Desktop Organizer (PTBSync)
Atomic clock synchronization, Organizer, Desktop calendar and Trayclock

On this page you can download additional information about the United States of America for the program PTBSync.
(All files and information can be consulted without using the PTBSync program)

If you want to use a file, place the corresponding text-file and the corresponding image in the 'holidays' directory on your PC.
[Usually C:\Program Files\PTBSync\Holidays]

General and state-files for the United States of America
Direct to individual states - United States insular area (American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands)
Name Filename Info Image
(point right and 'save picture as')
necessary Moving Operation(s)
last modification on
USA-days USA-days Holidays and special days for the entire United States of America.
Including special days recognized by Presidential Proclamation, and other regular days.
Extended version of the standard USA.txt file.
Links on the bottom of the USA-textfile.

Only interested in one or a few of the mentioned days?
You can import one or a few days to your 'organiser', without making the whole chapter active, by pointing with your cursor on that day in the 'special days' window of the PTBSync-program.
Holiday_USA.gif (1K)
MVD UTD LUX WEV SRD September 19, 2021
USA-dates USA-dates Historical (remembrance) dates for the entire United States of America. USA
Holiday_USA.gif (1K)
none November 18, 2018
USA-Flag days USA-Flag days Designated USA Flag Flying Days, Designated POW/MIA Flag Flying Days, Proclaimed USA Flag Flying Days, Customary USA Flag Flying Days, for the entire United States of America.
Not in this file: Designated Flag Flying Days on the the birthdays of States (date of admission) and on State holidays.
Holiday_USA-aan.gif (1K)
LUX December 15, 2008
For all the different states:
Only the days that are not already mentioned in the USA-days-file, or those who are - in that state - different from those mentioned in the USA-days-file, or are specific for that state only.
District of Columbia (Washington D.C.) USA-District of Columbia Holidays, special days and historical dates for the District of Columbia (Washington D.C.).
Links on the bottom of the USA-District of Columbia-textfile.
Holiday_US-Washington_DC.gif (1K)
UED April 5, 2015
State of Alabama USA-Alabama Holidays, special days and historical dates for Alabama.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Alabama-textfile.
Holiday_US-Alabama.gif (1K)
none October 25, 2015
State of Alaska USA-Alaska Holidays, special days and historical dates for Alaska.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Alaska-textfile.
Holiday_US-Alaska.gif (1K)
MVD February 18, 2018
State of Arizona USA-Arizona Holidays, special days and historical dates for Arizona.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Arizona-textfile.
Holiday_US-Arizona.gif (1K)
none June 3, 2012
State of Arkansas USA-Arkansas Holidays, special days and historical dates for Arkansas.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Arkansas-textfile.
Holiday_US-Arkansas.gif (1K)
none August 11, 2013
State of California USA-California Holidays, special days and historical dates for California.
Links on the bottom of the USA-California-textfile.
Holiday_US-California.gif (1K)
none May 19, 2019
State of Colorado USA-Colorado Holidays, special days and historical dates for Colorado.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Colorado-textfile.
Holiday_US-Colorado.gif (1K)
none June 3, 2012
State of Connecticut USA-Connecticut Holidays, special days and historical dates for Connecticut.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Connecticut-textfile.
Holiday_US-Connecticut.gif (1K)
none April 1, 2012
State of Delaware USA-Delaware Holidays, special days and historical dates for Delaware.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Delaware-textfile.
Holiday_US-Delaware.gif (1K)
none April 1, 2012
State of Florida USA-Florida Holidays, special days and historical dates for Florida.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Florida-textfile.
Holiday_US-Florida.gif (1K)
LUX February 18, 2018
State of Georgia USA-Georgia Holidays, special days and historical dates for Georgia.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Georgia-textfile.
Holiday_US-Georgia.gif (1K)
none September 17, 2016
State of Hawai'i - Moku'aina o Hawai'i USA-Hawaii Holidays, special days and historical dates for Hawai'i.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Hawaii-textfile.
Holiday_US-Hawaii.gif (1K)
none February 18, 2018
State of Idaho USA-Idaho Holidays, special days and historical dates for Idaho.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Idaho-textfile.
Holiday_US-Idaho.gif (1K)
none April 4, 2010
State of Illinois USA-Illinois Holidays, special days and historical dates for Illinois.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Illinois-textfile.
Holiday_US-Illinois.gif (1K)
MVD March 21, 2022
State of Indiana USA-Indiana Holidays, special days and historical dates for Indiana.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Indiana-textfile.
Holiday_US-Indiana.gif (1K)
none July 26, 2015
State of Iowa USA-Iowa Holidays, special days and historical dates for Iowa.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Iowa-textfile.
Holiday_US-Iowa.gif (1K)
none July 26, 2015
State of Kansas USA-Kansas Holidays, special days and historical dates for Kansas.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Kansas-textfile.
Holiday_US-Kansas.gif (1K)
none July 26, 2015
Commonwealth of Kentucky USA-Kentucky Holidays, special days and historical dates for Kentucky.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Kentucky-textfile.
Holiday_US-Kentucky.gif (1K)
none April 19, 2014
State of Louisiana - État de Louisiane USA-Louisiana Holidays, special days and historical dates for Louisiana.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Louisiana-textfile.
Holiday_US-Louisiana.gif (1K)
none January 21, 2018
State of Maine USA-Maine Holidays, special days and historical dates for Maine.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Maine-textfile.
Holiday_US-Maine.gif (1K)
none October 25, 2015
State of Maryland USA-Maryland Holidays, special days and historical dates for Maryland.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Maryland-textfile.
Holiday_US-Maryland.gif (1K)
none March 21, 2022
Commonwealth of Massachusetts USA-Massachusetts Holidays, special days and historical dates for Massachusetts.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Massachusetts-textfile.
Holiday_US-Massachusetts.gif (1K)
LUX March 21, 2022
State of Michigan USA-Michigan Holidays, special days and historical dates for Michigan.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Michigan-textfile.
Holiday_US-Michigan.gif (1K)
none July 26, 2015
State of Minnesota USA-Minnesota Holidays, special days and historical dates for Minnesota.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Minnesota-textfile.
