Desktop Organizer (PTBSync)
Atomic clock synchronization, Organizer, Desktop calendar and Trayclock

On this page you can download additional files for the program PTBSync.
(All files and information can be consulted without using the PTBSync program)

If you want to use a file, place the corresponding text-file and the corresponding image in the 'holidays' directory on your PC.
[Usually C:\Program Files\PTBSync\Holidays]

Name Filename Info Image
(point right and 'save picture as')
necessary Moving Operation(s)
last modification on
International days and European Days
on 18 March 2018 renamed to International Days-english & European Days-english and placed with the other languages on the files-page.
from now on only the files with the new names are updated.
International Days International Days International Days, not limited to UN-days.
Also available in Dutch, German, Spanish & French.
See also European Days
Holiday_aan-globe.gif (1K)
B07 F07 MVD FAW WEV February 18, 2018
European Days European Days European Days, limited to Europe, not limited to the European Union.
Also available in Dutch, German, Spanish & French.
See also International Days
Holiday_EU (1K)
B07 February 18, 2018
Direct to: Seasons - Zodiacal dates
Information other than Calendars, Holy Days, Countries (alphabetical)
Aphelion & Perihelion Earth-Sun (UT) aphelion-perihelion UT Point of farthest excursion (aphelion) & point of closest approach (perihelion) Earth-Sun in UT (Universal Time).
Valid for the years 2000 till 2050.
You can adapt this file to your own time zone, don't forget to change the date if the time in your time zone is before 0:00 or after 24:00 of the mentioned date.
Information on Wikipedia.
Holiday_Pijl-gr.gif (1K)
none January 5, 2014
Bonza Bottler Days Bonza Bottler Days Bonza Bottler Days
A Bonza Bottler Day is celebrated once a month when the number of the month coincides with the number of the day (January 1, February 2, March 3, etc.).
Holiday_aan-vuurwerk.GIF (1K)
none February 22, 2007
Celtic Animal Birth Signs Celtic Animal Birth Signs 1st day of the fourteen Celtic Animal Birth Signs
Information on Celtic Animal Birth Signs.
Information on Celtic Animal Birth Signs.
Holiday_Star-gr.gif (1K)
none May 11, 2008
Doomsdays Doomsday Doomsdays
The Doomsday rule or Doomsday algorithm is a way of calculating the day of the week of a given date.
Information on doomsdays on Wikipedia.
Information on doomsdays.
Holiday_days.gif (1K)
NE1 NE2 NE3 NE4 NE5 NE6 NE7 December 14, 2009
Egyptian Birth Signs Egyptian Birth Signs 1st day of the twelve Egyptian Birth Signs.
Information on Egyptian Birth Signs.
Holiday_Star-gr.gif (1K)
none May 11, 2008
Egyptian Days Egyptian Days Dies Aegyptiacae - days of bad fortune, derived from Alexandrian year lore, having been considered inauspicious for over 2300 years.
Holiday_Attention.gif (1K)
none December 15, 2008
Friday the 13th Friday the 13th Friday the 13th
13th of a month is ominous, particularly when it falls on a Friday in some English-speaking cultures, Russia and Germany.
See also Tuesday the 13th.
Valid from March 1, 1900 to February 28, 2100.
Holiday_Attention.gif (1K)
none June 17, 2012
Golf championship Golf championships The four major championships in men's golf.
Information on the mentioned Golf championships.
Holiday_Golfball.gif (1K)
none September 1, 2013
Harry Potter Harry Potter Days of birth or death of Harry Potter's characters.
Holiday_fic.gif (1K)
none May 18, 2014
Native American Birth Signs Native American Birth Signs 1st day of the twelve Native American Birth Signs.
Holiday_Star-gr.gif (1K)
none December 18, 2011
Party-Party Days Party-Party Days Occurs when the day of the month matches the corresponding number of the month.
(January 1, February 2, March 3, etc.)
Holiday_aan-vuurwerk.GIF (1K)
none May 27, 2018
Seasons Northern hemisphere Seasons N astron.UT Astronomical seasons (UT) Northern hemisphere
Start of the astronomical Spring, Summer, Autumn & Winter in UT (Universal Time).
Valid for the years 2000 till 2049.

