Desktop Organizer (PTBSync)
Atomic clock synchronization, Organizer, Desktop calendar and Trayclock

On this page you can download additional calendars for the program PTBSync.
(All files and information can be consulted without using the PTBSync program)

If you want to use a file, place the corresponding text-file and the corresponding image in the 'holidays' directory on your PC.
[Usually C:\Program Files\PTBSync\Holidays]

Calendars (alphabetical)
Name Filename Info Image
(point right and 'save picture as')
necessary Moving Operation(s)
last modification on
13 Moon calendar Cal. 13 Moon First day of each of the thirteen Moons (months) of the 13 Moon calendar.
Information about the 13 Moon calendar.
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none October 21, 2007
30x11 calendar Cal. 30x11 First day of each of the twelve months of the 30x11 calendar.
Information about the 30x11 calendar on Wikipedia.
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none April 5, 2009
53-week calendar Cal. 53-week.txt First and last day of the year of the 53-week calendar (used (mainly) in government and business for fiscal years).
Information about the 53-week calendar on Wikipedia.
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N01 N02 May 2, 2007
60-week calendar Cal. 60-week First day of each of the twelve months of the 60-week calendar
The 60-weeks Calendar divides the year into 12 months each with five 6-day weeks (30 days) and 5/6 extra days.
Information about the 60-week calendar.
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none April 5, 2009
Annus Novus calendar Cal. Annus Novus First day of each of the ten months of the Annus Novus calendar
The Annus Novus Calendar divides the year into 10 months alternating between 36 and 37 days in length.
Information about the Annus Novus calendar.
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none April 5, 2009
Aristean calendar Cal. Aristean First day of each of the twelve months of the Aristean calendar.
Information on the Aristean calendar.
Arestean Holy Days on the Holy Days page.
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Armelin's calendar Cal. Armelin First day of each of the twelve months of Armelin's calendar.
In 1888 French astronomer Gustave Armelin has developed a calendar, which retain the year of twelve months and in which the calendar year of 364 days was divided into 12 months with four equal quarters with 91 days in each one.
Information on the Armelin's calendar on Wikipedia.
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none December 18, 2011
(old) Armenian calendar Cal. Armenian Old First day of each of the thirteen months of the Old Armenian calendar.
Information (1) on the Armenian calendar.
Information (2) on the Armenian calendar.
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Assyrian calendar Cal. Assyrian First day of each of the twelve months of the Assyrian calendar
Kha B'Nissan, Assyrian calendar New Year on Gregorian April 1.
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New Assyrian calendar Cal. Assyrian (new) First day of each of the twelve months of the New Assyrian calendar
Akitu, New Assyrian calendar New Year on Gregorian March 21 (beginning of spring).
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none April 5, 2009
Attic calendar Cal. Attic First day of each of the 12/13 months of the Attic (Greek lunar) calendar.
Good information is hard to find, so please write me if you have better information.
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none July 20, 2014
Cal. Attic-days Festive days of the Attic (Greek lunar) calendar.
Good information is hard to find, so please write me if you have better information.
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none May 12,2013
Bahá'í calendar Cal. Bahai months First day of each of the nineteen months of the Bahá'í calendar.
Bahá'í years start on the March equinox in Teheran (±March 21) and consist of 19 months of 19 days each.
Information about the Bahá'í calendar on Wikipedia.
Bahá'í Holy Days on the Holy Days page.
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none October 22, 2018
Bangla/Bengali calendar Cal. Bangla-Bangladesh (1987-2018) First day of each of the twelve months of the Bangla calendar used in Bangladesh (1987-2018).
The (Bangla) Bengali calendar is a traditional solar calendar used in Bangladesh and the states of West Bengal, Assam and Tripura in eastern India.
The year begins on Pôhela Boishakh, which falls, for Bangladesh, on 14 April.
Information about the Bangla/Bengali calendar on Wikipedia.
