Desktop Organizer (PTBSync)
Atomic clock synchronization, Organizer, Desktop calendar and Trayclock

On this page you can download additional country information for the program PTBSync.
(All files and information can be consulted without using the PTBSync program)

If you want to use a file, place the corresponding text-file and the corresponding image in the 'holidays' directory on your PC.
[Usually C:\Program Files\PTBSync\Holidays]

Files in other languages as English or Dutch
of the file
Filename Info Image
(point right and 'save picture as')
necessary Moving Operation(s)
last modification on
Danish (Dansk) Tycho Brahes-dage Tycho Brahe var også astrolog. Det hævdes ofte, at han beregnede sig frem til 32 dage, som ville være yderst uheldige at foretage sig noget på. Deraf begrebet en Tycho Brahes-dag – en dag, hvor alting går én imod.
Tycho Brahe was also an astrologer. It is often claimed that he calculated his way to 32 days which would be extremely unlucky to take action on. Hence the concept of Tycho Brahe's Day - a day when everything goes one against.
Information about the Tycho Brahes-dage.
Holiday_Attention.gif (1K)
none April 6, 2014
French (Français) Journées Européennes 18 March 2018 - new name >European Days-french and moved to files-page (all five languages together)
Journées Européennes
European Days in the French language.
Holiday_EU (1K)
B07 February 18, 2018
Journées Internationales 18 March 2018 - new name >International Days-french and moved to files-page (all five languages together)
Journées Internationales
International days in the French language.
Holiday_aan-globe.gif (1K)
B07 F07 MVD FAW WEV February 18, 2018
German (Deutsch) Europäische Tage 18 March 2018 - new name >European Days-german and moved to files-page (all five languages together)
Europäische Tage
European Days in the German language.
Holiday_EU (1K)
B07 February 18, 2018
Internationale Tage 18 March 2018 - new name >International Days-german and moved to files-page (all five languages together)
Internationale Tage
International days in the German language.
Holiday_aan-globe.gif (1K)
B07 F07 MVD FAW WEV February 18, 2018
Germany-days Gedenk- und Aktionstagen in Deutschland
Gedenk- und Aktionstagen in Deutschland in the German language.
Holiday_Holiday_Germany.gif (1K)
none January 24, 2016
Germany-Lostage Lostage (auch: Lurtage) sind feststehende Tage im Kalender, die nach altem Volksglauben Vorhersagen über die Wetterverhältnisse der folgenden Wochen und Monate ermöglichen.
Holiday_days-b.gif (1K)
none September 23, 2012
Germany-Schwendtage Die verworfenen oder Schwendtage stammen aus der Römerzeit und gelten bis heute als äußerst ungünstig für alle Arten von Unternehmungen.
Holiday_days-o.gif (1K)
none September 23, 2012
Kolner Dom-glocke Cologne Cathedral (Kölner Dom)
Glockenläuten St. Petersglocke & Pretiosa.
Koelner Flagge
Holiday_Koelner_Flagge (1K)
NE7 NSU February 27, 2016
Greek Cal. Greg Year Greek Every day of the Gregorian calendar year in the Greek language
Holiday_days.gif (1K)
none May 31, 2009
Greece-days Days for Greece in the Greek language
Yearly or regular recurring days for Greece.
Additional to the file Greece.txt (mostly International and World Days).
Holiday_Greece.gif (1K)
none July 26, 2009
Tuesday 13 Greek Tuesday the 13th in the Greek language
The Greeks also consider Tuesday (and especially the 13th) an unlucky day.
Valid from March 1, 1900 to February 28, 2100.
Holiday_Attention.gif (1K)
none June 21, 2015
Icelandic (Íslenska) Cal. Icelandic Icelandic calendar in the Icelandic language
Also called Viking/Old Norse calendar.
Holiday_days.gif (1K)
none April 1, 2012
Iceland-days Days for the Iceland in the Icelandic language.
Yearly or regular recurring days for Iceland.
Additional to the file Iceland.txt.
Holiday_Iceland.gif (1K)
none September 23, 2012
Italian (Italiano) Venerdì 17 Il venerdì 17 è una superstizione tipicamente italiana, non riscontrabile altrove: nel mondo si ritrovano infatti altre date e altri numeri "negativi".