Holiday_US-Minnesota.gif (1K)
none October 26, 2014
State of Mississippi USA-Mississippi Holidays, special days and historical dates for Mississippi.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Mississippi-textfile.
Holiday_US-Mississippi.gif (1K)
none November 15, 2020
State of Missouri USA-Missouri Holidays, special days and historical dates for Missouri.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Missouri-textfile.
Holiday_US-Missouri.gif (1K)
none March 20, 2016
State of Montana USA-Montana Holidays, special days and historical dates for Montana.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Montana-textfile.
Holiday_US-Montana.gif (1K)
none April 4, 2010
State of Nebraska USA-Nebraska Holidays, special days and historical dates for Nebraska.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Nebraska-textfile.
Holiday_US-Nebraska.gif (1K)
none April 17, 2016
State of Nevada USA-Nevada Holidays, special days and historical dates for Nevada.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Nevada-textfile.
Holiday_US-Nevada.gif (1K)
November 19, 2017
State of New Hampshire USA-New Hampshire Holidays, special days and historical dates for New Hampshire.
Links on the bottom of the USA-New Hampshire-textfile.
Holiday_US-New_Hampshire.gif (1K)
none July 8, 2012
State of New Jersey USA-New Jersey Holidays, special days and historical dates for New Jersey.
Links on the bottom of the USA-New Jersey-textfile.
Holiday_US-New_Jersey.gif (1K)
none March 20, 2016
State of New Mexico USA-New Mexico Holidays, special days and historical dates for New Mexico.
Links on the bottom of the USA-New Mexico-textfile.
Holiday_US-New_Mexico.gif (1K)
none February 16, 2014
State of New York USA-New York Holidays, special days and historical dates for New York.
Links on the bottom of the USA-New York-textfile.
Holiday_US-New_York.gif (1K)
none March 21, 2022
State of North Carolina USA-North Carolina Holidays, special days and historical dates for North Carolina.
Links on the bottom of the USA-North Carolina-textfile.
Holiday_US-North_Carolina.gif (1K)
none August 18, 2019
State of North Dakota USA-North Dakota Holidays, special days and historical dates for North Dakota.
Links on the bottom of the USA-North Dakota-textfile.
Holiday_US-North_Dakota.gif (1K)
none April 4, 2010
State of Ohio USA-Ohio Holidays, special days and historical dates for Ohio.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Ohio-textfile.
Holiday_US-Ohio.gif (1K)
none March 20, 2016
State of Oklahoma USA-Oklahoma Holidays, special days and historical dates for Oklahoma.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Oklahoma-textfile.
Holiday_US-Oklahoma.gif (1K)
NE1 NE5 June 15, 2014
State of Oregon USA-Oregon Holidays, special days and historical dates for Oregon.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Oregon-textfile.
Holiday_US-Oregon.gif (1K)
none March 20, 2016
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania USA-Pennsylvania Holidays, special days and historical dates for Pennsylvania.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Pennsylvania-textfile.
Holiday_US-Pennsylvania.gif (1K)
LUX February 27, 2016
State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations USA-Rhode Island Holidays, special days and historical dates for Rhode Island.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Rhode Island-textfile.
Holiday_US-Rhode_Island.gif (1K)
none March 31, 2013
State of South Carolina USA-South Carolina Holidays, special days and historical dates for South Carolina.
Links on the bottom of the USA-South Carolina-textfile.
Holiday_US-South_Carolina.gif (1K)
none April 1, 2012
State of South Dakota USA-South Dakota Holidays, special days and historical dates for South Dakota.
Links on the bottom of the USA-South Dakota-textfile.
Holiday_US-South_Dakota.gif (1K)
none April 19, 2014
State of Tennessee USA-Tennessee Holidays, special days and historical dates for Tennessee.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Tennessee-textfile.
Holiday_US-Tennessee.gif (1K)
none July 14, 2013
State of Texas USA-Texas Holidays, special days and historical dates for Texas.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Texas-textfile.
Holiday_US-Texas.gif (1K)
none March 1, 2015
State of Utah USA-Utah Holidays, special days and historical dates for Utah.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Utah-textfile.
Holiday_US-Utah.gif (1K)
none April 4, 2010
State of Vermont USA-Vermont Holidays, special days and historical dates for Vermont.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Vermont-textfile.
Holiday_US-Vermont.gif (1K)
none June 3, 2012
Commonwealth of Virginia USA-Virginia Holidays, special days and historical dates for Virginia.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Virginia-textfile.
Holiday_US-Virginia.gif (1K)
none March 21, 2021
State of Washington USA-Washington Holidays, special days and historical dates for Washington.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Washington-textfile.
Holiday_US-Washington.gif (1K)
none April 26, 2015
State of West Virginia USA-West Virginia Holidays, special days and historical dates for West Virginia.
Links on the bottom of the USA-West Virginia-textfile.
Holiday_US-West_Virginia.gif (1K)
none March 16, 2014
State of Wisconsin USA-Wisconsin Holidays, special days and historical dates for Wisconsin.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Wisconsin-textfile.
Holiday_US-Wisconsin.gif (1K)
MVU July 1, 2012
State of Wyoming USA-Wyoming Holidays, special days and historical dates for Wyoming.
Links on the bottom of the USA-Wyoming-textfile.
Holiday_US-Wyoming.gif (1K)
none April 1, 2012
All states
Events in the United States of America USA-events Events in the United States of America
Traditional events and/or internationaly known events
Holiday_USA2.gif (1K)
NLD F01 F02 MVU LUX B07 March 16, 2014
Bizarre holidays in the United States of America Bizarre Holidays renamed to USA-days unofficial & split into USA-days unofficial, USA-weeks & USA-months
September 30, 2012
unofficial days in the United States of America USA-days unofficial unofficial days in the United States of America.
Additional to USA-days.
Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk Day, National Ding-A-Ling Day, ...
Before Sept. 29, 2012 part of USA-Bizarre-Holidays.
Holiday_USA2.gif (1K)
MVU MVD June 17, 2018
named weeks in the United States of America USA-weeks named weeks in the United States of America.
Additional to USA-days.
Healthy Weight Week, National Smile Week, ...
Before Sept. 29, 2012 part of USA-Bizarre-Holidays.
Holiday_USA2.gif (1K)
none March 20, 2016
named months in the United States of America USA-months named months in the United States of America.
Additional to USA-days.
National Blood Donor Month, National Safety Month, ...
Before Sept. 29, 2012 part of USA-Bizarre-Holidays.
Holiday_USA2.gif (1K)
none October 12, 2014