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Cal. Bangla-Bangladesh (after 2018) First day of each of the twelve months of the Bangla calendar used in Bangladesh (after 2018).
The (Bangla) Bengali calendar is a traditional solar calendar used in Bangladesh and the states of West Bengal, Assam and Tripura in eastern India.
The year begins on Pôhela Boishakh, which falls, for Bangladesh, on 14 April.
Information about the Bangla/Bengali calendar on Wikipedia.
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none August 16, 2021
Cal. Bangla-India First day of each of the twelve months of the Bangla calendar used in India.
The (Bangla) Bengali calendar is a traditional solar calendar used in Bangladesh and the states of West Bengal, Assam and Tripura in eastern India.
The year begins on Pôhela Boishakh, which falls, for India, on 15 April.
Information about the Bangla calendar on Wikipedia.
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none June 12, 2016
Berber/Amazigh calendar First day of each of the twelve months of the Berber/Amazigh calendar used by the Berber people of North Africa.
The Berber calendar, a legacy of Roman Mauretania, is a surviving form of the ancient Julian Calendar.
Information about the Berber calendar on Wikipedia.
Cal. Berber-Algeria First day of each of the twelve months of the Berber calendar, month namens: Kabyle (Algeria). days
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Cal. Berber-Lybia First day of each of the twelve months of the Berber calendar, month names: Libyan Arabic. days
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Cal. Berber Morocco First day of each of the twelve months of the Berber calendar, month names: Riffian (north Morocco)/Shilha (south Morocco). days
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Cal. Berber-Tunisia First day of each of the twelve months of the Berber calendar, month names: Berber of Djerba/Tunisian Arabic. days
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none January 21, 2018
Broadcast calendar Cal. Broadcast First day of each of the twelve months of the Broadcast calendar
The broadcast calendar is a standardized calendar used primarily for the planning and purchase of radio and television programs and advertising.
Information about the Broadcast calendar on Wikipedia.
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NE7 NEW NEL NMO NSU NLW NWK RMO February 15, 2008
Celtic Tree calendar Cal. Celtic Tree First day of each of the thirteen months of the Celtic Tree calendar
The Celts divided the year into thirteen lunar cycles (months or moons). These were linked to specific sacred trees which gave each moon its name. It becomes a a "solar calendar" with "lunar months", thus embodying the balance between God and Goddess.
Information about the Celtic Tree calendar.
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none April 5, 2009
Cal. Celtic-days Festive days of the Celtic Tree calendar
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none February 18, 2018
Chinese calendar Cal. Chinese First day of 10 months of the Chinese calendar.
The days in the Chinese calendar are based on the new moon, they can be one day earlier or one day later due to your location on earth.
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none August 31, 2014
Cal. Chinese-days Festive days of the Chinese calendar.
The days in the Chinese calendar are based on the new moon, they can be one day earlier or one day later due to your location on earth.
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none August 26, 2012
Chinese Agriculture Calendar Cal. Chinese Agriculture Festive days of the Chinese Agriculture Calendar.
Info on the Chinese Agriculture Calendar on Wikipedia.
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none December 16, 2007
Common Era Calendar Cal. Common Era First day of each of the twelve months of the Common Era calendar.
Info on the Common Era Calendar.
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none September 23, 2012
Coptic calendar Cal. Coptic months First day of each of the twelve months of the Coptic calendar.
The Coptic calendar is one of the four calendars that are automatically calculated in PTBSync.
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none September 28, 2014
Cosmic Calendar Cal. Cosmic First day of each of the thirteen months of the Cosmic calendar.
Info on the Cosmic Calendar.
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none September 23, 2012
Decimal calendar Cal. Decimal First day of each of the ten months of the Decimal calendar.
The Decimal calendar has 10 months of 36/37 days.
Information about the Decimal Calendar.
