; #########################################################
; Template Version 5.4
; For a syntax description see PTBSync help !!!!!
; This file is overwritten with the next PTBSync update.
; If you modify it, save it under a different filename !!
; #########################################################
; =====================
; User Settings
; =====================
WidthOfValueFields = 110
InitialDeskPosX = center
InitialDeskPosY = middle
MSIE5Check = 1
Swi_Current = On
Swi_Details = On
Swi_ShowHours = On
Swi#Weather2Hours= On
Swi_ShowDays = On
Swi_ShowNight = On
Val#WeatherCols = 5
Swi_Footer = On
Swi_SplitFooter = On
Swi_WeatherUs = Off
Val_Transparency = 0%
Swi_ShowBkgnd = On
Col_BgColor = #B9DAFF
Swi_StickyBtn = Off
Swi_StickyBkg = On
Col_TextActual = #000000
Col_TextForecast = #000000
Swi_TxtBold = Off
Val_TxtSize = 8
Val_Font = Verdana
Swi_WeekBkgnd = On
Col_Weekday = #FFFFFF
Col_Border = #004A66
Col_Footer = #004A66
Swi_WeatherUs = US-Maße Fahrenheit, Meilen, Inch (sonst Celsius, Kilometer, Millibar)
Swi_Current = Anzeige des aktuellen Wetters
Swi_Details = Anzeige der Details für aktuelles Wetter (Wind, Luftdruck, etc..)
Swi_ShowDays = Anzeige der Tages-Wettervorhersage
Swi_ShowHours = Anzeige der Stunden-Wettervorhersage
Swi#Weather2Hours= Stunden-Wettervorhersage in 2 Stunden Schritten
Der Server liefert nur 12 Stunden. Bei 9 Spalten in 2 Stunden Schritten bleiben die drei letzten leer.
Swi_ShowNight = Anzeige der Tages-Wettervorhersage auch für nachts
Val#WeatherCols = Anzahl der Spalten. Gültige Werte sind 1 bis 9
Swi_Footer = Anzeige des Zeitpunktes der Observation, (Server Update von der Wetterstation in Ortszeit)
und letztes PTBSync Update vom Server (in PC Zeit)
Swi_SplitFooter = Anzeige der Update Zeiten in zwei Zeilen
Swi_StickyBtn = Platzsparende temporäre Wettervorhersage: Anzeige auf Klick für 30 Sekunden
Swi_StickyBkg = Im platzsparenden Modus Vorhersage immer mit Hintergrund anzeigen.
Val_Transparency = Transparenz (0% - 90%) Erfordert Ausschalten des Hintergrundes! $MSIE55_Required_Warning$
Swi_ShowBkgnd = Hintergrund anzeigen
Col_BgColor = Hintergrund Farbe (Desktop nur wenn Hintergrund angezeigt wird) und für Tooltip
Col_TextActual = Text Farbe für aktuelles Wetter
Col_TextForecast = Text Farbe für Wettervorhersage
Swi_TxtBold = Text fett
Val_TxtSize = Schriftgröße (pt)
Val_Font = Schriftart
Swi_WeekBkgnd = Hintergrundfarbe für Wochentage
Col_Weekday = Textfarbe für Wochentage
Col_Border = Farbe für Rand und Wochentag Hintergrund
Col_Footer = Textfarbe für Update Zeiten
Swi_WeatherUs = Unit of Measurement Fahrenheit, Miles, Inch (otherwise Celsius, Kilometer, Millibar)
Swi_Current = Display of the current weather
Swi_Details = Display details for current weather (wind, pressure, etc..)
Swi_ShowDays = Display of Daily-Weather Forecast
Swi_ShowHours = Display of Hourly-Weather Forecast
Swi#Weather2Hours= Hour Forecast in 2 Hour steps
The server delivers only 12 hours. If you display 9 columns in 2 hour steps, the last three will stay empty.
Swi_ShowNight = Display of Daily Weather Forecast also for the night
Val#WeatherCols = Column Count. Valid values are 1 - 9
Swi_Footer = Display time of observation time (server update from the weather station in local time)
and last PTBSync update from the server (in PC time)
Swi_SplitFooter = Display of update times in two lines
Swi_StickyBtn = Space saving temporary weather forecast: Display on click for 30 seconds
Swi_StickyBkg = In space saving mode show forecast always with background color.
Val_Transparency = Transparency (0% - 90%) Requires turning off the Background! $MSIE55_Required_Warning$
Swi_ShowBkgnd = Display background
Col_BgColor = Background color (Desktop only if background is displayed) and for Tooltip
Col_TextActual = Text color for actual weather
Col_TextForecast = Text color for weather forecast
Swi_TxtBold = Text bold
Val_TxtSize = Font size (pt)
Val_Font = Font
Swi_WeekBkgnd = Show background color for Weekdays
Col_Weekday = Text color for Weekday
Col_Border = Color for Border and Weekday background
Col_Footer = Text color for Update Times
; =========
; Info
; =========
Wetter Info für %WeatherCity%
Zeigt das aktuelle Wetter und die Wetter Vorhersage auf dem Desktop an.
Klicke hier um eine Stadt auszuwählen.
Wenn die Maus sich über einem Tag der Vorhersage befindet erscheint ein Tooltip mit weiteren Informationen.
Die Wetterdaten werden automatisch alle 2 Stunden vom Wetterserver aktualisiert.
Ein Doppelklick auf das Wetter Template aktualisiert die Anzeige sofort.
Bei Verwendung eins Proxys muß dieser im Internet Explorer eingetragen sein!
In der Firewall muß PTBSync die Benutzung von Port 80 (HTTP) erlaubt sein!
Weather Info for %WeatherCity%
Displays the current weather and the weather forecast on the desktop.
