Desktop Organizer (PTBSync)
Atomic clock synchronization, Organizer, Desktop calendar and Trayclock
Point the cursor to an image to see the name and size
To download the images: Right-click on the images, Save Picture As...
Zet de 'cursor' over een beeld om de naam en grootte te zien
Een beeld downloaden: Rechter-muis-klik, Bewaar Beeld Als...
You can copy the images you want to use to the Holidays directory on your PC (subdirectories from PTBSync)
[Usually C:\Program Files\PTBSync\Holidays]
De beelden (Images) die u wenst te gebruiken moet u overbrengen naar de Folder (Directory) ‘Holidays’ op uw PC (sub-directories van PTBSync)
[meestal C:\Program Files\PTBSync\Holidays]
Images used inside the Holiday-files (prefix Holiday_). You can change the name if you want, but do that before using the images, and don't forget to change the corresponding name in the Holiday-file. Beelden in gebruik in de Holiday-bestanden (benaming voorafgegaan door 'Holiday_') U kan de benaming van elk beeld veranderen, maar doe dat voor gebruik, en vergeet dan ook niet de benaming in het Holiday-bestand aan te passen. | |||||||||
aan-bell |
aan-globe |
aan-globe-bw |
aan-vuurwerk |
Aland |
AncientRoman |
Andorra |
anker |
Argentina |
Atomium-w |
Attention |
Australia |
Austria |
Az-red-white (inside white) |
Az-red-white-e (events) |
Bahia |
Belgen |
Belgium |
Belgium_aan (flying flag) |
Belgium2 |
Belgium2-e (events) |
Belgium-s |
Belgium-h (historical) |
Belgium-ht (historical) |
Belgium-s |
Bentley |
Brasil |
Brugge-16 |
Brugge-16-e (events) |
brugge-16-w (white background) |
Brussel |
Brussel-w |
Bulgaria |
Canada |
Chile |
ChineseCalendar |
Clock |
Colombia |
Croatia |
CzechRepublic |
Cross (inside yellow) |
Cross-c |
Cross-j |
Cross-g |
Cross-rj |
Orthodox: C = Coptic calendar - J = Julian calendar - G = Gregorian calendar - RJ = Revised Julian calendar |
days |
days-b |
days-g |
days-gr |
days-o |
days-p |
days-r |
days-y |
days-bel (Belgium) |
Denmark |
D-green-white (inside white) |
Discordianism |
Duitst-gem (white background) |
Ecuador | Egypt | EU |
Event |
Falklands |
Faroe Islands |
F-black-white (inside white) |
F-green-tr (inside transparent) |
F-green-white (inside white) |
Fic |
Fiets-b (Belgium) |
Fiets-G |
FietsW (white background) |
film |
Finland |
(Finland) Aland |
France |
France2 |
France2-e (events) |
Germany |
Germany2 |
Germany2-e (events) |
Gibraltar |
Globe |
Globe1 |
Golfball |
G-blue (inside transparent) |
G-blue-e (events) |
G-purple (inside white) |
G-purple-tr (inside transparent) |
Greece |
GWorldL |
HinduLunarCalendar |
Holiday |
Hongkong |
Hungary |
Iceland |
IJscristal (old, new = Snow) |
Iran |
Ireland |
Israel |
Italy |
Italy2 |
Italy2-e (events) |
Japan |
Japan2 |
Judaism (white outline) |
flag Köln |
K-lightgreen-tr (inside transparent) |
KroonB |
Leuven |
Liechtenstein |
L-rood-wit (inside white) |
L-rood-wit-e (events) |
Luxembourg |
Mexico |
Monaco |
Moon |
Moon-h |
Music |
Music-b (Belgium) |
music-y |
Nameday |
Netherlands |
Netherlands2 |
Netherlands2-e (events) |
Netherlands-aan (flying flag) |
Northernhemisphere |
Norway |
Olympic rings |
Oostende |
Oostende-e (events) |
PersianCalendar |
persoon |
persoon-bc (Belgium) |
Pijl-Bel-gr (Belgium) |
Pijl-Bel-gw (Belgium) |
Pijl-gr (white outline) |
Plane |
Poland |
Portugal |
Printer |
RastafariMovement |
rel_boeddhism |
rel_Buddha.gif |
rel_hindoe-w |
rel_islam |
rel_jew (see also Judaism) |
rel_chr |
rel_rk |
rel_rk-b (Belgium) |
rel_rk-gy (inside grey) |
rel_rk-h (Historic) |
rel_rk-n (The Netherlands) |
rel_rk-w (inside white) |
rel_rk-y |
rel_rk-yw (inside yellow) |
rel_shinto |
rel_sikh |
rel_tao |
Romania |
Russia |
San Marino |
school |
scouting-2 |
Sikhism |
Singapore |
Slovakia |
Slovenia |
Snow |
SouthAmerica (white outline) |
SouthAfrica |
Southernhemisphere |
Spaceshuttle |
Spain |
Spain2 |
Spain2-e (events) |
Spirit2 (Rolls-Royce) |
Sun |
Sun-e (eclips) |
Sweden |
Switzerland |
Switzerland2 |
Switzerland2-e (events) |
Star-gr |
Star-gr-A (astronomical zodiac) |
Star-gr-S (sidereal zodiac) |
Star-gr-T (tropical zodiac) |
Star-green |
Star-pink |
Star-red |
Ster-blauw |
Tball |
Thailand |
tram (white outline) |
Trash |
treinstoom-w |
treinstoom-b (Belgium) |
Turkey |
T-yellow-tr (inside transparent) |
UnitedKingdom |
UnitedKingdom2 |
UnitedKingdom2-e (events) |
UnitedKingdom-aan (flying flag) |
UK-England |
UK-Scotland |
UK-Wales |
UK-NorthernIreland |
umbrella |
UN |
Uruguay |
USA2 |
USA2-e (events) |
Vatican |
Violin |
Violin-bw |
Violin-zr |
Vlaanderen |
V-lightblue-tr (inside transparent) |
Wallonie |
Wilsele |
World |
World-1 |
Zeilschip |
Zoroastrianism |
Images used inside the US-Holiday-files. Flags of the District of Columbia (Washington D.C.) and of the US-states (in alphabetical order) and of a few countries of the United States insular area. If you would like to use these images also inside the 'organiser', copy them and remove the prefix 'Holiday_'. | ||||
USA2 |
USA2-e (events) |
USA-aan (flying flag) |
Washington D.C. |
Alabama |
Alaska |
Arizona |
Arkansas |
California |
Colorado |
Connecticut |
Delaware |
Florida |
Georgia |
Hawaii |
Idaho |
Illinois |
Indiana |
Iowa |
Kansas |
Kentucky |
Louisiana |
Maine |
Maryland |
Massachusetts |
Michigan |
Minnesota |
Mississippi |
Missouri |
Montana |
Nebraska |
Nevada |
New Hamshire |
New Jersey |
New Mexico |
New York |
North Carolina |
North Dakota |
Ohio |
Oklohoma |
Oregon |
Pennsylvania |
Rhode Island |
South Carolina |
South Dakota |
Tennessee |
Texas |
Utah |
Vermont |
Virginia |
Washington |
West Virginia |
Wisconsin |
Wyoming |
American Samoa |
Guam |
Puerto Rico |
US Virgin Islands |