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none April 5, 2009
Discordian calendar see Erisean/Discordian calendar
EASY calendar Cal. EASY First day of each of the 13 months of the EASY calendar.
The EASY calendar has 13 months of 28 days, all months starting on a Monday, with New Year's day & Leap day as no weekday.
Information about the EASY Calendar.
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Egyptian-Kemetic calendar Cal. Egyptian-Kemetic First day of each of the thirteen months of the Egyptian-Kemetic calendar.
Ancient Egyptian calendar with three seasons.
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Cal. Egyptian-Kemetic-days Festive days of the Egyptian-Kemetic calendar.
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none December 16, 2012
Erisean/Discordian calendar Cal. Erisian-Discordian First day of each of the five seasons of the Erisean/Discordian calendar.
The Discordian or Erisian calendar is an alternative calendar used by some adherents of Discordianism.
Information on the Erisean/Discordian calendar on Wikipedia.
Erisean/Discordian Holy Days on the Holy Days page.
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none April 5, 2009
Ethiopian calendar Cal. Ethiopian months First day of each of the twelve months of the Ethiopian calendar
The same as the coptic calendar but with different names for the months and a different begin year.
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none January 24, 2016
Fasli calendar see Zoroastrian-Fasli calendar
Fixed Week calendar Cal. Fixed Week First day of each of the twelve months of the Fixed Week calendar.
All months beginning on a Monday and have six-day weeks.
Information on the Fixed Week calendar.
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none April 5, 2009
French Republican calendar Cal. French Republican First day of each of the twelve months of the French Republican calendar.
Used in France, and marking the start of the first French Republic on the Autumnal Equinox on Saturday 22nd September 1792.
All months beginning on a Primidi and have ten-day weeks.
Information on the French Republican calendar.
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none January 25, 2015
Cal. French Republican-days Festive days of the French Republican calendar.
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none January 25, 2015
Cal. French Republican-detailed All 365/366 days of the French Republican calendar, including festive days.
Used in France, and marking the start of the first French Republic on the Autumnal Equinox on Saturday 22nd September 1792.
All months beginning on a Primidi and have ten-day weeks.
Information on the French Republican calendar.
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none January 25, 2015
Gaelic calendar Cal. Gaelic First day of each of the twelve Gaelic months.
The Gaelic calendar, or alternatively the Irish calendar, is a system of timekeeping developed during Ireland's Gaelic era and is still in popular use in modern Ireland.
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none August 31, 2014
Goddess Months Cal. Goddess Months First day of each of the thirteen Goddess months.
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none April 10, 2011
Gregorian lunar almanac Cal. Gregorian lunar almanac First day of each of the 12/13 ecclesiastical new moons of the 19-year moon-cycle (base for the calculation of the Easter-date).
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none March 31, 2013
Harptos calendar Cal. Harptos First day of each of the twelve months of the Harptos calendar and festive days.
Calendar used in the Forgotten Realms Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting.
Information on the Harptos calendar on Wikipedia.
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none April 5, 2009
Hindu calendar Cal. Hindu First day of each of the months of the Hindu calendar.
Good information is hard to find, so please write me if you have better information.
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none October 14, 2012
Cal. Hindu-days Festive days of the Hindu calendar.
Good information is hard to find, so please write me if you have better information.
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none October 14, 2012
Icelandic calendar   Icelandic/Viking/Old Norse calendar in the Icelandic language.
See page Other Languages
Illuminati calendar Cal. Illuminati First day of each of the five months of the Illuminati calendar.
Illuminati chronology (year one AL or 4000 BCE Gregorian) begins with the birth of Hung Mung, the ancient Chaoist (pre-Taoist), Chinese philosopher.
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none April 5, 2009
Indian Civil calendar
Indian National Calendar
Cal. Indian Civil First day of each of the twelve months of the Indian Civil calendar (Indian national calendar).
The Indian national calendar (sometimes called Saka calendar) is the official civil calendar in use in India.
