; ######################################################### ; ; Template Version 4.7 ; ; For a syntax description see PTBSync help !!!!! ; ; This file is overwritten with the next PTBSync update. ; If you modify it, save it under a different filename !! ; ; ######################################################### ; ===================== ; User settings ; ===================== {FixSettings} WidthOfValueFields = 100 InitialDeskPosX = -10 InitialDeskPosY = 10 {/FixSettings} {UserSettings} Val_Transparency = 40% Swi_ShowBkgnd = On Swi_TxtBold = Off Col_Text = #000000 Col_Spec = #0000C0 Col_Holy = #FF0000 Col_Locl = #AA00E0 Col_Comment = #A0A060 Sym#Symbols = All Val#FirstMonth = 0 Val#MonthCount = [Desktop]1[/Desktop][Print]12[/Print] Swi_MonthHoriz = Off Swi_MonthShort = Off Swi#ShowHolidays = On Swi#ShowComments = On Swi#ShowMoon = On Swi_Comm2Lines = Off Swi#ShowEvents = On Swi_ShowTime = On Val#ShortenText = 60 Swi_Images = On Swi_MarkEvents = On Col_MarkEvents = #808080 Swi_TodayRect = On Col_TodayRect = #309030 Swi_MonthButtons = [Desktop]On[/Desktop][Print]Off[/Print] Col_Month = #900000 Val_MonthSize = 10 Val_MonthFont = Verdana Val_CalSize = 8 Val_CalFont = Verdana Val_TipSize = 8 Val_TipFont = Verdana Col_TipBkgnd = #FFFFEE Col_TipText = #000000 Val_CellHeight = 18 Val_CellWidth = 18 {/UserSettings} {Description} [Deutsch] Val#FirstMonth = Erster Monat, der angezeigt werden soll, relativ
(0= momentaner Monat, -1= letzter Monat, +1= nächster Monat, usw.) Val#MonthCount = Anzahl Monate, die ausgegeben werden sollen (max 12) Swi_MonthHoriz = Monate nebeneinander (nur wenn mehrere Monate angezeigt werden) Swi_MonthShort = Monatsnamen abgekürzt Swi#ShowHolidays = Anzeige der Feiertage und der besonderen Tage Swi#ShowComments = Anzeige der Feiertags Kommentare im Tooltip (nur wenn Feiertags Anzeige eingeschaltet) Swi#ShowMoon = Anzeige von Voll / Neumond (nur wenn Feiertags Anzeige eingeschaltet) Swi_Comm2Lines = Feiertags Kommentare in einer eigenen Zeile (sonst selbe Zeile wie der Feiertagsname) Swi#ShowEvents = Anzeige der Termine Swi_ShowTime = Anzeige der Uhrzeit der Termine im Tooltip (nur wenn Terminausgabe eingeschaltet) Val#ShortenText = Lange Ausgaben (Termine + Feiertage) im Tooltip kürzen auf X Zeichen (0= keine Ausgabe) Swi_Images = Symbole anzeigen Swi_ShowBkgnd = Hintergrund anzeigen Val_Transparency = Transparenz (0% - 90%) $MSIE55_Required_Warning$ Col_Text = Text Farbe Col_Spec = Farbe der besonderen Tage Col_Holy = Farbe der Feiertage Col_Locl = Farbe der lokalen Feiertage Col_Comment = Farbe der Feiertags Kommentare (im Tooltip) Sym#Symbols = Anzeige nur von Terminen mit einem der links aufgelisteten Symbole. Swi_TxtBold = Text fett Swi_MonthButtons = Knöpfe zum Umschalten der Monate anzeigen Swi_MarkEvents = Tage, die einen Termin haben, unterstreichen (nur wenn Terminausgabe eingeschaltet) Col_MarkEvents = Farbe der Unterstreichungen Swi_TodayRect = Rechteck um Heute Col_TodayRect = Farbe für Rechteck um Heute Val_CellHeight = Mindest Zellhöhe (Pixel) Val_CellWidth = Mindest Zellbreite (Pixel) Val_CalSize = Schriftgröße im Kalender (pt) Val_TipSize = Schriftgröße im Tooltip (pt) Val_CalFont = Schriftart im Kalender Val_TipFont = Schriftart im Tooltip Col_TipBkgnd = Hintergrundfarbe für Tooltip Col_TipText = Textfarbe für Tooltip Col_Month = Farbe der Monats Anzeige (nur wenn Hintergrund angezeigt wird) Val_MonthSize = Schriftgröße des Monats Namens (pt) Val_MonthFont = Schriftart des Monats Namens [/Deutsch] [English] Val#FirstMonth = First month to be displayed, relative
