; #########################################################
; Template Version 4.7
; For a syntax description see PTBSync help !!!!!
; This file is overwritten with the next PTBSync update.
; If you modify it, save it under a different filename !!
; #########################################################
; =====================
; User Settings
; =====================
WidthOfValueFields = 100
InitialDeskPosX = 130
InitialDeskPosY = 140
MSIE5Check = 1
Val_Transparency = 0%
Swi_ShowBkgnd = Off
Col_BgColor = #8D6FB3
Col_TextColor = #8BBBFF
Swi_TxtBold = Off
Swi_Islam = On
Swi_Jewish = On
Swi_Iran = On
Swi_Coptic = On
Swi_WeekNo = On
Swi_ElapsDay = On
Swi_RestDay = On
Swi_ElapsWork = On
Swi_RestWork = On
Swi_Hometown = On
Swi_Sunrise = On
Swi_Moonrise = On
Swi_Twilight = On
Swi_Daylength = On
Val_TxtSize = 8
Val_Font = Verdana
Val_Transparency = Transparenz (0% - 90%) $MSIE55_Required_Warning$
Swi_ShowBkgnd = Hintergrund anzeigen
Col_BgColor = Hintergrund Farbe (nur wenn Hintergrund angezeigt wird)
Col_TextColor = Text Farbe
Swi_TxtBold = Text fett
Swi_Islam = Islamisches Datum
Swi_Jewish = Jüdisches Datum
Swi_Iran = Iranisches Datum
Swi_Coptic = Koptisches Datum
Swi_WeekNo = Woche im Jahr
Swi_ElapsDay = Abgelaufene Tage im Jahr
Swi_RestDay = Rest Tage im Jahr
Swi_ElapsWork = Abgelaufene Arbeitstage im Jahr
Swi_RestWork = Rest Arbeitstage im Jahr
Swi_Hometown = Anzeige der Stadt, für die die folgenden Daten gelten.
Im Mond Kalender Fenster müssen die Koordinaten deiner Stadt eingegeben werden.
(Klicke den Hilfe Knopf dort!!)
Swi_Sunrise = Sonnenauf- und untergang
Swi_Moonrise = Mondauf- und untergang
Swi_Twilight = Morgen- und Abenddämmerung
Swi_Daylength = Tageslänge
Val_TxtSize = Schriftgröße
Val_Font = Schriftart
Val_Transparency = Transparency (0% - 90%) $MSIE55_Required_Warning$
Swi_ShowBkgnd = Display background
Col_BgColor = Background color (only if background is displayed)
Col_TextColor = Text color
Swi_TxtBold = Bold text
Swi_Islam = Islam date
Swi_Jewish = Jewish date
Swi_Iran = Iran date
Swi_Coptic = Coptic date
Swi_WeekNo = Week number in year
Swi_ElapsDay = Elapsed days in year
Swi_RestDay = Remaining days in year
Swi_ElapsWork = Elapsed working days in year
Swi_RestWork = Remaining working days in year
Swi_Hometown = Display of the city for which the following data is valid.
In the Moon calculator window you must enter the coordinates of your hometown.
(Click on the help button there !!)
Swi_Sunrise = Sunrise and sunset
Swi_Moonrise = Moonrise and moonset
Swi_Twilight = Morning and evening twilight
Swi_Daylength = Daylength
Val_TxtSize = Font size
Val_Font = Font
; =========
; Info
; =========
Tagesanzeige für den Desktop
Zeigt Informationen über den heutigen Tag an.
Day display for desktop
Displays informations about today.
; ===============
; Style Sheets
; ===============
.ExtraDate { color:%Col_TextColor%; font-family:%Val_Font%; font-size:%Val_TxtSize%pt; [Swi_TxtBold_On]font-weight:bold;[/Swi_TxtBold_On]; }
.ExtraTable { border:none; }
.ExtraTable { background-color:%Col_BgColor%; border:3px solid; border-color:%Col_TextColor%; }
; =================
; Template Body
; =================
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; Scripts
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