Information on the Indian Civil calendar on Wikipedia.
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Indian Lunar calendar Cal. Indian Lunar First day of each of the months of the Indian Lunar calendar. HinduLunarCalendar
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International Perpetual calendar Cal. Intern. Perpetual First day of each of the thirteen months of the International Perpetual calendar.
The International Perpetual calendar (also known as the International Fixed calendar, the Cotsworth plan, the Eastman plan, the 13 Month calendar or the Equal Month calendar), each month beginning on a Sunday.
Information on the International Perpetual calendar.
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none April 5, 2009
Invariable Calendar Cal. Invariable First day of each of the twelve months of the Invariable Calendar.
In April 1900, Professor L. A. Grosclaude of Geneva proposed the Invariable Calendar, New Era Calendar, or Normal Calendar with 12 months and four 91-day quarters of exactly 13 weeks.
Information on the Invariable Calendar on Wikipedia.
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none December 18, 2011
Iranian calendar
Solar Hijri calendar
Cal. Iran months First day of each of the twelve months of the Iranian calendar (Solar Hijri calendar).
The Iranian calendar is one of the four calendars that are automatically calculated in PTBSync.
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none April 5, 2009
Islam calendar Cal. Islam months First day of each of the twelve months of the Islam calendar.
The Islam calendar is one of the four calendars that are automatically calculated in PTBSync.
Since the days in the Islam calendar are based on the new moon (moon observation), they can be one day earlier or one day later due to your location on earth.

June 30, 2013, fixed the missing 12 days at the end of the Gregorian year (due to the shorter Islam year).
Islam Religious Days on the Holy Days page.
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none June 30, 2013
ISO-week calendar Cal. ISO-week First day of each week of the ISO-week calendar.
The ISO week date system is a leap week calendar system that is part of the ISO 8601 date and time standard. The system is used (mainly) in government and business for fiscal years, as well as in timekeeping.
Information on the ISO-week calendar on Wikipedia.
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none June 21, 2009
Jamahiriya solar calendar Cal. Jamahiriya solar First day of each of the twelve months of the Jamahiriya solar calendar. days
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none April 5, 2009
Javanese calendar (Pranata Mangsa) Cal. Javanese First day of each of the twelve months of the Javanese calendar (Pranata Mangsa).
The Javanese calendar is a calendar used by the Javanese people.
Information on the Javanese calendar (Pranata Mangsa) on Wikipedia.
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none April 5, 2009
Jewish calendar Cal. Jewish months First day of each of the twelve/thirteen months of the Jewish calendar.
The Jewish calendar is one of the four calendars that are automatically calculated in PTBSync.
Judaic Religious Days on the Holy Days page.
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none May 18, 2024
Juche Calendar Cal. Juche The Democratic People's Republic of Korea calendar, DPRK calendar, or Juche calendar, named after the Juche ideology, is the system of year-numbering used in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
The calendar began to be implemented on 9 September 1997.
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none August 26, 2018
Julian calendar Cal. Julian months First day of each of the twelve months of the Julian calendar.
Valid from March 1, 1800 (NS) to February 28, 2100 (NS).
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none February 6, 2014
Kluznickian calendar Cal. Kluznickian First day of each of the 13 months of the Kluznickian calendar.
The Kluznickian calendar has 13 months of 28 days, all months starting on a Monday, with New Year's day (winter solstice) & Leap day as no weekday.
Information about the Kluznickian Calendar.
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none February 16, 2014
Kurdish calendar Cal. Kurdish First day of each of the twelve months of the Kurdish calendar.
The Kurdish calendar used among the Farsi was originally a lunisolar calendar related to the Babylonian calendar but is now a solar calendar related to the Iranian calendar.
Information about the Kurdish calendar on Wikipedia.
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none October 11, 2009
Macedonian-Syrian solar calendar Cal. Macedonian-Syrian solar First day of each of the twelve months of the Macedonian-Syrian solar calendar.
