-family:%Val_CalFont%; letter-spacing:0px; word-spacing:3px; [Swi_TxtBold_On]font-weight:bold;[/Swi_TxtBold_On] color:%Col_Text%;} .FrameTable { background-color:%Col_BgColor%; border:3px solid; border-color:%Col_Text%; } .EventLink { text-decoration:underline; color:%Col_Text%; cursor:hand; } .Txt_Locl { width:%Val_ContentWidth%px; text-overflow:ellipsis; overflow:hidden; color:%Col_Locl%; [Swi_TxtBold_On]font-weight:bold;[/Swi_TxtBold_On]; } .Txt_Holy { width:%Val_ContentWidth%px; text-overflow:ellipsis; overflow:hidden; color:%Col_Holy%; font-weight:bold; } .Txt_Spec { width:%Val_ContentWidth%px; text-overflow:ellipsis; overflow:hidden; color:%Col_Spec%; [Swi_TxtBold_On]font-weight:bold;[/Swi_TxtBold_On]; } .Txt_Event { width:%Val_ContentWidth%px; text-overflow:ellipsis; overflow:hidden; } [Swi_MarkToday_On] .MarkToday { border:2px solid; border-color:%Col_MarkToday%; } [/Swi_MarkToday_On] {/Style} ; ================= ; Template Body ; ================= {Body} [Swi_ShowBkgnd_On]
[/Swi_ShowBkgnd_On] $Insert_Months_Here$
[/Swi_ShowBkgnd_On] {/Body} ; The above is required to measure the real width of the message before it was clipped by "overflow:hidden" ; It must have the same font familiy and font size as the text which is clipped via "overflow:hidden" ; ================================ ; $Insert_Months_Here$ Block ; ================================ {Month}$Insert_Weeks_Here${/Month} ; =============================== ; $Insert_Weeks_Here$ Block ; =============================== {Week}$Insert_Days_Here${/Week} {WeekEmpty}{/WeekEmpty} ; ============================= ; $Insert_Days_Here$ Block ; ============================= {Day} [HasContent] [Swi_MarkToday_On] [/Swi_MarkToday_On] %WeekDayShort%  [Swi_UsType_Off] %Day1Digit%  %MonthShort% [/Swi_UsType_Off] [Swi_UsType_On] %MonthShort%  %Day1Digit% [/Swi_UsType_On] $Insert_Content_Here$ [/HasContent] {/Day} {DayEmpty}{/DayEmpty} {MultiDayEmpty}{/MultiDayEmpty} ; ================================== ; $Insert_DayNames_Here$ Block ; ================================== {DayNames}{/DayNames} ; ================================= ; $Insert_Content_Here$ Block ; ================================= {ContHoly} $Insert_Image_Here$ %HoliDay% {Spacer}
{/Spacer} {/ContHoly} {ContLocl} $Insert_Image_Here$ %HoliDay% {Spacer}
{/Spacer} {/ContLocl} {ContSpec} $Insert_Image_Here$ %HoliDay% {Spacer}
{/Spacer} {/ContSpec} {ContEvent} $Insert_Image_Here$[Swi_ShowTime_On] (%Time%)[/Swi_ShowTime_On] %Event% {Spacer}
{/Spacer} {/ContEvent} ; ================================= ; $Insert_Image_Here$ Block ; ================================= {Image}[Swi_Images_On] [/Swi_Images_On]{/Image} {ScriptBlock} {/ScriptBlock}