Desktop Organizer (PTBSync)
Atomic clock synchronization, Organizer, Desktop calendar and Trayclock
Point the cursor to an image to see the name and size
To download the images: Right-click on the images, Save Picture As...
Zet de 'cursor' over een beeld om de naam en grootte te zien
Een beeld downloaden: Rechter-muis-klik, Afbeelding opslaan als...
You can copy the images you want to use to the Images directory on your PC (subdirectories from PTBSync)
[Usually C:\Program Files\PTBSync\Images]
De beelden (Images) die u wenst te gebruiken moet u overbrengen naar de Folder (Directory) ‘Images’ op uw PC (sub-directories van PTBSync)
[meestal C:\Program Files\PTBSync\Images]
Images. You can change the name if you want, but do that before using the images. Beelden. U kan de benaming van elk beeld veranderen, maar doe dat voor gebruik. | |||||||||
anker |
Arrowdot-w |
arrowDown |
arrowLeft |
arrowRight |
arrowUp |
Attention |
Attention-g |
audio |
Az-red-white (inside white) |
balloon |
Banana |
Beer |
Belgie-kokarde |
Bell |
Birthday |
Bloem-2 |
bloem-3 |
bloem-5 |
Bloem |
bloem_steel |
Bloem-roos |
book-2 |
Book |
brugge-16 |
brugge-16-w (white background) |
Brussel-w |
Bullet_17 |
burst |
Cake |
Cal |
Calendar_days |
Camera |
Cannabis |
car |
Cash |
Chip |
Cinema |
Clock |
Cloud |
cocktail |
Coffee |
Converse_logo-W |
Converse_shoe |
Cool |
Cross (inside yellow) |
CrossOrange |
Crown |
Cup_gold |
Cup_silver |
cutlery |
Diamond |
Dice |
Diskette |
Dog |
Dollar |
Earth |
EggTimer |
Error |
explosive-2 |
explosive |
eye |
face-cool |
face-glas |
face-Happy |
face-Sad |
face-sad-0 |
face-smile |
face-smiled |
face-tinysmi |
face-Tired |
face-wink |
FastFood |
Fiets |
Fiets-G |
FietsW (white background) |
film |
Fullmoon |
Glas |
Glas-z |
Global |
Globe1 |
group |
GSM-16 |
Halloween |
Hammer |
hand |
Happy |
Hart |
Hchoco |
House |
IJscristal (old, new = Snow) |
Important |
Info |
Island-16 |
jeep-green |
jeep-red |
jeep-white |
Juventus (inside white) |
KroonB |
KroonBW (white background) |
Kruis (inside yellow) |
Laptop |
Letter |
Levis-tab |
lightbulb |
Lips |
Love |
L-rood-wit (inside white) |
Luck |
Maan |
Mail |
Medical |
Microphone |
Music |
music-color |
music-y |
Newmoon |
News |
Nike |
Nike-w (white outline) |
Nmbs-bl |
Nmbs-pers |
nr0 |
nr1 |
nr2 |
nr3 |
nr4 |
nr5 |
nr6 |
nr7 |
nr8 |
nr9 |
olympic_rings |
olympic_rings-w (white background) |
Oostende |
Overleden (gray outline) |
Palm |
panda |
Papier |
parrot |
Party |
Penguin |
Persons |
Phone |
Pie |
Pijl |
Pijl-geel (yellow outline) |
pijl-groen |
pijlr |
pijl-R |
pijl-rood |
pijl-rood-wit (inside transparent) |
PineTree |
Plane |
Present |
Present-16 |
Printer |
Radio |
Radioactive |
redcross |
Rose |
Rel_boeddhism |
Rel_Buddha.gif |
Rel_hindoe-w |
rel_islam |
rel_jew |
Rel_rk |
Rel_shinto |
Rel_sikh |
Rel_tao |
S (gray, inside white) |
S-green (gray, inside green) |
S-greenc (green, inside white) |
S-greenco (green, inside transparent) |
S-red (gray, inside red) |
S-redc (red, inside white) |
S-redco (red, inside transparent) |
scouting |
scouting-2 |
Sad |
searchtopic |
September11 |
Shopping |
Snow |
Soccer |
spaceshuttle |
Speaker |
Spirit2 |
Sport |
Sport-Bball |
Sport-cup |
Sport-Soccer |
Sport-Tball |
Star-blue |
Star-gray |
Star-green |
Star-orange |
Star-red |
Star-yellow |
Ster-blauw |
Ster-geel |
Ster-groen |
Ster-rood |
Statistc |
StopControl |
sun |
System |
Thums_up |
Tickbox |
Tip |
Tired |
Tomato |
tools |
Trash |
treinstoom-w |
TV |
TVdesktop |
umbrella |
Undo |
Vlaamseleeuw |
Vlaamseleeuw-k |
vlag-Austria |
VlagBelgie (Belgium) |
vlag-Brussel |
vlagDenemarken (Denmark) |
VlagDuitsland (Germany) |
Vlag-Duitst-gem (German Comm. Belgium) |
VlagEuropa (Europe) |
Vlag-Finland |
VlagFrankrijk (France) |
Vlag-Greece (Griekenland) |
VlagGroot-Brittannie (Great-Brittain) |
Vlag-Ireland |
VlagItalie (Italy) |
Vlag-Japan |
Vlag-Leuven (Louvain) |
VlagLuxemburg |
vlag-Monaco |
VlagNederland (The Netherlands) |
VlagNoorwegen (Norway) |
VlagSpanje (Spain) |
Vlag-Switzerland (Zwitserland) |
VlagUSA |
Vlag-Wallonie |
vlag-Wilsele |
VlagZweden (Sweden) |
Vork-mes |
Watch |
Water |
Wikipedia-t |
Wikipedia-w (white background)> |
witcheshat |
Write |
X-rood |
X-rood-d |
Yellowball |
Ying-yang |
Zeilschip |
Animated images. You can change the name if you want, but do that before using the images. Bewegende beelden U kunt de benaming van elk beeld veranderen, maar doe dat voor gebruik. | |||||||||
aan-4_rhombuses |
aan-belgiumw |
aan-bell |
aan-blau-li |
aan-bol-wit |
aan-bronco |
aan-bullet_4 |
aan-bullet_11 |
aan-bullet_20 |
aan-bullet_24 |
aan-Colors |
aan-drlicht |
Aan-globe |
aan-heart |
aan-indicator_yellow |
aan-Nederland |
aan-pfeil60 |
aan-PineTree |
aan-Pyramid |
aan-Rectangle |
aan-Rhombus |
aan-Rotori |
aan-Set_8_a |
aan-Set_8_b |
aan-Set_8_c |
aan-Set_8_d |
aan-Set_8_e |
aan-Set_8_f |
aan-Set_9_a |
aan-Set_9_b |
aan-Set_9_d |
aan-Set_9_e |
aan-Set_9_f |
aan-small_blue |
aan-hotashell |
Aan-sm-lips |
Aan-sm-rolleyes |
aan-sm-spin |
aan-star |
aan-star-blue |
aan-star-red |
aan-sterretjes |
aan-ster-wit |
aan-strobo-blue |
aan-strobo-green |
aan-vuurwerk |
aan-vuurwerk-z |
Separator image (to separate animated from non-animated images) Afscheidingsbeeld (om bewegende van niet-bewegende beelden af te scheiden) | aan-zzz |