Click here to select a city.
If the mouse is over a forecast day you see more informations in a tooltip.
The weather data is automatically refreshed every 2 hours from the weather server.
A double click on the weather template updates the weather information immediately.
If you access the internet via proxy you have to specify it in Internet Explorer's options!
In your firewall you have to allow PTBSync to use Port 80 (HTTP).
; ===============
; Style Sheets
; ===============
; For Internet Explorer 6 and older it is necessary to load PNG images via AlphaImageLoader to have a transparent background!
.MainTable { [Swi_ShowBkgnd]background-color:#%Col_BgColor%; border:2px solid #%Col_Border%;|border:none;[/Swi_ShowBkgnd] }
.ContentAct { color:#%Col_TextActual%; font-family:%Val_Font%; font-size:%Val_TxtSize%pt; [Swi_TxtBold_On]font-weight:bold;[/Swi_TxtBold_On] }
.ContentFore { color:#%Col_TextForecast%; font-family:%Val_Font%; font-size:%Val_TxtSize%pt; [Swi_TxtBold_On]font-weight:bold;[/Swi_TxtBold_On] }
.DayHeader { font-weight:bold; text-align:center; [Swi_WeekBkgnd_On]background-color:#%Col_Border%;[/Swi_WeekBkgnd_On] color:#%Col_Weekday%; padding-bottom:2px; }
.DayTemp { padding-bottom:6px; padding-left:8px; padding-right:8px; text-align:center; }
.FooterText { color:#%Col_Footer%; font-size:8px; }
.FooterPadd { padding-top:4px; padding-bottom:6px; }
.Tip { visibility:hidden; position:absolute; background-color:infobackground; border:1px solid; border-color:black; padding:2px; font-family:%Val_Font%; font-size:%Val_TxtSize%pt; }
.PngActual { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='%PTBSyncPathMime%Weather/%HourPng0%.png'; sizingMethod='scale'); background:none; }
.DayPng0 { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='%PTBSyncPathMime%Weather/%DayPng0%.png'; sizingMethod='scale'); background:none; }
.DayPng1 { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='%PTBSyncPathMime%Weather/%DayPng1%.png'; sizingMethod='scale'); background:none; }
.DayPng2 { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='%PTBSyncPathMime%Weather/%DayPng2%.png'; sizingMethod='scale'); background:none; }
.DayPng3 { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='%PTBSyncPathMime%Weather/%DayPng3%.png'; sizingMethod='scale'); background:none; }
.DayPng4 { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='%PTBSyncPathMime%Weather/%DayPng4%.png'; sizingMethod='scale'); background:none; }
.DayPng5 { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='%PTBSyncPathMime%Weather/%DayPng5%.png'; sizingMethod='scale'); background:none; }
.DayPng6 { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='%PTBSyncPathMime%Weather/%DayPng6%.png'; sizingMethod='scale'); background:none; }
.DayPng7 { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='%PTBSyncPathMime%Weather/%DayPng7%.png'; sizingMethod='scale'); background:none; }
.DayPng8 { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='%PTBSyncPathMime%Weather/%DayPng8%.png'; sizingMethod='scale'); background:none; }
.NightPng0 { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='%PTBSyncPathMime%Weather/%NightPng0%.png'; sizingMethod='scale'); background:none; }
.NightPng1 { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='%PTBSyncPathMime%Weather/%NightPng1%.png'; sizingMethod='scale'); background:none; }
.NightPng2 { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='%PTBSyncPathMime%Weather/%NightPng2%.png'; sizingMethod='scale'); background:none; }
.NightPng3 { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='%PTBSyncPathMime%Weather/%NightPng3%.png'; sizingMethod='scale'); background:none; }
.NightPng4 { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='%PTBSyncPathMime%Weather/%NightPng4%.png'; sizingMethod='scale'); background:none; }
.NightPng5 { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='%PTBSyncPathMime%Weather/%NightPng5%.png'; sizingMethod='scale'); background:none; }
.NightPng6 { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='%PTBSyncPathMime%Weather/%NightPng6%.png'; sizingMethod='scale'); background:none; }
.NightPng7 { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='%PTBSyncPathMime%Weather/%NightPng7%.png'; sizingMethod='scale'); background:none; }
.NightPng8 { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='%PTBSyncPathMime%Weather/%NightPng8%.png'; sizingMethod='scale'); background:none; }
.HourPng0 { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='%PTBSyncPathMime%Weather/%HourPng0%.png'; sizingMethod='scale'); background:none; }
.HourPng1 { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='%PTBSyncPathMime%Weather/%HourPng1%.png'; sizingMethod='scale'); background:none; }
.HourPng2 { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='%PTBSyncPathMime%Weather/%HourPng2%.png'; sizingMethod='scale'); background:none; }
.HourPng3 { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='%PTBSyncPathMime%Weather/%HourPng3%.png'; sizingMethod='scale'); background:none; }
.HourPng4 { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='%PTBSyncPathMime%Weather/%HourPng4%.png'; sizingMethod='scale'); background:none; }
.HourPng5 { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='%PTBSyncPathMime%Weather/%HourPng5%.png'; sizingMethod='scale'); background:none; }
.HourPng6 { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='%PTBSyncPathMime%Weather/%HourPng6%.png'; sizingMethod='scale'); background:none; }
.HourPng7 { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='%PTBSyncPathMime%Weather/%HourPng7%.png'; sizingMethod='scale'); background:none; }
.HourPng8 { filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='%PTBSyncPathMime%Weather/%HourPng8%.png'; sizingMethod='scale'); background:none; }
; =================
; Template Body
; =================
[/Swi_Current_On] |
[Deutsch]Wetter Template: Alles ausgeschaltet[/Deutsch] [English]Weather Template: All switched off[/English] |
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