United States insular area

American Samoa American Samoa Holidays for American Samoa.
American Samoa
Holiday_American Samoa.gif (1K)
none August 20, 2017
Territory of Guam Guam Holidays, special days and historical dates for Guam.
Holiday_Guam.gif (1K)
MVD January 19, 2020
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Puerto Rico EN Days mentioned in English
Holidays, special days and historical dates for Puerto Rico.
Puerto Rico
Holiday_Puerto Rico.gif (1K)
MVD LUX May 20, 2018
Puerto Rico SP Days mentioned in Spanish
Holidays and special days for Puerto Rico.
Puerto Rico
Holiday_Puerto Rico.gif (1K)
MVD LUX May 20, 2018
US Virgin Islands US Virgin Islands Holidays, special days and historical dates for the US Virgin Islands.
Holiday_Virgin_Islands.gif (1K)
LUX May 24, 2014


You can contact me in English or Dutch on my e-mail: dewaelheyns(a) with suggestions, remarks, corrections, …

Basic information

If you are curious about (some of) the information used to make the chapters, you can look in the mentioned Directory.
BUT this is basic information, it can be in different languages, and there is no special layout.

An example for the calendars: Word document about Era's

To the basic information

And for if you like to make your own sollutions: Tips and Tricks

To the start page

To the English page