In Italian popular culture, Friday the 17th (and not the 13th) is considered a day of bad luck.
Valid from March 1, 1900 to February 28, 2100.
Holiday_Attention.gif (1K)
none November 17, 2013
Norwegian (Norsk) Cal. Norse-Primestaff Primstav er ein flat, stavforma kalender av tre der ymse merkedagar er markerte med innskorne symbol.
A primstav (translation: prime staff) is the ancient Norwegian calendar stick. These were engraved with images instead of runes. The images depicted the different nonmoving religious holidays.
Information about the Primstaff calendar.
Holiday_days-p.gif (1K)
none September 23, 2012
Tycho Brahedager Tycho Brahe var også astrolog. Det hevdes at han beregnet seg frem til 32 dager som det ville være ytterst uheldig å foreta seg noe på.
Tycho Brahe was also the astrologer. It is claimed that he intended his way to 32 days as it would be extremely unfortunate to take action on.
Information about the Tycho Brahedager.
Holiday_Attention.gif (1K)
none September 23, 2012
Portuguese (Português) Brasil-days Days for Brasil in the Portuguese language
Yearly or regular recurring days for Brasil.
Additional to the file Brasil.txt.
Holiday_Brasil.gif (1K)
none December 16, 2013
Spanish (Español) Días Europeos 18 March 2018 - new name >European Days-spanish and moved to files-page (all five languages together)
Días Europeos
European Days in the Spanish language.
Holiday_EU (1K)
B07 February 18, 2018
Días Internacionales 18 March 2018 - new name >International Days-spanish and moved to files-page (all five languages together)
Días Internacionales
International days in the Spanish language.
Holiday_aan-globe.gif (1K)
B07 F07 MVD FAW WEV February 18, 2018
Puerto Rico SP Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
Holidays and special days for Puerto Rico.
Also mentioned on the USA page.
Puerto Rico
Holiday_Puerto Rico.gif (1K)
MVD June 3, 2012
Martes 13 En las culturas de España, Grecia y algunos de los países de América Latina, como Argentina, Chile y Venezuela, se considera el martes 13 un día de mala suerte.
In Spanish-speaking countries, instead of Friday, Tuesday the 13th (martes trece) is considered a day of bad luck.
Valid from March 1, 1900 to February 28, 2100.
Holiday_Attention.gif (1K)
none November 17, 2013
Swedish (Svenska) Tycho Brahe-dagar Tycho Brahe-dagar, även kallade egyptiska dagar och förkastade dagar, är i de skandinaviska länderna ett antal bestämda datum under året som betraktades särskilt otursförföljda. De har fått sitt namn efter den danske astronomen Tycho Brahe.
Tycho Brahe days, also called Egyptian days and rejected days, in the Scandinavian countries, a number of specific dates during the year, which was considered particularly unlucky. They have been named after the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe.
Information about the Tycho Brahedager.
Holiday_Attention.gif (1K)
none April 6, 2014

Files made by users of the PTB-Sync program
Made available under the responsibility of the maker
of the file
Filename Info Image
(point right and 'save picture as')
necessary Moving Operation(s)
last modification on
Slovak Slovakia-Namedays Name Days for Slovakia - Meniny na Slovensku
Made by Tibor Kozma, dreamer8(a)
Holiday_Nameday (1K)
none September 11, 2009


For the files I make (1st table), you can contact me in English or Dutch on my e-mail: dewaelheyns(a) with suggestions, remarks, corrections, …

For the files made by users of the PTB-Sync program (2nd table), you can contact the maker of the file using the email mentioned with that file (and repeated inside the file on the bottom lines) with suggestions, remarks, corrections, …

I don't accept modifications for these files without the approval of the maker of the file.

Basic information

If you are curious about (some of) the information used to make the chapters, you can look in the mentioned Directory.
BUT this is basic information, it can be in different languages, and there is no special layout.

To the basic information

And for if you like to make your own solutions: Tips and Tricks

To the start page

To the English page