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none April 5, 2009
Malayalam calendar Cal. Malayalam First day of each of the twelve months of the Malayalam calendar.
Malayalam calendar (also known as Malayalam Era or Kollavarsham) is a solar Sidereal calendar used in the state of Kerala in South India.
Information on the Malayalam calendar on Wikipedia.
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Mangsa Calendar Cal. Mangsa First day of each of the twelve months of the Mangsa Calendar.
This solar calendar was introduced on June 22, 1855, by Pakubuwono VII (1796-1858), the Susuhunan of Solo in Java.
see also the Javanese calendar
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none August 26, 2018
Masonic calendars Cal. Masonic First day of year in different Masonic calendar (always January 1) with the corresponding Era.
Anno Lucius, Anno Ordinis, Anno Mundi, Anno Depositionis, Anno Inventionis, Anno Benefacio, Anno Renascent.
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none September 2, 2012
Medieval Calendar - Dismal Days Cal. Medieval-Dismal Dismal or Bad Days, also called: evil or unlucky days, Egyptian days or dies Aegyptiaci.
The word 'dismal' comes from two Latin words, 'dies mala', which means 'unlucky day'.
Information on the Dismal Days (Medieval Calendar).
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none September 30, 2007
Minguo Calendar Cal. Minguo The Republic of China calendar is the method of numbering years currently used in Taiwan by officials.
This calendar was introduced on 1 January 1912 by Sun Yat-sen, provisional president of the Republic of China.
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none August 26, 2018
Modern calendar Cal. Modern First day of each of the ten months of the Modern calendar.
The Modern Calendar has nine 40-days months, with 8-day weeks, and a tenth 5/6 days month.
Information on the Modern calendar.
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none April 5, 2009
Nanakshahi calendar see Sikh Nanakshahi calendar
New Age calendar Cal. New Age First day of each of the twelve months of the New Age calendar.
The Foundation New Age Calendar is a solar calendar for which a given day of the year occurs on the same day of the week, month, and month day, every year.
Information on the New Age calendar.
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none April 5, 2009
New Millennium calendar Cal. New Millennium First day of each of the twelve months of the New Millennium calendar.
The New Millennium Calendar year has 365 days & 12 months, but each month is of 30 days even (35 in April).
All months beginning on a Sunday and have six-day weeks.
Information on the New Millennium calendar.
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none April 5, 2009
Norwegian Primestaff calendar   ancient Norwegian calendar stick in the Norwegian language.
See page Other Languages
Pataphysical calendar Cal. Pataphysical First day of each of the thirteen months of the Pataphysical calendar.
The Pataphysical calendar is made by Alfred Jarry, writer, inventer of Pataphysics.
Information IN FRENCH on the Pataphysical calendar on Wikipedia.
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none April 5, 2009
Playing Card calendar Cal. Playing Card First day of each of the fifty-two/fifty-three weeks of the Playing Card calendar.
Information on the Playing Card calendar.
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NE1 February 1, 2008
Positivist calendar Cal. Positivist First day of each of the thirteen months of the Positivist calendar.
The positivist calendar was a lunisolar calendar proposed by Auguste Comte in 1849.
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none April 5, 2009
Poundian calendar Cal. Poundian First day of each of the twelve months of the Poundian calendar.
The Poundian Calendar is based upon the western calendar, but starting at the finish date of the novel Ulysses, by James Joyce, which by sacriligious inference marks the end of Christian era. This date in western calendar was Tuesday 1st November 1921. Esra Pound designed this system and it is now known as the Poundian Calendar.
Information on the Poundian calendar.
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Pranata Mangsa calendar see Javanese calendar (Pranata Mangsa)
Primavera calendar Cal. Primavera First day of each of the twelve months of the Primavera calendar.
Each month has five six-day weeks.
Information on the Primavera calendar.