You can adapt this file to your own time zone, don't forget to change the date if the time in your time zone is before 0:00 or after 24:00 of the mentioned date.
Holiday_Northernhemisphere (1K)
none June 3, 2012
Seasons-Middle N astron.UT Astronomical mid-seasons (UT) Northern hemisphere
Astronomical Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasad & Samhain in UT (Universal Time).
Valid for the years 2001 till 2030.

You can adapt this file to your own time zone, don't forget to change the date if the time in your time zone is before 0:00 or after 24:00 of the mentioned date.
Holiday_Northernhemisphere (1K)
none September 14, 2014
Seasons North Non-astronomical seasons Northern hemisphere
Meterological winter/spring/summer/autumn, alternative meterological winter, mid-winter/spring/summer/autumn.
Holiday_Northernhemisphere (1K)
none May 18, 2014
Seasons Southern hemisphere Seasons S astron.UT Astronomical seasons (UT) Southern hemisphere
Start of the astronomical Spring, Summer, Autumn & Winter in UT (Universal Time).
Valid for the years 2000 till 2049.

You can adapt this file to your own time zone, don't forget to change the date if the time in your time zone is before 0:00 or after 24:00 of the mentioned date.
Holiday_Southernhemisphere (1K)
none June 3, 2012
Seasons South Non-astronomical seasons Southern hemisphere
Meterological winter/spring/summer/autumn, alternative meterological winter, mid-winter/spring/summer/autumn.
Holiday_Southernhemisphere (1K)
none June 3, 2012
Sesame Street Sesame Street Birthdays of the Sesame Street's characters.
Holiday_fic.gif (1K)
none January 5, 2014
Solar eclipses Solar eclipses Solar eclipses for the years 2000 to 2050.
Holiday_Sun-e (1K)
none July 9, 2016
Southern Birth Signs Southern Birth Signs 1st day of the twelve Southern Birth Signs
Information on Southern Birth Signs.
Information on Southern Birth Signs.
Holiday_Star-gr.gif (1K)
none March 23, 2008
Tuesday the 13th Tuesday the 13th Tuesday the 13th
13th of a month is ominous, particularly when it falls on a Tuesday in the Greek and Spanish-speaking world.
See also Friday the 13th.
Valid from March 1, 1900 to February 28, 2100.
Holiday_Attention.gif (1K)
none December 23, 2007
Umbrella Days Umbrella Days Umbrella Days
Days of rain prognostication.
Holiday_umbrella.gif (1K)
none February 22, 2007
Unlucky Days Astronomers unlucky Days Astronomers Unlucky Days according to the opinion of the Astronomers.
very unlucky & unlucky days.
Holiday_days-p.gif (1K)
none March 31, 2013
Zodiacal dates Zodiacal dates-astronomical Start date of the thirteen signs of the astronomical Zodiac.
Valid for the years 2000 till 2049.
Information on Zodiacal dates on Wikipedia.
Holiday_Star-gr-A.gif (1K)
none June 3, 2012
Zodiacal dates-sidereal Start date of the twelve signs of the sidereal astrological Zodiac.
The "sidereal" dates (those that divide the zodiac starting with the alignment of the Sun with a distant star in Aries) are used outside the United States and western Europe.
Information on Zodiacal dates on Wikipedia.
Holiday_Star-gr-S.gif (1K)
none August 23, 2015
Zodiacal dates-tropical Start date of the twelve signs of the tropical astrological Zodiac.
The "tropical" zodiacal dates (those that divide the zodiac starting with the vernal equinox) are used primarily in the United States and western Europe.
Information on Zodiacal dates on Wikipedia.
Holiday_Star-gr-T.gif (1K)
none August 23, 2015


You can contact me in English or Dutch on my e-mail: dewaelheyns(a) with suggestions, remarks, corrections, …

Basic information

If you are curious about (some of) the information used to make the chapters, you can look in the mentioned Directory.
BUT this is basic information, it can be in different languages, and there is no special layout.

An example for the calendars: Word document about Era's

To the basic information

And for if you like to make your own solutions: Tips and Tricks

To the start page

To the English page