(0= current month, -1= last month, +1= next month, etc.) Val#MonthCount = Month count to be displayed (max 12) Swi_MonthHoriz = Months side by side (only if more than one month are displayed) Swi_MonthShort = Month names shortcut Swi#ShowHolidays = Display of holidays and special days Swi#ShowComments = Display of holiday comments in tooltip (only if display of holidays enabled) Swi#ShowMoon = Display of Full / New moon (only if display of holidays enabled) Swi_Comm2Lines = Holiday comments in an extra line (otherwise same line as holiday name) Swi#ShowEvents = Display of events Swi_ShowTime = Display of time for events in tooltip (only if display of events enabled) Val#ShortenText = Shorten long output (events + holidays) in tooltip to X characters (0= no output) Swi_Images = Display images Swi_ShowBkgnd = Display background Val_Transparency = Transparency (0% - 90%) $MSIE55_Required_Warning$ Col_Text = Text color Col_Spec = Color of special days Col_Holy = Color of holidays Col_Locl = Color of local holidays Col_Comment = Color of holiday comments (in tooltip) Sym#Symbols = Display only events which have one of the symbols on the left. Swi_TxtBold = Bold text Swi_MonthButtons = Display buttons to switch months up / down Swi_MarkEvents = Underline days which have an event (only if display of events enabled) Col_MarkEvents = Color of underlining Swi_TodayRect = Rectangle on today Col_TodayRect = Color of Rectangle on today Val_CellHeight = Minimum height of cells (Pixel) Val_CellWidth = Minimum width of cells (Pixel) Val_CalSize = Font size in calendar (pt) Val_TipSize = Font size in tooltip (pt) Val_CalFont = Font in caledar Val_TipFont = Font in tooltip Col_TipBkgnd = Background color for Tooltip Col_TipText = Text color for Tooltip Val_MonthFont = Font of the month Col_Month = Color of month display (only if background is displayed) Val_MonthSize = Font size of month names (pt) [/English] {/Description} ; ========= ; Info ; ========= {Info} [Deutsch] Mini Kalender für den Desktop
Enthält ein JavaScript, das Termine und Feiertage anzeigt, wenn die Maus über einem Tag ist.
Ein Doppelklick auf den Desktop Kalender öffnet den Terminkalender mit dem angeklickten Tag vorselektiert.
[/Deutsch] [English] Mini calendar for desktop
Contains a JavaScript which displays events and holidays when the mouse is over a day.
A doubleclick on the desktop calendar opens the organizer with the clicked day preselected.
[/English] {/Info} ; =============== ; Style Sheets ; =============== {Style} .MainTable { font-family:%Val_CalFont%; font-size:%Val_CalSize%pt; color:%Col_Text%; [Swi_TxtBold_On]font-weight:bold;[/Swi_TxtBold_On] } .TipTable { font-family:%Val_TipFont%; font-size:%Val_TipSize%pt; color:%Col_Text%; } .EventLink { text-decoration:none; color:%Col_TipText%; cursor:hand; } .Comment { color:%Col_Comment%; font-size:%Val_TipSize%pt;} .Txt_Locl { color:%Col_Locl%; } .Txt_Holy { color:%Col_Holy%; font-weight:bold; } .Txt_Spec { color:%Col_Spec%; } .Tip { font-family:%Val_TipFont%; font-size:%Val_TipSize%pt; visibility:hidden; position:absolute; color:%Col_TipText%; background-color:%Col_TipBkgnd%; border:1px solid; border-color:black; padding:2px; text-align:left; } .DayName_Sa, .DayName_Su { color:%Col_Holy%; } [Swi_MarkEvents_On] .MarkEvent { border-bottom:2px solid; border-bottom-width:1px; border-color:%Col_MarkEvents%; } [/Swi_MarkEvents_On] [Swi_TodayRect_On] .TodayRect { border:2px solid; border-color:%Col_TodayRect%; } [/Swi_TodayRect_On] [Swi_ShowBkgnd_Off] .Button { font-family:Courier; font-size:7pt; line-height:9pt; cursor:default; width:20px; height:20px; color:%Col_Text%; } .MonthHead { font-family:%Val_MonthFont%; font-size:%Val_MonthSize%pt; color:%Col_Text%; font-weight:bold; } .WkRight { border-right: 2px solid; border-right-width: 1px; border-color:%Col_Text%; text-align:center; } .WkBottm { border-bottom:2px solid; border-bottom-width:1px; border-color:%Col_Text%; text-align:center; } .Bkg_NormWk, .Bkg_NormSa, .Bkg_NormSu, .Bkg_SpecWk, .Bkg_SpecSa, .Bkg_SpecSu, .Bkg_LoclWk, .Bkg_LoclSa, .Bkg_LoclSu, .Bkg_HolyWk, .Bkg_HolySa, .Bkg_HolySu { text-align:center; cursor:default; } [/Swi_ShowBkgnd_Off] [Swi_ShowBkgnd_On] .Button { font-family:Courier; font-size:7pt; line-height:9pt; cursor:default; width:20px; height:20px; } .MonthHead { font-family:%Val_MonthFont%; font-size:%Val_MonthSize%pt; color:%Col_Month%; font-weight:bold; background-color:#F0F0F0; border:2px solid; border-color:%Col_Month%; } .WkRight, .WkBottm { background-color:#606060; text-align:center; color:#FFFFFF; } .Bkg_NormWk, .Bkg_SpecWk { background-color:#F0F0F0; text-align:center; cursor:default; } .Bkg_NormSa, .Bkg_SpecSa { background-color:#FFC0C0; text-align:center; cursor:default; } .Bkg_NormSu, .Bkg_SpecSu { background-color:#FFC0C0; text-align:center; cursor:default; } .Bkg_LoclWk, .Bkg_LoclSa, .Bkg_LoclSu { background-color:#FFC0FF; text-align:center; cursor:default; } .Bkg_HolyWk, .Bkg_HolySa, .Bkg_HolySu { background-color:#FFC0C0; text-align:center; cursor:default; } [/Swi_ShowBkgnd_On] {/Style} ; ================= ; Template Body ; ================= {Body}
{/Body} ; ================================ ; $Insert_Months_Here$ Block ; ================================ {Month} [Swi_MonthButtons_On][FirstMonth] [/FirstMonth][/Swi_MonthButtons_On] [Swi_MonthButtons_On][FirstMonth] [/FirstMonth][/Swi_MonthButtons_On]
[/Swi_ShowBkgnd_Off] [Swi_ShowBkgnd_On][/Swi_ShowBkgnd_On]
 [Swi_MonthShort]%MonthShort%|%MonthLong%[/Swi_MonthShort] %YearLong%  [Swi_ShowBkgnd_Off]
[/Swi_ShowBkgnd_Off] [Swi_ShowBkgnd_On][/Swi_ShowBkgnd_On]
$Insert_DayNames_Here$ $Insert_Weeks_Here$
{Spacer} [Swi_MonthHoriz]|
[/Swi_MonthHoriz] {/Spacer} {/Month} ; =============================== ; $Insert_Weeks_Here$ Block ; =============================== {Week} $Insert_Days_Here$ {Header} %Week1Digit% {/Header} {Footer} {/Footer} {First} {/First} {Last} {/Last} {/Week} {WeekEmpty} {/WeekEmpty} ; ============================= ; $Insert_Days_Here$ Block ; ============================= {Day} [Today]
[/HasEvent] %DaySpace% [HasEvent]
[/Today] {Tooltip} [HasContent]
[/HasContent] {/Tooltip} {/Day} {DayEmpty} {/DayEmpty} {MultiDayEmpty}   {/MultiDayEmpty} ; ================================== ; $Insert_DayNames_Here$ Block ; ================================== {DayNames} %WeekDayShort% {/DayNames} ; ================================= ; $Insert_Content_Here$ Block ; ================================= {ContHoly}
$Insert_Image_Here$ %HoliDay% [HasComment][Swi_Comm2Lines]
| [/Swi_Comm2Lines]%Comment%
{Spacer}{/Spacer} {/ContHoly} {ContLocl}
$Insert_Image_Here$ %HoliDay% [HasComment][Swi_Comm2Lines]
| [/Swi_Comm2Lines]%Comment%
{Spacer}{/Spacer} {/ContLocl} {ContSpec}
$Insert_Image_Here$ %HoliDay% [HasComment][Swi_Comm2Lines]
| [/Swi_Comm2Lines]%Comment%
{Spacer}{/Spacer} {/ContSpec} {ContEvent}
$Insert_Image_Here$ [Swi_ShowTime_On](%Time%) [/Swi_ShowTime_On]%Event%
{Spacer}{/Spacer} {/ContEvent} ; ================================= ; $Insert_Image_Here$ Block ; ================================= {Image} [Swi_Images_On]%Image% [/Swi_Images_On] {/Image}