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Riparian calendar Cal. Riparian First day of each of the thirteen months of the Riparian calendar.
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Roman calendar Cal. Roman-detailed All days of the Roman calendar (in latin).
Including AUC-year (Ab Urbe Condita or Since the Founding of Rome).
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Runic Half Months Calendar Cal. Runic Half Months First day of each of the half months of the Runic Half Months Calendar.
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none October 9, 2011
Saka calendar see Indian Civil calendar
(Ancient) Salamisian Calendar Cal. Salamisian (ancient) First day of each of the twelve months and the five epagomenal days of the (Ancient) Salamisian Calendar.
This lunisolar calendar was used in Salamis beginning in the third century
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none August 26, 2018
Sexagesimal calendar Cal. Sexagesimal First day of each of the six months of the Sexagesimal calendar.
Each month has ten six-day weeks.
Information on the Sexagesimal calendar.
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none April 5, 2009
Shire calendar Cal. Shire First day of each of the twelve months of the Shire calendar.
The Shire Calendar was a calendar used in J.R.R. Tolkien's fictional Middle-earth by the Hobbits of Shire.
Information on the Shire calendar.
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none April 5, 2009
Sikh Nanakshahi calendar Cal. Sikh Nanakshahi First day of each of the twelve months of the Sikh Nanakshahi calendar.
Until the 13th of March, 1998, the Sikhs used a Hindu lunar calendar to determine their feast days. They now use their own Nanakshahi calendar which started on 14 March 1999 Gregorian (1 Chet 531 Nanakshahi) and aligns with the Gregorian calendar.
Information on the Sikh Nanakshahi calendar.
Sikh Nanakshahi Holy Days on the Holy Days page.
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Slavic Pagan Calendar Cal. Slavic Pagan First day of each of the twelve months of the Slavic Pagan Calendar.
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Cal. Slavic Pagan-days Slavic Pagan festive days.
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Sol calendar Cal. Sol First day of each of the thirteen months of the Sol calendar.
The 13-month Sol Calendar is a proposal for calendar reform by Jim Eikner of Austin, Texas.
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none April 5, 2009
Somali calendar Cal. Somali First day of each of the twelve months of the Somali calendar.
The Somali solar calendar is known as Amin-tiris or Taqwiim.
The Somali calendar (Somali: Soomaali tiro ammin) is based on both the solar and lunar calendric systems, and estimated to date back 2,500 years. The calendar was used by farmers and herders to determine the weather and seasons, it helped them in their needs.
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none August 31, 2014
Solar calendar Cal. Solar First day of each of the thirteen months of the Solar calendar.
The calendar is formed by thirteen months that represent aforesaid the thirteen constellations that during a year the Sun crosses.
Information on the Solar calendar.
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none January 31, 2006
Soviet Revolutionary calendar Cal. Soviet revolutionary First day of each of the twelve months of the Soviet Revolutionary calendar.
The Soviet revolutionary calendar was in use in the USSR from Oktober 1, 1929 to December 1, 1931.
All months with five-day weeks.
Information on the Soviet Revolutionary calendar on Wikipedia.
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none April 5, 2009
Tamil Calendar Cal. Tamil First day of each of the twelve months of the Tamil calendar.
The Tamil calendar is a sidereal Hindu calendar used in Tamil Nadu, India.
Information about the Tamil calendar on Wikipedia.
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none January 21, 2018
Temple Ankh Ritual Calendar Cal. Temple Ankh Worshiping the ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses through Rituals, Prayers and Spells dedicated and directed to the Old ones who still hold the power of the universe.
Information about the Temple Ankh Ritual Calendar.
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none December 14, 2009
Thai solar calendar (Suriyakati) Cal. Thai solar First day of each of the twelve months of the Thai solar calendar.
The Thai solar calendar, Suriyakati, has been the official and prevalent calendar in Thailand since 1888.
Information on the Thai solar calendar on Wikipedia.
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Thelemic calendar Cal. Thelemic New Year day of the Thelemic calendar.
Thelemic Holy Days on the Holy Days page.
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none September 25, 2011
Traditional East Asian calendar Cal. trad. East Asian-East Asia time First day of each of the twenty-four solar terms of the Traditional East Asian calendar (East Asia time).
The traditional East Asian calendars divide a year into 24 solar terms.
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Cal. trad. East Asian-Western time First day of each of the twenty-four solar terms of the Traditional East Asian calendar (Western time).
The traditional East Asian calendars divide a year into 24 solar terms.
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none April 10, 2011
Turkmen calendar Cal. Turkmen First day of each of the twelve months of the Turkmen calendar.
On August 10, 2002, the government of Turkmenistan adopted a law to rename all the months and most of the days of week. The old names were finally restored in July 2008.
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none August 31, 2014
Tranquility calendar Cal. Tranquility First day of each of the thirteen months of the Tranquility calendar.
The Tranquility Calendar is a calendar that has its roots in science. Its center date in history is called Moon Landing Day.
Information on the Tranquility calendar.
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none September 8, 2013
Vietnamese calendar Cal. Vietnamese First day of 10 months of the Vietnamese calendar.
Since the days in the Vietnamese calendar are based on the new moon, they can be one day earlier or one day later due to your location on earth.
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none August 31, 2014
Worldsday calendar Cal. Worldsday First day of each of the twelve months of the Worldsday calendar.
The World calendar often called the Worldsday Calendar is a proposed calendar.
Information on the Worldsday calendar.
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none April 5, 2009
World Season calendar Cal. World Season First day of each of the four seasons of the World Season calendar.
The World Season Calendar is a proposal for calendar reform by author Isaac Asimov. In this calendar, the year is divided into four seasons of 13 weeks each.
Information on the World Season calendar on Wikipedia.
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none February 20, 2007
Xhosa calendar Cal. Xhosa First day of each of the twelve months of the Xhosa calendar.
Traditionally, the year began in June and ended in May, when Canopus, a large star visible in the Southern Hemisphere, signaled the time for harvesting.
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none August 31, 2014
YHVH's Solar calendar Cal. YHVH's Solar First day of each of the twelve months of the YHVH's Solar calendar.
Based on the position of the Sun in a certain constellation & the day represents in number of corelative days that is in this constellation.
YHVH Holy Days on the Holy Days page.
Holiday_days.gif (1K)
none April 5, 2009
Zoroastrian-Fasli calendar Cal. Zoroastrian-Fasli First day of each of the twelve months of the Zoroastrian-Fasli calendar.
The Zoroastrian calendar is a religious calendar used by members of the Zoroastrian faith, and it is an approximation of the (tropical) solar calendar.
Information on the Zoroastrian-Fasli calendar on Wikipedia.
Zoroastrian-Fasli Holy Days on the Holy Days page.
Holiday_days.gif (1K)
none March 2, 2014
Other calendars
only New Year Day(s)
Cal. Other Calendars New Year day(s) of different calendars.
African, Armenian, Atomic, Aymara, Babylonian, Byzantine, Cambodian/Khmer, Celtic, Chinese solar, Era of Abraham, Era of the Olympiads, Era of Alexander, Era of Seleucus, Era of Tyre, Era of Spain/Cćsars, Era of Augustus, Holocene Era, Japanese, Jomon Era, Korean Solar & Lunar, Lao, Myanmar, Naga, Neolithic, North Korean, Parsi, Runic, Tibet, Traditional Thai, Vietnamese.
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You can import one or a few data-lines from a file into the 'organizer', without making the entire file active, by a click with your cursor on that line in the 'special days' window of PTBSync.
Holiday_days.gif (1K)
none March 21, 2021


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BUT this is basic information, it can be in different languages, and there is no special layout.

An example for the calendars: Word document about Era's

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